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Orangutans in the Trees




FANDOM: Law and Order SVU

PAIRING: Alex Cabot / Olivia Benson

DATE: May 30, 2004

FEEDBACK: Yes, please!!!

ARCHIVE: Ok, just let us know where.

RATING: Hard R / Light NC-17 Also, if same-sex relationships bother you, you might want to read something else. Otherwise, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

LEGAL STUFF: Copyrighted 2004 by Adrienne Lee. Non-original characters, if applicable, are used without permission under "Fair Use" doctrine. The author reserves all rights attached to all original aspects of this work. This is a work of fiction; any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

SUMMARY FOR STORY: Primates / Prime-mates frolicking in the tree…

SPOILER: Post "Loss". There also might be other bits and pieces from various episodes.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is set in our on-going Alternate Universe where Alex and Olivia are still together after Alex went into WPP. < >. It contains references to future events / story-lines, but the spoilage shouldn’t be too significant.

It was a perfect morning on the Cabot estate. The sun was shining not too brightly, the birds were singing not too loudly. If Olivia had her way, they would still be in bed, if not sleeping, at least doing something much more interesting than taking a 500-mile pre-breakfast walk. We all know, however, Olivia rarely got her way. At least so she’d like us to think…

“You wanna do it in the tree?”

Refusing to face her lover’s seductive impish smile, the brunette answered, “No!”

Alex tried her little girl croon next. “Why not?”

“What do you think I am? An orangutan?”

“You’re not quite so furry, but the color of your hair is about right…” She ruffled her lover’s bangs, and ran ahead.

“Hey! Come back here!” Olivia protested.

“Catch me if you can!” Alex taunted.

“Oh, you just wait!” The brunette could out run Elliot, chase down perps, but somehow she always managed to be just two or three yards behind her lover when they jog together. She had never quite seemed to be able to catch up. Although she never quite wanted to either…

Finally, they stopped under a huge tree, one with a thick trunk that sort of leaned over and looked like a chaise lounge.

“Took you long enough, slow poke.” Alex sniggered.

Olivia ignored the slick of moisture on her upper lip and bit her tongue. “Oh, my! What’s that?” She asked instead.

“Tree house.” The blonde answered as a matter-of-factly.

“It looks like a goddamn castle.”

“My dad and Uncle Jack built it for me when I was eight.” Alex explained proudly, then added, “My mom told them if they hurt themselves, they could take each other to the hospital.”

“Now I know where you got your lack of sympathy…”

“I told you it was hot, and you didn’t listen.”

“But it looked so yummy…”

“You should be glad you only burnt your tongue… if you had burned your fingers...”

“I’d be in trouble, I know, I know…” What Olivia actually attempted to eat, we would unfortunately never find out. “So, can we get up there?” She grinned, wondering if it was bubble gum pink inside, too.

“I don’t know, can you climb a tree?”

“You’re kidding me, right?”

“Race ya!” Alex screamed in delight, and started up.

Somehow, the 180 hours a week Olivia spent at rock-climbing failed her. She just couldn’t seem to get ahead. This time though, she was only behind her partner by two or three feet…

“Man, it looks so much bigger on the outside.” The brunette noticed with regret when she reached the structure and sat down.

Alex turned to her and smiled. “It was built for a kid, what did you expect?”

Olivia lifted her eyebrows in response, distracted. **You’re so impossibly beautiful…** Just as she was leaning over, Alex stood up.

“I’m going to head back.”

**Whew!** Quick reflex prevented her lips from kissing the floor. **What happened to doing it in the tree?** Olivia was both glad and secretly disappointed that Alex had let her off the hook so easily. She got out of the tree house and started down. At the fork, she turned around, and almost fell off. Alex was sitting just above the bottom branch, looking up at her, with her sweater and shirt wide open.

“What are you doing?” The brunette choked.

“Waiting for you.”

“You’re nuts!” She said, but her eyes were riveted on the pair of pink stains on the fair skin.

“I thought you wanted to fulfill my every school girl desire…” With mischief in her eyes, Alex sat back, shifting and parting her corduroy clad legs further.

“What? You wanted to break your neck falling out of a tree?”

“No… Ling and I sneaked into a movie when we were little, some artsy flick based on a Pierre Louÿs poem, I think.” The blonde explained slowly, crossing her arms under her shirt. “Anyway, there was this scene where the main character was lying naked in a tree… I’ve always thought it was so sexy…”

Trying to ignore the small movements of her lover’s hands, Olivia asked, “So you want to lie naked in a tree?”

Alex leaned back further, arching against the thick branch. “No…”

“You want me to lie naked in a tree.”


“So I can catch pneumonia and die?”

“No, you’re strong… so wonderfully strong…” The blonde answered dreamily. “And so hot-blooded…”

“What do I get?”



She licked her lips slowly and smiled. “You get to do what I’m doing?”

Olivia groaned. “Why do I even bother arguing with you?”

She shrugged, her clothes sliding further down her shoulders in the process. “Anticipation?”

Tearing her attention away from her lover, the brunette started to climb down. At the next branch, she slipped, but managed to catch a big limb, and hang on.

Alex eventually found her voice. “Are you okay?” She asked, concerned.

“Yes.” Olivia checked out the next branch. She swung from the limb she was holding a couple of times then let go.


“It’s okay, you can open your eyes now.” The brunette was now sitting several feet above her lover and pulling off her boots and socks, and letting them fall to the soft grass below.

“Don’t you dare scare me like that again!” Alex chided, color returning to her cheeks. “What are you doing? You Tarzan, me Jane?”

“Everybody knows you can’t climb trees with your shoes on.”

“But we got up here with our shoes on.”

“Okay, you can’t climb down.”

“But I just did.”

“All right, so you’re better at climbing trees than me.” She stretched, flexed her feet and began moving again. “This gives me a better grip.”

“Why? Did you grow prehensile toes or something?”

“You just wait ‘til I get down there.”

“Try not to break your neck, I have other plans for you.”

“Thanks for the encouragement.”

“You’re welcome.” The blonde replied, smiling the whole time.

“Well, I’m down.” She eased onto the branch as if it was a balance beam, and swung around on her arms so she was sitting facing her lover. “Now what?”

“Show off.” Alex swallowed audibly. “You’re still dressed.”

“You’re really serious about this, aren’t you?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” She laughed, her voice clear like a naughty little girl. “So, get naked.”

“I’m not taking off all my clothes.”

“Yes, you are.”

“Why would I want to do that?” Olivia challenged.

Looking into the deep cocoa pools, Alex said softly, “Because you love me and you want to grant my every wish.”

“You were making fun of me earlier for taking off my shoes. Now you want me naked?”

“Yes.” She played with the rings on her left hand. “One doesn’t have anything to do with the other.”

The motion didn’t go unnoticed, and the brunette smiled her asymmetric smile. “I can see why your dad and uncle built you a castle.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Blue eyes narrowed.

“You are such a princess.”

“I don’t think you meant that in a good way.”

“You’re my princess.” Olivia leaned forward and kissed her lover firmly on the lips. “So why don’t you just sit back and watch.” She said, and began a striptease.

Alex watched, mesmerized, while Olivia slowly peeled off her oatmeal Aran sweater and flung it onto the next branch. Underneath, the brunette wore one of her lover’s white knit tee-shirts, which hugged her body like a second skin. Her nipples tightened against the cold air, while her smooth trim muscles rippled under the exertion. Knowing the effect she had on the blonde, she grinned, and bent forward on her arms, placing a chaste kiss between her lover’s breasts.

“Liv…” She whimpered and closed her eyes briefly. The dangerous contours, the sweeping movements… They reminded her of the private dance Olivia gave her for her last birthday. The black panther and its prey…

“Alex…” The brunette whispered, bringing her back to the present. “Look at me.” This time was a jaguar’s mating ritual…

Stormy blues opened just in time to see her lover lean backwards, her expansive hand hugging the apex of her legs before long fingers deftly unhooked the buttons, one after the other, agonizingly deliberately. Then she sat up again, sliding her legs behind her, her face mere inches from her lover’s. And she curved, fluidly easing one leg from the confines of her jeans, allowing gravity to take care of the rest. The denim landed with a muffled scratch.

With yogic feline grace, Olivia pulled off the white tee, raised her hips for her lover to remove the black cotton barrier, offering the blonde a glimpse of her desire. Slowly, she glided forward, until tanned flesh met velvet ridges…

Alex kissed Olivia delicately on the mouth, tasting the difference between the crisp frostiness of their surroundings and the hot and humid breath they shared. She hooked her legs around the large tree limb and pressed forward, her lips drifted down the brunette’s chin, her neck, her chest. Her gentle hands exploring, warming her lover’s body. The whistling of the wind, the rustling of the leaves accompanied their aria of love.

“Oh, god, Alex…” she moaned, in between highs and lows, the fevered running of scales.

“Oh. My. God.” An indignant voice traveled up from below.

“Edith!” The blonde screamed and tried to conceal her lover’s body with her own.

Olivia covered her eyes and groaned, “Oh, god, not again.”

“Would you two little wood nymphs like to come down now?”

“Give us a moment, please?” Alex asked.

“Fine, I’ll be waiting at the lodge.” Edith acquiesced and started to walk away.

“Alex…?” Olivia moaned again when roaming hands and lips resumed.

“Don’t… wanna… leave you… hanging…” The blonde explained in between sucks and nibbles and licks.

The brunette clutched at the tree in response. “Oh, god, Alex…!”

Edith doubled back, waving her shotgun. “DOWN! NOW!”

“Yes, ma’am.” Alex sat up, buttoning her shirt and wiping her face surreptitiously on her sleeve, while pulling Olivia’s underwear from her pocket and handing it back...

“Don’t you know how dangerous it can be out here?” Edith chastised as they walked back to the main house. “There are now bobcats and coyotes on the land.

“Of all the days, you had to pick today…” the older woman continued to grouse.

“But Edith…” Alex tried to defend them.

“Don’t you talk back to me, young lady.” Edith wouldn’t have any of it. “I don’t know who you took after, your mother or your father… I used to find them everywhere…”

The blonde walked on ahead, covering her ears, “I’m not listening…” and started humming an arietta, completely out of tune.

Snickering, Olivia commented, “She’d like to think Mr. and Mrs. Cabot had sex only once, and she was conceived then,” and started laughing.

“It’s artificial insemination!” Alex yelled back. “And it’s not so funny!”

“My dear, you might want to curb your merriment,” Edith turned to the brunette. “You, we could hear echoing through the forest.”

**We?** Olivia wanted to ask, but decided instead to join her lover in front.

When they made it to the house, Celine Cabot was waiting, and not too amused. “Alexandra Jeanette Jaime Cabot O’Brien whatever you go with these days, where did you go? Your friends missed you over breakfast, and the rest of your guests are arriving.”

“We decided to take a walk, to commune with nature, Mother,” Alex replied with a straight face.

Edith amended, “I found them playing in the tree like a couple of monkeys.”

“Next time you want to commune with nature, open a window.”

“Yes, mother.”

“And Olivia?”

“Yes, Celine?” The brunette stared at the older woman’s chin.

“You might want to start learning to say ‘no’ to her.”

“Mother!” Alex grabbed her lover by the hand, and they sprinted down the hall.

“Truants.” Celine and Edith looked at each other and shook their heads, each suppressing a smile. They went back to preparing for the event of the day.


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