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Pool Sharks




FANDOM: Law and Order SVU

PAIRING: Alex Cabot / Olivia Benson

DATE: June 4, 2004

FEEDBACK: Yes, please!!!

ARCHIVE: Ok, just let us know where.

RATING: PG. Also, if same-sex relationships bother you, you might want to read something else. Otherwise, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

LEGAL STUFF: Copyrighted 2004 by Adrienne Lee. Non-original characters, if applicable, are used without permission under "Fair Use" doctrine. The author reserves all rights attached to all original aspects of this work. This is a work of fiction; any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

SUMMARY FOR STORY: Games of high stake pool…

SPOILER: Post "Loss".

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is set in our on-going Alternate Universe where Alex and Olivia are still together after Alex went into WPP. < > It contains spoilers and references to future events / story-lines.

“Hey, Sweetie, where’s your better half?” The older woman looked around Alex, and made sure she was alone.

“She went to the lodge, to think, she said.”

“Is everything all right?” Martha asked, concerned.

Alex ignored the question, and voiced the purpose of her visit, “Aunt Marty, will you help me practice pool?”

“Why the sudden interest, Angel?”

“Just because…”

“Don’t give me that. I’ve been trying to teach you since you were thirteen.”

“Okay. Olivia and I have been playing, and she’s been beating the pants off of me.”

“You win some, you lose some. In the end, it’s just between the two of you. What’s the big deal?”

“She’s been really obnoxious about winning,” Alex admitted reluctantly, never wanting to make her lover look bad in her family’s eyes. The one sentence vent felt good though. “I’d like to give her a dose of her own medicine. Just once.”

“And how much time do you plan on spending with me to learn?” Martha teased.

“I’m not that bad now. Olivia’s been showing me how to play.”

“I see. Let’s try a round then.” The older woman waved, and started down the hall. “Come along.”

The game lasted longer than Martha had expected. Alex wasn’t miserable at it, but there was much she could and should learn.

Back in the sitting room, Marty asked, “So what’s the stake?”

“There isn’t one.” The blonde answered, and brought the teacup to her lips.

“I know you, Alexandra, you always play for something. So what is it?”

“I’d rather not say.”

“Come on, you used to tell me everything.” Martha pressured. “Now I’m really curious.”

Meanwhile, Alex kept sipping her tea and staring at patterns on the rug.

“You’re blushing…” She noticed the rising color on her goddaughter’s cheeks. “Oh, let me guess, something to do with sex?” The blonde turned redder in response. Recalling what Alex had inadvertently disclosed earlier, she was certain. “Strip pool. You know? Your mother and…”

“Please Aunt Marty, yes, we play strip pool.” The younger woman acknowledged quickly. “I don’t need to know what my parents did.”

“I was going to say, your mother and I used to joke about it when we were playing for charities, and wondering if we could raise more money that way.” Martha sighed loudly and put down her cappuccino mug. “Don’t you think it’s time you stop being such a prude? Considering…”

“I’m working on it. So will you give me some pointers?”

“Why do you want to win?” The older woman seemed truly baffled. “Isn’t losing winning in this instance?”

Alex just blushed harder.

“Would you like me to be your ringer or something?”

The blonde nodded, her eyes widening hopefully. “Would you?”

”Hmm… I don’t know… That’s like cheating. A Cabot doesn’t cheat.” She defended her distant cousin’s family name.

“Well, I’m not a Cabot now.”

“Oh, that’s even better. I’m sure your grandfather O’Bryan is rotissering in his grave as we speak.”

“I didn’t mean it that way.” Horrified, Alex maintained. “Anyhow, Olivia cheats all the time, no matter what game we play. I don’t know what’s gotten into her lately.” Yes, it was definitely helping her feel better to vent.

“Ah, now that’s different. Why didn’t you tell me before?”

Sullen, Alex just shrugged.

“Are you two staying up here the entire weekend?”

“Yes. This is a ‘Us’ weekend.”

“Is the old girl still loving Atlantic City?”

“Yeah, she’s been going with Mrs. R.” The blonde smiled, happy that her nanny had developed a deep rapport with their friendly elderly neighbors. “And sometimes Mrs. Szeto joins them.”

“That Edith… I guess once a month could be fun.” Martha grinned, her green eyes twinkling. “So, why don’t you tell Sweet Pea, and we’ll play after dinner tonight. Your place.”

“What about Uncle Randy?”

“Oh, I’m sure he’ll be happy to have a couple of hours to himself.” The older woman reached over and patted Alex’s hand. “So we’re on?”

“Yeah! I can’t wait.”

Later that evening…

“You want to break?” Olivia offered.

“Sure.” The old pool shark set the chalk aside, and blew at the tip of her cue. “Are we feeling confident?”

The brunette just smiled. “Two out of three?”

Martha shook her head, “Winner takes all.”


“So how’s work?” She began a friendly conversation with her goddaughter’s partner. “Number six out of the way.” Then she took aim on number two and missed.

“Same.” Olivia answered broodingly. “Number nine in the left corner pocket.” She tried for the ten ball next without success.

“Seven in the center pocket.” Martha called. She also missed. “Alex told me you went to a retreat. Did you have a good time?”

“Thirteen in the center pocket.” It was the brunette’s turn again. “Yeah, Ling sent us. Some new age thing.”

“How’s school hunting?”

“Fine.” Olivia moved around the table and trained her cue on the next target. “Ten in the left corner pocket.”

“Not feeling too talkative, are we?”

Olivia shrugged. “Number fourteen in the corner pocket.” She sank that easily…

In the end, Martha lost.

“You let her win on purpose!” Alex accused her godmother petulantly.

The older woman replied sternly, “What gave you that idea?”

“But…” There was no way no how Olivia could win fair and square, and she didn’t see her lover cheat.

”What are you implying, Alexandra?”

“…” She knew something was amiss but there was nothing she could say.

“Time to pay up, Sweetie.” Martha smiled and handed the brunette her stick.


“Yeah, Sweetheart,” Olivia concurred, putting the cues and chalk back onto the rack. “Your ringer lost.”

Alex fretted. “But…”

“No buts,” Olivia leaned against the pool table, and crossed her arms. “Are you going to welsh on the deal?”

“You’re not serious, are you?” She was really agitated now.

Martha said, “Of course, we’re serious.” The winner nodded in agreement, and presented a cheesy Cheshire cat grin.

“You people want to see me naked so badly? Fine!” Alex spat, and started to strip. The other two women smirked the whole time she took off her shoes and socks.

“Why have you been hiding yourself?” Martha commented when the shirt came off. “You look good with the extra meat on you.”

Alex ignored the remark, and started to undo her belt.

The older woman looked at Olivia, waited for several beats, and spoke up. “If you insist on being naked, it’s fine, Alexandra, but we were playing for dinner tomorrow night.”

“I’m not cooking dinner naked,” she announced resolutely.

Martha replied in a hurry, “Oh god, nobody said anything about you cooking.”

“Well, I’m not going to take dinner naked either. I’d rather starve.” At this point, her fly was undone.

“Stop, Alexandra, not that I don’t think you look adorable in your matching pink brassiere and underwear,” Marty chuckled and explained to the red-faced blonde. “The winner gets to take you out to a restaurant of your choice. A restaurant with strict dress codes.”

“So you did lose on purpose,” Alex accused hotly.

“Of course I did, my dear girl.”

“You two set me up!”

“I’ve seen Aunt Marty break and sink every ball at all once,” the brunette picked up the discarded shirt, and held it out for her lover. “You think I’d agree so easily otherwise?”

“Olivia Benson, go fuck a duck!” She stalked out the room.

“Wow. She’s never told me to do that before.” Olivia realized she had taken it too far.

“I guess it’s my cue to leave.”


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