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Daddy's Desk




FANDOM: Law and Order SVU

PAIRING: Alex Cabot / Olivia Benson

DATE: May 25, 2004

FEEDBACK: Yes, please!!! Sometimes our muses give us blurbs (like this) that don’t fit into the larger stories per se. We’re contemplating writing them down anyway, what do you think?

ARCHIVE: Ok, just let us know where.

RATING: Perhaps R? Also, if same-sex relationships bother you, you might want to read something else. Otherwise, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

LEGAL STUFF: Copyrighted 2004 by Adrienne Lee. Non-original characters, if applicable, are used without permission under "Fair Use" doctrine. The author reserves all rights attached to all original aspects of this work. This is a work of fiction; any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

SUMMARY FOR STORY: Certain people’s fascination with their daddy’s desk…

SPOILER: Post "Loss". There also might be other bits and pieces from various episodes.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is set in our on-going Alternate Universe where Alex and Olivia are still together after Alex went into WPP, and Casey Novak and Serena Southerlyn are an item. It contains references to future events / story-lines, but the spoilage shouldn’t be too significant.


“No!” She let the single word hang between them. It wasn’t a dare this time.

The blonde was petulant now. “But you promised!”

“No, Alex, N.O., no!”

“Come on, Liv!” She said in that low, intimate, needful voice that the brunette found so hard to refuse.

“I said ‘yes’ to your father’s desk, Alex.”

“You don’t think we were going to drive up to Hyde Park just for that, do you?”

“We’ve gone through greater lengths for that. And what do you mean by ‘just’.” Her resolve was definitely slipping, and rapidly.

Nibbling on sensitive earlobe, Alex persuaded, “Serena and Casey do it all the time.”

“Well, Serena and Casey are certifiable.” Olivia fought to maintain her stance. “They also did it in front of the Washington Monument!”

“May I remind you,” she looped her arm through Olivia’s and leaned against her, making sure the brunette felt her growing excitement. “I let you have your way with me when we were in the Tuilerie Gardens. I could see the Obélisque from there…”

“That was different. We were in Paris.” She justified weakly, realizing her partner had nothing on under her shirt. “The city of lovers, romance and many, many naked statues…”

“Yes, and you also made me flash the entire Paris.” Alex reminded her, “Twice.”

“Not the entire Paris. We were in our room.” Olivia closed her eyes to the memory. “On the top floor. I doubt anyone saw us.”

“You’re forgetting the balcony… And we’ll be in a room this time.” The blonde reasoned, then added for good measure, “Come on, a promise is a promise. You wouldn’t want me to start doubting your other promises now, do you?”

“You know you don’t play fair!”

“I promise it’ll be fun.”

“And how are you going to get in?”

“You have my old badge, don’t you?”

“Impersonating an officer of the court? I’ll have to arrest you.”

Her tone suddenly dreamy, Alex whispered, “And hand cuff me… and frisk me…”

“Let’s play hooker and dirty cop instead…” Olivia offered, and caressed her partner’s palm with her thumb.

“Hmm…” Alex moaned approvingly, almost ready to yield. “Wait! I’m still an officer of the court, just not an ADA.”


“Anyway, I could get in legally during regular hours…”

“Do you have an answer for everything?”


“Fine. If we get caught, you’re explaining this one.”

“We won’t, trust me.” Alex grinned triumphantly, and ushered them away from the parking lot and towards their destination.

“Knock! Knock! Knock!” The sound echoed through the other side of the door.

Alex grabbed the handle and pushed, “The coast is clear.”

“I still think this is a bad idea,” Olivia followed nervously behind.

“Don’t be such a worry wart. Now strip.”


“You heard me, strip.”

“I thought you were just going to get under my clothes.”

“No, I want you naked.”

Seconds later, the brunette was draped across the wooden surface. “I feel like the sacrificial lamb.”

“It will be a pleasurable sacrifice.” Alex assured, and eased between the dangling legs. Soon, Olivia was squirming, her body flushed with arousal while full lips painted a sheen of desire on her skin…

“Oh god,” the brunette moaned, silently admitting to herself that the idea of having sex on daddy’s desk sounded hot the first time she heard it. Very, very hot. “Please, Alex?”

“Soon, Liv, soon.” She breathed, teasing her partner insistently, lovingly.

The door opened and quietly shut closed. “A-hem!”

Alex jerked away from Olivia and spun around, “Arthur!”

“There had better be something between her and my desk.”

“Uh, do air molecules count?” The former ADA replied sheepishly.

“You know? What is it with you people and my desk?” Shaking his head indulgently, the DA commented. “You just had to do it on daddy’s desk or something?”

Alex blurted out in shock, “You know?”

“Of course I do. Why do you think I keep a can of Lysol on my shelf?”

“Uh, people, do you mind?” With her eyes squeezed shut, Olivia complained, her hands covering the strategic areas of her body.

“Oh, right. Excuse me Det. Benson.” Arthur apologized in his smooth Southern gentleman tone. His voice became firm again when he addressed his former protégé, “I’m coming back in 15 minutes. You’d better be gone by then.”

After the door closed, Olivia asked hoarsely, “What are you doing?”

“What do you think?” She mumbled against hot flesh.


The blonde raised up, replacing her mouth with her fingers, “How many times do you think I can make you come in 10 minutes? Assuming you’ll need all 5 minutes to get dressed?”

“Alex…” she half sobbed, half whined.

“Shhh… Just come for me…”


“Liv? Liv? Wake up!”

Olivia felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, shaking. “Huh?” She looked around her. “Thank god, it was just a dream.”

“You sounded like you were having a nightmare. What were you dreaming?”

“We got caught having sex on Branch’s desk.” The brunette confessed, her body still buzzed, and gravitating towards her partner. “And I was starkers.”

“Just you?” Picking up the mood, the blonde brushed her hand down Olivia’s front.

“Yes, just me. What do you mean by that?” She eyed the smirk suspiciously.

“I wonder what Freud would say…” Alex chewed on her lower lip. Then a wicked glint appeared in her bright blue orbs, “It sounds interesting though…”

“No, we’re not going to have sex on the DA’s desk.”

“Why not, Liv?” Her voice husky, seducing, “It’ll be hot… so hot…”

A deep familiar voice boomed. “A-hem!”

“Don!” Alex yelped. She quickly sat up, pushing her partner off in the process, and scrambled to straighten her jacket.

Picking herself up off the floor, Olivia automatically saluted, “Captain!” She looked down and noted with relief that, while disheveled, she and Alex were both fully clothed,

“At ease, Olivia.” Cragen ordered humorlessly. “What the hell are you people doing on my desk?”

Blushing beet red, Alex replied, totally enchanted by the hardware on her shoes. “Napping?”

“We didn’t think you’re coming back…” Olivia added, as if that was a perfect excuse.

“Shoo! Get out of my office! Go home!”

“Sorry, Don.” The former ADA grabbed her partner’s hand and fled. “I can’t believe we blissed out.” She whispered after the door to the captain’s office closed.

The detective just groaned, wondering just how she was going to face her supervisor on Monday.

“People, people…” Don Cragen took a can of Lysol from his drawer and proceeded to wipe down the wooden surface. “What’s with everyone’s damn proclivity towards my desk?”


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