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I Will Live Without You




FANDOM: Law and Order SVU

PAIRING: Alex Cabot / Olivia Benson

BEGINNING DATE: 03/00/2004


RATING: PG If same-sex relationships bother you, you might want to read something else. Otherwise, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

LEGAL STUFF: Copyrighted 2004 by Adrienne Lee. Non-original characters, if applicable, are used without permission under "Fair Use" doctrine. The author reserves all rights attached to all original aspects of this work. This is a work of fiction; any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

SPOILER: Post "Loss". There also might be other bits and pieces from various episodes.

SUMMARY FOR STORY: After “Between Yesterday and Tomorrow”

FEEDBACK: Yes, please, please, please feed me!!

“I’m bored.”

“You said that already, Sweetheart.”

Like a spoiled little girl, she bewailed, “But I’m bored.” Her blue eyes pleaded, Entertain me.

Olivia looked up at the ceiling and sighed. Why me? “What can I do to help?”

“I don’t know.” With her arms crossed and shifting restlessly, Alex added a new complaint, “I hate rain.”

“I thought you loved playing in it.”

“I did. Then I stopped.” She picked up the discarded string again, looped it around her fingers, and extended her arms towards the brunette. “I hate it now, and I’m so bored.” A loud sigh trailed off into a soft whimper.

“Why do you hate rain?” Olivia asked, while pinching and scooping the X shaped parts until she had the cat’s cradle in her hands.

Pulling her hands apart, and pushing her fingers through the middle, Alex made the tram-lines. “It seemed like bad things always happen to us when it rains.” Before her lover could finished forming the manger, she slipped her fingers out, and collapsed backwards.

Oompf. Tossing the string aside, and hugging the trim body close, the brunette reminded, “We had fun in the rain in Salisbury.”

“True, but every other time…”

“Think of it as cleansing and renewal. I do.”

“When did you become so positive?”

“New perspective?” She grinned, brushing the soft tresses aside, and nuzzling the blonde’s neck. “I AM sitting here with you in my arms.”

“True.” Alex smiled despite herself. Then, reaching back, she ruffled her lover’s bangs, and asked, listless, “Would you do something for me?”

“Maybe.” Olivia hedged, recognizing the tone. “What would like me to do?”

“Build us an ark so we could get out of here?”

“Maggie C will just hunt us down.”

“We could go into hiding. I know, we could go back to Paris.” Alex suggested excitedly. “We could be bohemians and live on the Left Bank!”

Olivia closed her eyes briefly, then shook her head. “Two more days, and we can go home.”

“I get to do you first.” Tap. You’re it.

“Hey, that’s not fair!” She never saw that coming, and didn’t cover her nose in time. “How come you get to first?”

“Cause I do.” Ignoring the whiny voice, Alex continued as-a-matter-of-fact, “I get to decide what we do, and you have to grant my every wish. Says so in your handbook, don’t you remember?”

“I should never have let you conned me into writing that.”

“Oh, well, too late.” Playfully, she kissed Olivia’s cheek with a loud smack. “Besides I didn’t con you. You did it willingly.”

“I thought it was a joke.” It seemed so harmless at the time. Really did. She should have known Alex would hold her to the ridiculous rules. All one hundred of them.

“You thought wrong.” The blonde smiled. Then stopped. Tugging at her lover’s ring finger, she said in a small voice, “I suppose we could forget it, if you really want.”

There we go again. You’re just totally hopeless, Benson. “Right, you’ll just go find another Besotted Knight.”

“Maybe even one with a steed.”

“Keep dreaming Princess.” She kissed her lover on the nose, and held her tight. “You’re stuck with me.” Yep.

“Shucks.” Alex said, and snuggled closer, resting her head against Olivia’s chest.

“Living together, going together, just being together,” in a gentle voice, the brunette sang, “That’s how it starts, two loving hearts…” Maybe it would provide an at least temporary distraction.

“What are you singing?”

So much for that idea. You gave it a shot, Benson. “Lost Horizon, I think.”

“Why do you love musicals?”

“Why do you love operas?”

“Do you want to go back to Mondestin sometime?” Alex skipped her fingers up her lover’s leg, then turned to meet the dark brown eyes. “Maybe next year?”

“Sure. I think it’ll be fun. We could take Alexis with us and let your ancestors see her.”

“You’re goofy.”

“But you love me anyway.”

“I might love you more because.” She leaned back, and scratched the underside of the brunette’s chin. “Prrrrrrrrrrrr?”

Olivia shook her head, and smiled. Then sensed the sudden introspection. “Whatcha thinking?”

“My great grandparents…” Alex responded, picking up her lover’s arms by her sleeves, and bounced. “I wonder what it’d be like if we did know each other when we were young. If we grew up together like they did.”

She kept her wrists relaxed, and let them flop up and down. Whatever it took to keep her Princess entertained. “I think our lives would have been very different.”

“Different good? Or different bad?” Dropping the hands onto her stomach, and covering them with her own, the blonde speculated. “You think Maggie C was right?”

“What? That we’d still be in detention together?” She grinned, and tickled her lover’s navel. Just a little. “Probably.”

“We’d be spoiled rotten. Like Paris and Nicole.”

“I’m nothing like Paris Hilton!”

Patting her lover on the cheek, “My, aren’t we just a little defensive?”

“I don’t know how they did it.” Olivia turned her head, and kissed Alex’s palm. “Your great grandparents, I mean. Spending so much time apart.”

“I don’t know either. I think I’d die of love-sickness.” Which was what they did, I suppose.

“The world was so different then. They didn’t really have a choice.”

“I guess there were more important things at stake…”

“Yeah, like world peace.”

“Do you think we would have fallen in love with each other?” Alex slid down and laid her head on her lover’s midriff. Smiling up to the deep, slightly fuzzy dark eyes, she wondered aloud, “And stayed together?”

“Absolutely.” Recovering her control, Olivia nodded. Yep. “No doubt about it.”

“You’re just saying that.”

“I’m pretty sure you would have gotten laid a lot sooner.” And the things I wish I could do to you now. The control she regained was apparently tenuous.

“That,” she shifted, and rolled her shoulders, “I have no doubt.”

“Hmhmm.” Hail Mary, full of grace… “I don’t know if I would have done what they did.” The brunette pondered, “Your poor great grandmother, all alone in Mondestin, wondering if or when her husband would come home.” I think I’d go crazy. Or wilt.

“You would screw greater good?”

“I certainly wouldn’t leave you behind like that.”

“Again, Liv, times were different then.”

“True.” Quietly, she agreed. Then ran her finger along her lover’s lips. “Would you have waited for me?”

“Yes. I’d be counting my minutes, but I’d wait for you.” Taking Olivia’s hand, she kissed the tip and pressed it against her lover’s lips, Alex asked. “Would you?”

A pause. “I’d wait forever, I’d live without you…” The brunette decided. “If I know for sure you’d be coming back.”

“I will always come back. You can be sure of that.”

With a light voice, Olivia asked, “Are you planning on going somewhere?”

“If we could run away, what would you do?”

“Be a self-absorbed poet?” And spend my days writing sloppy poetry about you. “When we’re not making whoopie. You?”

Alex replied. Quite simply. “Your muse.”

“That’s it?”

“Yep. We’d be two happy carefree bunnies.”

“I’d be a happy bunny, you’d be bored to death.”

“In a way, I’m glad we didn’t grow up together.”

Ouch. That hurt. “Oh?”

“All the people you helped…”

“Ah.” Suppose you’re right about that. “And all the people you helped.”

Another sigh. That ended in a little whiny noise. “Two more days.”

Two more wonderful days, where it’s just the two of us. Beautiful, marvelous, glorious days. “Yep.”

“I’m bored.”

“I know.” Smiling indulgently, Olivia offered, “Do you want to play another game? Or I could go borrow the ukulele again.”

“You want to hear a story?”

“Sure.” I’m all ears. The brunette smiled at the hands lugging on her earlobes. And if she doesn’t stop pulling on them, it might come true. Okay, maybe delirium is settling in.

“Once upon a time, there were only apples in the Garden of Eden.” Alex began slowly. “One day, God decided he or she wanted lemons. So God made a little lemon seed…”

“Does the little lemon seed have a name?”

“Her name was Jaime.”

“I see. What happened to the little lemon seed named Jaime?”

“To make a long story short.” Alex clapped their hands together. “She fell in love with an orange tree named Olivia.”

“And they lived happily ever after in the Garden of Eden?”


“Let me guess, you’re still bored.”


“Oh?” That’s a shock. “What changed?”

“My perspective.” She smiled up to the tender cocoa pools. Drowning in their depths. Their warmth. “I’m sitting here, all snuggly and toasty, and in your arms.” In her playful little girl voice, she decreed, “And you’re going to sing me a song.”

I am, huh? What ever makes you happy, My Princess. “High on a hill, stood a lonely goatherd…”

“You better not be calling me a goat.”

No, just the light of my life. “High on a hill, sat two happy bunnies…”


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