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Sexy Beast in Xanadu



FANDOM: Law and Order SVU

PAIRING: Alex Cabot / Olivia Benson

BEGINNING DATE: 02/00/2004


RATING: NC17 If same-sex relationships bother you, you might want to read something else. Otherwise, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

LEGAL STUFF: Copyrighted 2004 by Adrienne Lee. Non-original characters, if applicable, are used without permission under "Fair Use" doctrine. The author reserves all rights attached to all original aspects of this work. This is a work of fiction; any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

SPOILER: Post "Loss". There also might be other bits and pieces from various episodes.

DISCLAIMER: No real sacrilegious thoughts crossed the author’s mind during the writing process. Honest. It started off as an ABC-fic. Brain just needed a creative break from editing…

FEEDBACK: Yes, please.

SUMMARY: An Alex and Olivia Misadventure, in Pleasure Dôme… in search of Plot…

“Alex…” Against her throat, the brunette whispered her name. The soft whispery-hiss that sometimes sounded like a taunt, yet always like a promise. Both a lifetime and ten minute types of promises. As her lips crisscrossed the exposed flesh framed by the Vee of her pink tank top. “Alex…”

“Baby, please…?” She begged. Hoarsely, softly. The beat of her heart tattering the now frayed edges of her control. “Please? Liv?” Breathlessly, she breathed her need. And brazenly, she pushed the soft cotton aside, and wind her fingers in the dark chestnut hair, and brought the hot warm mouth to her now exposed breast.

Chuckling the oh-you’re-so-mine and you’re-so-going-to-scream-my-name sexy little chuckle, Olivia curled her tongue around the aroused flesh. And pulled. Wet and gentle and hard. Comfortingly yet cruelly. Continually.

Drawing her partner close, tight, she tried not to tense, tried not to move too abruptly. When her partner’s fingers burnt against the insides of her thighs. Demanding her most desperate response.

“Easy, Sweetheart.” She chuckled again when Alex took her wrist. Effortlessly, Olivia prevented her lover from bearing down and impaling herself on her hand. “Let’s make this last.” The brunette insisted. Exploring the small space that separated their bodies. Enjoying the hushed rasping that echoed in the wooden room. That reverberated within the deep ocean blue of her eyes.

“Fuck me!” A little emphatically, the plea escaped her lips. Maybe she shouldn’t have said that, considering where they were. But it was never a bad word, never a word she had truly taken in vain… Fuck me, hold me, keep me. Love me. “Please, Liv… Need you…”

“God, you feel so good.” Such a bad line, and Olivia knew it. Just like ‘I promise I’ll love and honor and treasure you’, and ‘You’ve always been my one and only from the moment I learned love’, and ‘I’ll be whatever you want me or need me to be’, she knew they were sappy lines. But she said them anyway, and meant every word. In front of all their family and friends, in Alex’s father’s church.

Holding on, holding tight. The blonde tried not to focus too much on the throbbing of her sex. She tried not to hear the pounding of her partner’s blood in her ears. Nor heed her body’s desire to express its pleasure violently, vocally. Holding on, holding tight, she let her partner seduce her into absolute submission, let her show her her place in their world, her world. Holding on, holding tight , she let her partner lead.

“I love you, Alex…” For the rest of your days, my days. For the rest of my existence. With all my heart. “I love you… so much…”

Just… fuck me, she wanted to say. “God, Liv, I love you, too,” came out instead. Just fill me, love me, keep me… Just let me love you.

Kissing tongue, kissing lips, kissing neck, kissing breasts, kissing mouth on mouth. Long. Deep. Kissing, sucking. Sucking her breath, filling her lungs with her moans. Kissing slow.

Leisurely, with exquisite slowness, the brunette stroked her lips her tongue down Alex’s throat, her chest, her torso.

Moving across and down, stroking, calming, soothing. Until she was on her knees before her lover, her wife, her life. Letting the slender fingers in her hair, on her shoulders, the gentle palms on her head, her back, guide her. Guard her. And catch her if she should let go.

Nearing the center, she lingered, then pulled away. Feeling the sense of loss, her nakedness inside. Letting it mark her, remind her, so she could never forget.

“Oh, God…” She rasped. Trembling. Trusting the tender touch of her lover’s hands hanging on. Holding her near. “Alex…”

“Please,” she sobbed, “Please, Liv…”

Quickly, Olivia closed their small yet too great distance. Claiming the silky wetness. Kissing, touching, with her tongue, her fingers. Moving with her. Fucking her. Loving her.

Rushing on, no longer resisting, no longer waiting… Until she could feel, could hear, could taste the blonde’s hunger. Her pleasure.

“Shhh…” Olivia reminded softly, “People will hear us. You don’t want all of Paris to know you’re such a sexy beast, do you?”

Taking. Reaching up. Holding. Stroking. She worked her lover’s passion.

Until a whispered litany of ‘Oh god’, ‘oh yes’, ‘oh Liv’ punctuated each gasp, each whimper.

Voraciously, voluptuously, her body moved with the brunette’s. Her eyes closed, brows furrowed, concentrating on the meeting places of their bodies, and their hearts. Rocking against her. Opening to her thrusts. Wanting her, needing her. Breath for breath.

Wanting her, needing her, breath for breath, Olivia held on. Held on tight. Thrusting and stroking and spiraling. In and out. Wild and fierce and gentle. With intention. With love.

“Xanadu, Pink, Bunny,” Alex panted, whatever the safe-word of her partner’s choice was. “Please, Liv, can’t take it… anymore… you’re… gonna… make me… scre…” Large hand flew up to cover her mouth, stifling the scream. Gratefully, she sighed. Then focused on sucking the fingers. Mirroring the wet noises that bound her lover and urged her on…

Yielding, arching to the intense, overwhelming sensations… Soaring… Taking the brunette with her…

“Zounds.” On their way out, the brunette tossed her head towards the painting on the domed ceiling. “The Glory of Paradise, eh?” She licked her lips and grinned.

Alex just shook her head, secretly smiling to herself, and wondering what great adventure was in stall for her next.

Earlier that day…

“You’re insane! It’s a goddamn tourist spot!” Alex spun around and glared at her partner. She could not believe what the brunette was suggesting.

“Sweetheart! Watch your language! You’re in a church!”

“Very good, Olivia, we ARE in a church.”

The brunette drew them away from the crowd, and presented her argument, “Just think of it as reaffirming our love before God.”

She pulled her denim jacket close, and hugged herself. “And before half of the world.”

“And Napoleon, Alex, don’t forget Napoleon.”

“Screw Napoleon.”

Wrapping her arm around her wife’s waist, she whispered, her voice tender, “I’d rather you.”

Alex threw up her hands in exasperation. Rhetorically, she asked, “Where?”

“What if there was a place?”

“What kind of place?” The blonde demanded, not expecting her partner to have an answer at all. Although she should have known better.

“It’ll be quiet and secluded.”

“Where, Olivia? In a crypt?”

“Don’t be gross!”

An idea occurred to Alex. No, not possible, she thought, but decided to test it. “Don’t tell me you want to do me in the vestry.”

“No! What do you think I am? A heathen?” The brunette actually had the decency to act and sound horrified.

Alex was impressed. Several years ago, her answer would have been a resounding ‘Yes’, now she wasn’t too sure. “All right. Where?”

“The most intimate place two people can have non-sexual intercourse.”

“What?” The blonde questioned, clearly confused.

Olivia tried again, “Where’s the most intimate…”

Impatiently, she cut her partner off, “You said that already.”

“So think about it. Think of all the meanings of the words. You make me do it often enough.” Meanwhile, she rubbed the tips of her fingers against her wife’s palm in slow suggestive circles.

Swallowing a whimper, Alex scolded, “Stop that!”

“Why?” Olivia eased off the caresses, but held onto the slender hand. “You know you want it.”

“But not here, Liv,” she tried to argue. With her partner, and with herself.

“I really meant what I said, Alex.”


“I want to reaffirm our love before God,” the brunette explained sincerely.

“We already did that.” The blonde could feel her resolve melting. Like a strawberry popsicle in Olivia’s mouth... Stop it! She put the Sexy Beast screaming and kicking back into its cage, then reminded her partner of their wedding day. “Exactly two weeks ago, remember? When you said ‘I do’?”

Yes, how could she ever forget? She had never seen her wife so happy, or so beautiful, before that day. Not even on their commitment party four years ago, when they first got ‘married’. Although, judging by the compliments she received, same could be said of her. “That’s one meaning of the word, Sweetheart.”

“Why don’t we go back to Mondestin?” Alex suggested an alternative. One she didn’t at all object. In fact, as far as she and the Beast were concerned, they could hop in the rental and leave for Saumur that second. “We can do it in the chapel, before God, and half of my ancestors, with no witnesses.”

“Exactly, no witnesses. And I want witnesses.” Olivia insisted, then clarified. “Well, not literally.”

“Good, I don’t want to be on the altar. That’s taking Holy Communion a little far.” Maybe I should go to confession for thinking that. Wait. I’m not even Catholic, the blonde told herself.

“Like I said before, it’s intimate.”

“Two people?” The cogs in Alex’s head turned. Waitaminute. No, she can’t possibly… Maybe she’s just being cryptic about the ladies’ room, the blonde speculated.

“I’m not talking about a public bathroom either.”

There goes that idea… “That never stopped you before,” Alex contested, then added sultrily, “Maybe you should consider it. I think it could be a very reasonable alternative…”

“I’ve got another place in mind. Really don’t know why you’re arguing.” With a wicked grin, Olivia proceeded with verbal onslaught, “I know how wet you are, and how much you want me inside you.”

“You’re not being fair.”

“You don’t want me to be fair, Sweetheart. You want me to fuck you senseless.” Wrapping an arm around her wife’s waist, she murmured against her ear. Her breath warm and teasing. “And whoever said love was fair?”

“How do you always do this?” Alex sighed, flustered.

“Do what?”

“Make me want you so much.”

“Oh, you mean that little ache that builds up inside,” Olivia grinned triumphantly, “Until your body screams ‘fuck me’?”

In a hoarse whisper, Alex appealed, “So what are you waiting for?”

“For you to say ‘yes’?”

“You know I’m not going to say ‘yes’ without you working for it.”

“And you know I know how to work it, Sweetheart.” She smirked, and leaned in close, her lips tickling, “Besides, I had to wait ‘til your so very wet and very needy. You are, aren’t you?”

Is Alph a river? The blonde nodded, not quite trusting her voice. Oh god, please Liv. Her eyes spoke volumes.

“That’s what I want to hear.” Olivia smiled, and maneuvered them towards the confessional.

“Not there!” Alex balked.

“But I want to bare my soul and confess my love to you. I need to.” The brunette explained most sincerely. “And if we do get caught, the priest will have to forgive us, and keep it a secret.”

“We’ll be here for another week saying Hail Mary’s.”

“I’ll buy you a rosary when we go to the Notre Dame.” Olivia promised as she opened the wooden door, and slipped in with her very willing wife in tow. “I’ll even get it blessed.”

And we already know what happened next…


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