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Beginnings 1 of 14



FANDOM: Law and Order SVU

PAIRING: Alex Cabot / Olivia Benson

BEGINNING DATE: 02/00/2004


RATING: NC17 If same-sex relationships bother you, you might want to read something else. Otherwise, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

LEGAL STUFF: Copyrighted 2004 by Adrienne Lee. Non-original characters, if applicable, are used without permission under "Fair Use" doctrine. The author reserves all rights attached to all original aspects of this work. This is a work of fiction; any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. Cassandra Devereux and Jenny Cavanaugh are original, fully delineated characters Miranda created in 1998 – yes, we’re stealing from ourselves.

SPOILER: Post "Loss". There also might be other bits and pieces from various episodes.

SUMMARY FOR STORY: Olivia finds out about Cass; the origin of Alex as Bullwinkle

Brushing her fingers slowly back and forth the curtains, Olivia waited, with a dreamy smile on her face. She noticed a movement out of the corner of her eye, and looked up. Seeing Ling walking passed her window across the open space between their houses, she waved.

Ling smiled back, gave her neighbor’s powdered blue clad body a once over, shook her head, and moved on.

Olivia just shrugged and went back to watching the driveway, waiting for Alex’s return from her rare Saturday client meeting.

Finally, the brunette turned towards the bed, grabbed Olivier, and crawled under the covers. She combed out the mane of the stuffed lion she won for her lover at their first carnival. After she finished, she scratched it gently on the nose, and said, “Mommy will be home soon, boy. Then we’ll have her all to ourselves.” Poor Oliver had already suffered the same treatment and had wisely gone into hiding, possibly contemplating witness protection. Or at the very least, a vaccine for Moon Sickness.

Letting out a wistful breath, she put the toy on the floor, and floated on tippy-toes into the closet. She went through Alex’s underwear drawers, and picked out a soft-fluffy-cotton-candy-pink camisole and a matching bikinis. With her delicate prize in hand, she glided back to the bed, and laid the garments down, smoothing out all the wrinkles. Closing her eyes momentarily to imagine them filled with her lover’s gloriously radiantly exquisite body.

A capricious idea sparked her fancy. Gingerly, Olivia looped the camisole straps through her arm, extended a silent invitation and bowed deeply from the waist. Soon, she was humming Johann Strauss’ Vienna Woods, and waltzing around the room with her imaginary partner, dancing the delightful hours away. Never noticing her friend and neighbor’s look of complete nausea, and the shutters closing, keeping their worlds apart.

Suddenly, hearing the light crunching of tires on driveway, she put down the underwear. With arms held out waist high, she bounded to the window, and watched the silver carriage disappear around the corner.

“Mommy’s home!” She turned to Olivier and squealed. Then sighing dreamily, she skipped sur les pointes to the bathroom. With Sleeping Beauty on her lips, she added hot water and vanilla scented bubble bath gel to the tub. Then, sitting on the toilet lid, she waited patiently for her darling lover’s delicate steps.


“In here, Sweetheart.”

“Hi,” Alex wrinkled her brows lightly, “I missed you, too.” She smiled, when her lover enveloped her in a deep embrace.

“Let me.” Immediately, the brunette took the briefcase, put it gently on the vanity, and set out undressing her lover carefully, slowly, lovingly. Hanging up each item of clothing as they slid off the silken skin.

The blonde didn’t know what she had done to deserve such pampered treatment, but judging from the soft glances of pure devotion, it seemed to be making Olivia blissfully happy. So she decided to enjoy the moment.

Extending her arms, full of tenderness and concern, she helped Alex into the bath water, stripped off her own camisole and boy shorts, and climbed in behind her. Pulling her lover’s body against her own, she began a gentle massage starting from shoulders, smiling contentedly when she felt the tension flow out.

“Mmmm…” Alex sighed, and closed her eyes. “Where’s Alexis?”

“With Celine.”


“Edith will bring her back after school on Monday.”

“Maybe we should threaten to file kidnapping charges against my mother.”

“Hm.” Olivia chuckled softly. “Just think, we’ll have the weekend to ourselves.”

That sounds nice indeed, the blonde decided. “How’s your day so far?” She asked. It had been a while since the last time she left her lover in bed on a weekend morning to go to work. In fact, since her ADA days. Not surprisingly, she didn’t miss those occasions at all.

“Good.” The brunette replied with a deep smile. The joyousness remained as she continued, “I think I’m getting sympathy sickness.”

“Oh, Liv,” she reached back and caressed the light olive cheek. “I’m so sorry.”

“I’m not, Sweetheart. Not yet anyway.” Her tone full of elation, Olivia offered, “I also had breakfast with Ling.”

Baby hormones? That would explain her lover’s current disposition. Her own mood swings certainly had been unpredictable. Alex kept the speculation to herself, more interested in the details of the tête-à-tête. Lifting an eyebrow and smiling lightly, she asked, “Really, you did?”

“I’ll tell you all about it later.” The brunette promised, the timbre of her voice soft and hypnotic. “Just relax.”

Soon, the Tchaikovsky, the soft vibration from her lover’s chest, the expert fingers all worked their magic, and eased the blonde into a light doze.

Only when the water turned tepid did Olivia stop her ministrations. “Satellite to Alex…” She sang in a low voice.


“We should get out before you turn into a little golden raisin.”

“Hmm… I guess.” Lethargically, Alex scooted forward to let her lover up. Before she knew it, strong arms reached down, and scooped her out of the water. Soon, she was bundled up in a thick terry cloth robe, carried out of the bathroom, and laid gently onto their bed.

After patting the remaining moisture off of the pale beautiful form, with regret Olivia helped the blonde into the soft-pink garments. Her eyes lingering as the cotton smoothed over the sensual curves.

Quietly, the brunette put on her powder blue underwear, and lay down beside her lover. With a gentle hand, she caressed the blonde’s belly lightly, until she returned to restful slumber.

For the next two hours, Olivia watched over her heart. The dreamy smile still firmly plastered on her features…

Moaning softly, contentedly, Alex eased back into consciousness. Following the contour of strong loving arms, she turned over. Sliding in closer. Snuggling up. Then, without a word, she leaned forward, and pressed their lips together. Mouth opening to receive her kiss, soft tongue pushing against her own.

She brushed her fingers gently through the dark locks, cupping the back of her lover’s head, raising her chin slightly. Moving and lowering her lips to Olivia’s neck, she sucked and nibbled at her skin, licking and biting at her flesh. Leaving a trail of wetness as she swept her mouth her tongue down the tanned chest. Running her nails in shifting expanding figure eights along the side of toned thighs, firm buttocks…

Smiling lightly, as she tuned in to her lover’s body, and her need.

Her motions slow and deliberate, Alex peeled back the pale blue cotton, and took a dark brown nipple in her mouth, sucking and teasing it to a hard point. Her thumb brushed lightly over the other one, commanding its attention…

Focusing on the brunette’s sighs, her shivers. Reading her passion, her want.

Meeting her lover’s gaze, and holding on, she slid down, spiraling the tip of her tongue along. Causing a ripple of tremors through the flat olive plane that drove Alex crazy. Pushing aside the soft material, she breathed, eyes closed. Her senses converging on the heady scent of Olivia’s desire.

She dove in. Deep into the brunette’s wetness. Dancing over her clit, stroking up and down and along the slippery slit. Feeling her pump gently and carefully against her mouth, feeding herself to her lover. As Alex thrust deeper and deeper into her sex, opening her, fucking her. Firmly. Tenderly.

Touching every spot she could reach with her fingers, her tongue. Probing, seeking out the sweet salty taste. Taking in the dizzying contractions building, pulsing around her. Moving in and out gracefully, rhythmically. Working her pleasure.

Firm. Tight. Against the hard raging flesh on top and the soft hidden place inside. Lapping, driving in. Closer. Deeper. Drawing out her punctuated gasps. Her orgasm. Until, at last, Olivia bucked against her uncontrollably, wildly, and cried out…

Alex waited for the high-pitched moan to subside. For the fierce throbbing to cease. Then gently, carefully, she eased out. Savoring the sensations, the small whimper of loss, the sounds of her lover’s breathing.

She could feel her own body tingling with need with excitement as she glided upwards. As tender, aggressive fingers shoved aside her underwear, and spread her swollen nether lips. As a muscled thigh connected with her opened legs and pressed hard against her sex. Delicious and liquid and hot with arousal.

With a slight smile on her lips, she held onto the deep brown eyes. Falling into the tender depths. Feeling her lover’s strong hands on her hips guiding her, steadying her, as she slowly rode out her own release…


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