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Little Red Sports Car




FANDOM: Law and Order SVU

PAIRING: Alex Cabot / Olivia Benson

DATE: May 27, 2004 (revised 05/29/2004)

FEEDBACK: Yes, please!!!

ARCHIVE: Ok, just let us know where.

RATING: Perhaps R? Also, if same-sex relationships bother you, you might want to read something else. Otherwise, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

LEGAL STUFF: Copyrighted 2004 by Adrienne Lee. Non-original characters, if applicable, are used without permission under "Fair Use" doctrine. The author reserves all rights attached to all original aspects of this work. This is a work of fiction; any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

SUMMARY FOR STORY: Everybody loves a little red sports car.

SPOILER: Post "Loss". There also might be other bits and pieces from various episodes.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is set in our on-going Alternate Universe where Alex and Olivia are still together after Alex went into WPP < >. It contains references to future events / story-lines, but the spoilage shouldn’t be too significant. Celine Cabot, Harriet Thomas, and Martha and Randolph Locke are original characters delineated in previously published stories. Leon Szeto, Frederick Kenneth Locke and Paul Matteson are also original creations. (Paul will be further explained in a future story.)

WARNING: This is a darker misadventure…

“This thing still runs?” Olivia asked as she walked around the red Sun Bird.

Alex stood with her arms crossed, fighting the urge to swat at her partner’s roaming hands. “Of course she still runs. Robert had completely rebuilt her for me.” She finally grabbed Olivia by the waist and placed herself between the brunette and her car, “And don’t call my baby a ‘thing’.”

“I thought I am your baby.”

“You are.”

“But so is…” **It.** she thought, but corrected, “She,” her tone full of reprehension. The brunette had already made that mistake twice and paid for the second offense.

“Sorry, sugar, I’ve had her longer.”

“But I’m self-maintaining! Or at least capable of it.” Olivia whined. She didn’t know how it happened, but her partner had managed to make her jealous of yet another inanimate object. “Okay, Robert doesn’t need to wax and oil me and give me regular tune ups.”


“Like I said, ROBERT doesn’t have to…” She offered her best cheesy grin, then kissed the full lips playfully. “So, can I drive her?”

Alex just looked at her like she was out of her mind for even thinking it.

“I thought you wanna go parking.”

“Yes, I do.”

“And I thought you were going to let me drive.”

“I didn’t say anything about my car.”

“But I’m playing the boy.” Olivia tried to argue.

The blonde threw her head back, and laughed, letting out nervous energy in the process. “You want to try that again?”

She wagged her eyebrows. “I still get to, right?”

“Yes.” Smiling, Alex pulled her partner close. “I wanna know how it was for you. The first time you went parking.”

“Complete with the fumbling?”

“No, you can skip that part. But the rest, yes.”

Taking a deep breath and swallowing a funny noise, the brunette confirmed, “You’re sure.”

“We even dressed the part. Of course, I’m sure.”

“Okay, Alex. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” She secretly smirked, and got into the passenger seat…

Under the full shelter of a large tree, two overgrown teenagers necked. The ‘girl’ giggled as the ‘boy’ got between her legs, and she felt ‘his’ excitement against her. ‘He’ held her gently in ‘his’ arms, kissing her neck, stroking her side, her breasts. Her breathing quickened, as she imagined herself at sixteen, with a ‘boy’, or anyone for that matter, for the very first time.

And for the very first time, she felt the fear, the apprehension towards the unknown, the nervousness, and the wanting, the deep fierce wanting that grew within and spread outwards and flooded over her. Tentatively she reached for the button, fumbled for the fly, and tried to get ‘him’ out of ‘his’ navy blue pants.

At that moment, a hand slipped beneath her white poplin shirt and distracted her. Under her unlined white cotton bra, her nipples hardened to ‘his’ touch. They lingered in their kissing, ‘his’ tongue gentle in her mouth, probing, tasting. Silently, shyly, she willed ‘him’ to touch her ‘there’. Eventually, ‘he’ did, teasingly, tenderly, agonizingly slowly.

“Oh, god, Liv…” Slipped out. “Please…” the ‘girl’ begged, her legs wrapped around ‘him’, pulling ‘him’ towards her, welcoming… As she heard the purr of ‘his’ fly, and felt ‘him’ against her, she held her breath and waited…

And waited…

And waited…

She finally opened her eyes, and found her partner looking down at her, smiling sheepishly.

“Liv?” Alex found her voice, and whispered. “What are you waiting for?”

“It won’t work.” Olivia explained apologetically, allowing the silicone toy to flop out of her palm.

“What do you mean it won’t work?” She asked, incredulous and flustered. “It’s a thing.”

The brunette shrugged and responded coolly, “But that’s what happened.”

“What do you mean that’s what happened?”

“He couldn’t.”

“I told you to skip the fumbling.”

“That’s not fumbling.”

“You mean you didn’t?”



“He got a little too excited too soon.”

“Oh.” Now the blonde understood her partner’s earlier caution. She shook her head. “You mean you didn’t at all?”

Very simply, Olivia replied, “Nope.”

“That doesn’t mean you have to stop.”

“You said you wanted everything. You have it.”

“Olivia Benson, don’t you dare leave me this way!”

“What way is that?” She asked, batting her lashes innocently.

“You know?” Blue eyes narrowed dangerously. “It’s a really long walk back to Brooklyn.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Wouldn’t I?”

Unexpectedly, Olivia started tickling Alex.

“Stop it!” She wheezed, and tried to still her partner’s hands.

In response, the brunette increased the assault.

Repeatedly and unsuccessfully, Alex tried to push Olivia’s body off. “I said ‘stop it’,” she demanded, suddenly mindful of just how small the Pontiac convertible was.

“You know? I almost forgot, we also had a tickle fight.”

“You’re making it up!” Alex was finally able to extricate from the brunette’s hold, at least enough for her to tickle back.

Soon, being far more ticklish than the blonde, Olivia retreated. Then, she was up against the passenger side door, squirming and trying to get away.

“Alex, stop it.”

“You started it!”

“That’s beside the point!”

“And now I’ve got you where I want you!” Uncontained glee mixed with frustration gleamed in her eyes. She pounced forward.

Just then, Olivia’s elbow hit the handle. The door opened, and they both fell out. The brunette was dangling precariously and almost completely out of the car. Her partner was sprawled on top of her, half in, half out.

Hanging onto Olivia’s white shirt, and untucking the tail from her pants in the process, Alex tried desperately to keep the brunette from completely hitting the ground.

During this chaos, a black car drove up. Two men in security guard uniforms got out and approached. “Seems like you…” One of them looked down at the women, “Uh… Kids… need a hand.” He placed his palms under Olivia’s shoulders and pushed her up. Meanwhile, the blonde turned around and hurriedly re-buttoned her shirt.

Reluctantly, following the guard’s instructions, they got out of the car. “You realize there’s a reasonable explanation for this.” Alex said in her best lawyer voice.

“Save it for the lady of the house. You’re trespassing on private property. It’s up to her whether she presses charges or not.”

The brave face shattered that instant. “No, no, please, please, is there anything we can do to make this go away? Anything!” Alex twitched, acting very much like the Catholic school girl in trouble with the headmistress and getting redder by the second.

“Not anything!” Olivia corrected before the men could get any funny ideas.

And before anything else could cross anyone’s mind, a little red Corvette whizzed by, the tires screamed as it reversed, and screeched loudly to a stop. At that horrifying déjà vu moment, Olivia realized where her partner had learned how to drive…

“Jaime! How nice of you to drop in, we didn’t know you were coming up here this weekend.” The woman got out and took the blonde by the hand. She turned to the man who had helped the brunette and instructed, “It’s all right Terrence, you can get back to your rounds now. They are friends of the family.”

The guard eyed them suspiciously, and nodded. “Whatever you say, Mrs. Locke.” Soon, he and his partner drove off.

“Alex, Olivia, you must come up to the house for tea. Harriet and your mother are visiting with me this afternoon, too. What a pleasant coincidence!” Martha Locke enthused in a bubbly voice.

“We really shouldn’t, Aunt Marty,” the blonde tried to extract her hand from the unyielding grasp. “We don’t want to impose.”

“Yes, and we should really head back.” The brunette added, shaking her head vigorously. She wondered briefly about hopping into the Pontiac and driving away. That thought evaporated when she saw the ‘don’t you dare’ look on her partner’s face, and the keys in her free hand.

“Nonsense! You’re not refusing your Auntie, are you now?”

“No, we wouldn’t dream of it.” “It would be our pleasure to join you.” The younger women said in unison.

“Good! Then it’s settled! Why don’t you leave Princess here? You both can ride with me.” Martha half pushed half shoved Alex into the front seat, and closed the door. “Oh, my little Olive Oyl,” she turned to Olivia, ignoring the brunette’s cringe with great delight, “Maybe you should leave your little red sports car in the glove compartment or something. No sense in giving your Uncle Randy a complex.”

Olivia followed the direction of Martha’s gaze. “Ffff…” She swallowed the expletive, and spun around. In scant seconds, the toy flew out of her hand and under her seat. “Excuse me!” She said, smoothing out her pants frantically.

“Oh, Sweet Pea, you should bring your little blue blazers with you, too. It might get cold tonight.”

The brunette grabbed their jackets obediently and wedged herself into the back seat of the ‘Vette…

Years, centuries, millennia passed…

Finally, they were in the foyer…

“Alexandra, will you come here for a moment?”

So close to freedom, yet so far. “Yes, mom?”

Celine told her daughter quietly, “Your socks are all wrong.”

“There’s nothing wrong with them, mom.”

“Knee-highs, Alexandra? Bobby socks with the lace edgings will go better with the saddle oxfords. And you could always show more skin.”

“We’re not having this conversation, mother.”

“Oh, and next time, you might consider a blue tartan, all that green clashes with your eyes, and it’ll match your blazer better.”


“You might want to find out from Edith how to wash the lipstick off of her shirt.”

Her color vacillating like a mal-functioning traffic light, Alex managed, “Anything else, mother?”

Celine Cabot just reached up, and redid the buttons on her daughter’s blouse. “I think she makes a cute Catholic school boy, too. And you really should let her drive your little red car once in a while.”

Later that night, back in Brooklyn, in their bedroom…

Alex thumbed her partner on the nose. “You!”

“Me what?” Olivia asked innocently, a smile tugging at her lips.

“Don’t give me that!”

“Oh, my little red sports car and its mechanical failure?”

“Humph. I thought you did it the first time you went parking.”

“I never told you that, Sweetheart.”

“But you let me infer.” The blonde snuggled in further, and complained in a small voice, “I want to know how it was like for you.”

Twirling her fingers in her partner’s hair, twisting softly, playing, she said, “No, you don’t want that.”


“Paul wasn’t my first. In fact, he and I never did.” Olivia explained gently, her voice even, “When we went parking… He was just trying to erase a bad memory for me.”

Instinctively, Alex tried to sit up, but her partner lightly tightened her hold, so she remained in the embrace. “How come you never told me?”

The brunette just shrugged. “I got over it a long time ago. I mean it had been more than twenty years. But now you know why I sometimes get so overly protective, and why I got so hung up on being your first in everything… It wasn’t just an ego trip.” She pressed her lips to the blond head, and then chuckled. “Okay, it was mostly an ego trip.”


“Is,” she laughed and admitted. “So, you wanna give the engine another rev?”

“Do you want to?”

Grinning wolfishly, Olivia turned the ignition and put her little red sports car in gear, so to speak…

Another week passed by without fanfare. When Alex got home Friday night, her partner was waiting…

“Here, catch!”

Olivia snagged the jiggling metals from mid-air. She opened her palm, “What’s this?”

“What does it look like?”

“Keys. Car keys. For a Pontiac.” She couldn’t quite believe her eyes.

“Your very own set.” Alex dropped a bag in Olivia’s lap. “I also got us these.”

She pulled out a pair black boy cut pants, a pack of bobby socks, and a pleated red and black plaid skirt. “Okay…”

“I thought, since you’re not working this weekend, we could drive up, get the car, and give parking another go.”

Olivia smiled, her imagination already running wild. “That sounds like fun.”

“Good, then it’s settled.” Alex took the clothes back, and headed towards the stairs. “I can’t wait to see you in your skirt.”

“Waitaminute!” Olivia jumped out of her seat and followed. “I thought you’re going to let me drive!”

“Yes, I am. Just my car.” Turning around and leaning against the banister, the blonde took her partner’s hand. “It’s my turn to show you my first parking experience.”

“Are you going to frustrate me?” Olivia lowered her head and groaned, then jerked up. “Or did you fib about me being your first parking experience? Was it Kenneth? Leon? Some other boy I don’t know about…?” She rushed ahead.

“Shhh… No, and no. Silly.” Alex kissed her, coaxing the green-eyed monster back in its cage. “I just thought I’d improvise, if you’d let me borrow your little red mobile...”

The brunette grinned widely in anticipation, but thought she should clarify, “You’re not trying to be Paul, are you? ‘Cuz that’s not necessary, I was equally responsible in what happened. The other boy and I were both young, stupid and drunk.”

She shook her head, “Just want to show my girl how special she made me feel… how she always makes me feel.”


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