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Beginnings 2 of 14


Finally, easing back down to rest on Olivia’s body, she met her lover’s mouth in a lingering, passionate kiss. Soft lips, gentle tongues. Lightly teasing. Playful. Relaxed.

“Happy?” The brunette asked as Alex lay in her arms. She breathed in the light perfumed scent of their love-making, enjoying the ethereal after glow still clinging to her skin.

“Very. You?” Alex replied, cuddling further into the warm embrace. Couldn’t imagine any place she would rather be.

“Euphoric.” Olivia sighed happily. Therapy with Maggie C had given their relationship a new beginning. They had a smart, beautiful two year old, and another baby on the way. Szeto & O’Brien just had an extremely successful year. The prosecution rate went beyond anyone’s expectations. Life couldn’t get any better.

“So, did you and Ling have a good breakfast?” The blonde remembered, and asked. “I’m glad you two are spending more time together.” She had always wondered if her lover and her best friend would ever learn to like each other, and not only for her benefit. Maybe there was hope yet. Then her world would be absolutely perfect.

“We had a wonderful time,” Olivia said airily, her enthusiasm threatening to bubble over. “Ling was delightful. We started talking, and then time just flew by.”

“What did you two talk about?” Alex had never known more polar opposites. Now she was really curious.

“You. We always talk about you.” The brunette smiled, kissed her lover on the forehead. “We love talking about you. It’s our favorite subject and we never seem to get tired of it. Not that I ever would, but you know some people aren’t very interesting topics of conversation after the first few sentences, but that’s just not the case with you, Sweetheart. I guess we’re just lucky that way.” Olivia was babbling and totally unaware of the fact.

It’s got to be baby hormones. Please, let it be baby hormones. Alex prayed. “Oh?” She asked hesitantly, almost afraid of what she might start with that one simple question.

“Ling told me why you didn’t want to go to Soixante-Dix.” The newly opened restaurant that was the rave. Despite the extended reservation wait-time, Douglas had managed to get a table for the four of them for next week.

Great. Just great. Why couldn’t you just let things drop? Why do you always have to investigate and find out all the facts and truths about everything? Why can’t you just take my word for it? A tidal wave of crankiness swept over Alex without warning. Suddenly tense and suspicious, her temper barely under control, she demanded, “And just what did she tell you?”

“She said that’s where Mary Kaitlyn was jumped.” The brunette shrugged, her voice just as dreamy as before. “Except it was a dance club called Seven then. I guess I can sort of understand why you weren’t too wild about going back.”

“Good, I’m glad you can. But I did mean what I said yesterday, the three of you are welcomed to go without me. Take Edith, I’m sure she’ll love it.” Alex suggested, relaxing a little, but still feeling somewhat wary. Maybe Ling and Olivia becoming such good friends wasn’t the best idea after all.

“There was more. I mean, Ling told me other things.”

Blue eyes snapped open. Before the blonde could say anything, her lover continued.

“She said she got hurt too.” Olivia doled out her new-found knowledge a little at a time, the timbre of her voice gradually returning to normal. “That it took her weeks to fully recuperate. And you brought flowers to her every single night.”

Where the hell is this leading? Alex thought, but said nothing. She didn’t like the direction this dialogue was heading, not one single bit. While her nerves played hopscotch, she waited with bated breath for her lover’s next revelation. She didn’t have to wait long.

Quietly, the brunette offered, “Flowers somebody else gave you.”

“I’m going to kill her! Tell me why I consider her my best friend?” Alex was furious. In vain, she tried to get away, but Olivia held her close. Her large hands on her body, kneading, trying to release the tension. The familiar touch was far from comforting. The blonde felt trapped, weighted down. The strong fingers were fence-like, blocking her escape. “Or is that just the way the cookie crumbles?”

“What do you mean, Sweetheart?”

“First I lost my cat to you, then my Mom, Edith, and Martha. Even Lillian teaches you to cook, but she wouldn’t teach me.” Alex fumed, her emotions exaggerated. With a weeping grimace, she reproached, “One of these days I’ll wake up and find myself all alone in the world.”

“Sweetheart, if that day ever comes, you’ll still have me, I promise. For the record, Lillian only shows me how to make your favorite dishes. Everyone loves me only because of you.” Olivia heartened, without resentment or self-pity. She lifted her lover’s chin, and kissed her softly. “And Oliver. You know it’s charity, pure and simple. Someone in this household should half-ass listen to me.” And continued with the kisses until the full pink lips twitched into a smile.

“So what do you want to know, Liv?” They had been together long enough; Alex could tell Olivia already had the most pertinent information, that she was only asking for details or clarification, or both.

“Tell me about Cass Devereux.”


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