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Say, Say My Playmate




FANDOM: Law and Order SVU

PAIRING: Alex Cabot / Olivia Benson

DATE: June 6, 2004

FEEDBACK: Yes, please!!!

ARCHIVE: Ok, just let us know where.

RATING: PG. Also, if same-sex relationships bother you, you might want to read something else. Otherwise, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

LEGAL STUFF: Copyrighted 2004 by Adrienne Lee and Miranda Rafferty. Non-original characters, if applicable, are used without permission under "Fair Use" doctrine. The author reserves all rights attached to all original aspects of this work. This is a work of fiction; any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

SUMMARY FOR STORY: Jolly good time in Avebury, England…

SPOILER: Post "Loss".

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is set in our on-going Alternate Universe where Alex and Olivia are still together after Alex went into WPP. < > It contains spoilers and references to future events / story-lines.

Back in Avebury, at the inn where the lovers were staying…

“En garde!” Alex said seriously, then warned without looking at Olivia. “Be quiet!”

“Why?” The brunette replied absentmindedly, also focused on their joined hands. ”I’m not saying anything.”

“The noises you’re making…”

“What about, Alex?”

“They don’t sound like noises people make while thumb wrestling.”

“What are you? A aficionado of thumb wrestling noises?”

“People are staring, Liv.”

“I’m sure they’re merely stunned by your beauty.”

“Would you be serious, and stop the grunting?”

“I am serious, Alex, you’re the most beautiful woman from here to Salisbury.”

“Uh-huh. And how many women have you checked out?”

“What women? I only have eyes for you. I didn’t know there were other women around. Lots of sheep though. It’s amazing the number of sheep they have around here…” The brunette prattled on.

“You realize you’re not improving your situation, Olivia.”

“What situation?” She decided to play dumb.

Alex reached over and cupped her lover’s chin, “Sweetheart, even you are not that stupid.”

“No,” she took this opportunity to down the opposing thumb. “But I won!”

“You played me.” Alex forcibly held herself back from jumping into her lover’s lap and strangling her.

Olivia squirmed in her seat, ready for the deserved pay back, but she smirked. “Yes, and very well, too, if I do say so myself.”

Before Alex could do or say anything, the owner came with their dinner. He went back to the bar, snickering the entire time. The women ate their dinner in taunting silence, poking at each other’s food like two pre-teens. At some point, the owner’s wife stopped by to chit-chat with them, asking them how they liked England, and making entertainment recommendations. One could only wonder if she hadn’t prevented an all out food fight.

After supper, the women went upstairs to their room. Alex decided she wanted to read and was sitting up by the headboard doing so. Olivia was lying across the bed, bored out of her mind. A short while later, she started pushing against her lover’s toes, until Alex finally put the book aside.

“What do you want?” The blonde asked, sounding disgruntled.

“You were ignoring me,” the brunette complained.


“Why?” Olivia got up between her lover’s legs, rested her arms on her thighs and looked up. “It’s our honeymoon, shouldn’t we be like bunnies?”

Alex reached down, grabbed hold of the brunette’s ears, and started playing with them, pulling them upwards. “You challenged my sincerity earlier.”

Wrinkling her nose like a rabbit, Olivia asked, “How? When?”

“You don’t remember? At the playground?”

“Refresh my memory? I’m sure it’ll come to me.” She smiled mischievously and extended her arm. “I know I’m digging myself a hole, but give a corpse a hand.”


“So enlighten me?”

Crossing her arms in mock anger, Alex pouted, “If you don’t remember, I’m not going to waste my time telling you.”

“Oh, you mean about the nose and the monk?” She had known all along.

Alex just lifted an eyebrow. While Olivia scooted back down to the foot of the bed, and started pulling her lover’s socks off.

“What are you doing?”

She began a soft massage, starting with the left heel and ankle. “Sock wrestling?”

Alex sighed contentedly, and teased, “Another game you can cheat at?”

“I did not cheat. I merely distracted you at thumb wrestling. Any good defense attorney would argue that’s not cheating.”

“Uh-huh.” She wasn’t about to give in so easily.

Pressing her lips against her lover’s toes, Olivia said in between each kiss, “Tu es mon ange… mon soleil… mon cœur… et mon âme… et je t’aime…”

Grabbing the brunette by her collar, Alex pulled her lover up until they were face to face. “You’re not playing fair again.”

Rich, fathomless brown orbs held her fast. “I’m not playing.”

Caught off guard, Alex closed her eyes and melted into the long, searching kiss… feeling their tantalizing almost tangible connection… sharing a breath… forming a seal…

Brushing her lover’s lips softly with her own, Olivia asked, “How’bout a moonlight walk and a kiss in the stars.”

“Just a kiss.” After the stone circle, she needed a holiday from ‘plein air’.

“Just a kiss.”

They started with a walk around the pub, enjoying the pastoral landscape, lost in each other’s company. Without realizing, they found themselves in front of St. James Cathedral. Sitting on the steps of the church, the lovers shared a sweet warm tender kiss. Then the brunette suggested, “One last game. And it’s one I can’t cheat at.”

“Does it involve sex?”

“No. I promise.”

“Oh, okay.” Alex agreed cheerfully.

Olivia started singing, “Say, say, oh playmate…”

“Oh, I know that one, my grandpappy and I used to play when I was little.”

So they sang in off-keyed little girl voices and clapped, “Say, say, oh playmate, come out and play with me, and bring your dollies three, climb up my apple tree… Slide down my rainbow, into my cellar door, and we'll be jolly friends, forever more, more, more, more…”

Before they got to the second stanza, Alex started sniggering.

“What’s so funny?”

She only laughed harder.

“Alex…” Olivia was truly bemused. “What are you laughing about?

She calmed down a bit, still giggling.

Under the church light, Olivia noticed the pink tint coloring her lover’s features. “And why are you blushing?”

“I can’t believe I sang this song with my grandfather.”

“Why? What’s wrong with it?”

“Climb up my apple tree?”

“Yeah, and, don’t forget the three dollies.” The brunette reminded innocently.

Alex made several suggestive motions. “Slide down my rainbow? Into my cellar door?”

“Get your mind out of the gutter!” Olivia crossed her arms and shook her head, clearly exasperated. “And you accuse me of having sex on the brain!”

“Let’s go back.” Alex stood up and held out her hand. “I have a game to show you.”

“Yeah?” She let her lover pull her up, and they retraced their steps. “So what’s the game?” Sitting on their bed, she asked eagerly.

“Baby, if you love me, smile, we played it at camp once.”

“So how does it go?”

“I tell you, ‘Baby if you love me, smile’, and you say, ‘Baby, I love you, but I just can’t smile’.” Alex explained while kicking off her shoes and socks, and joining her lover in bed. “And I get to do things without touching you to make you smile. You ready?”

The brunette was a little disappointed that it was a real game, but she decided to be a good sport about it. “Ready!”

“Baby if you love me, smile.”

“Baby, I love you, but I just can’t smile.”

Alex began to unbutton her top slowly. Then, with her shirt opened, she leaned forward towards her lover, and blew a tickling breath softly against her ear, “Smile for me, baby.”

She closed her eyes, her voice came out half whisper half moan, “You’re cheating…”

“No, I’m not. I haven’t touched you…” The blonde took off her shirt, and let the soft plush fabric glide across her lover’s arms before dropping it onto the floor. “Yet…”

Where the sueded cotton grazed, goose pimples formed on olive skin. “That’s not fair…”

“Oh, baby, when you play with me…” Alex laughed quietly. “You win, even when you lose.”

The brunette looked up and groaned. “And you complain about my lines?”

“It’s the company I keep. So, will you smile for me? Hmm…?” The blonde placed her knees astride her lover’s legs, careful to not touch. She let each breath each sound slide smoothly from her throat, “Sourit pour moi? S'il vous plaît?”

And Olivia did a perfect imitation of Gomez Addams and smiled.

Next Friday evening, back in the US of A…

“Close your eyes.”

“Okay…” Alex felt the packages in her lap, and opened her eyes. “What’s all these?”

“Toys,” Olivia said simply.

She looked at the big bag she was holding, and the other two next to her on the sofa. “Did you buy out the Pleasure Chest?”

“Not that kind of toys.”


“Don’t sound so disappointed.” She laughed. “I promise you’ll have fun.”

“Okay…” Alex removed the tissue paper on top, and began pulling out an assortment of children's toys. “Jacks… Marbles… ooh, they’re pretty!”

“Different marbles have different values on the playground. I got you the best kinds, of course.”

“Thank you!” She placed a kiss on her lover’s cheek. “You bought me a video game console?”

“Us, if you don’t mind sharing.” She smiled, loving the unrestrained joy on Alex’s face. “But I figured you probably didn’t have one when you were a kid.”

“No, my parents thought too much TV would be bad for my eyes.” Giggling, Alex pushed her glasses up her nose.

“They forgot about too many books.” Olivia grinned. “I also got you a game.”

“Power Puff Girls?” The blonde was cracking up.

“One of them is called Buttercup. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s the blonde one.”

“Oh, my god! That’s great. Thank you, thank you!”

“Wait until you get to the last bag…”

Alex dug into it, and took out a set of water balloon slingshot, and two supersoakers. “Olivia Benson, you’re the best!” She climbed into her lover’s embrace and kissed her soundly. “Oooh, I love you, love you, love you!”

“So I did good?”

“You bet!”

With Olivia’s help, Alex removed the water guns from their packaging. Then she pulled her lover by the hand, ran to the kitchen, and filled up their weapons.


“Yes, Alex?” She braced herself for an impromptu shower.

“Let’s go ring Ling’s doorbell!”


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