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Sweet Pea



FANDOM: Law and Order SVU

PAIRING: Alex Cabot / Olivia Benson

BEGINNING DATE: 05/00/2004


RATING: NC17 If same-sex relationships bother you, you might want to read something else. Otherwise, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

LEGAL STUFF: Copyrighted 2004 by Adrienne Lee. Non-original characters, if applicable, are used without permission under "Fair Use" doctrine. The author reserves all rights attached to all original aspects of this work. This is a work of fiction; any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

SPOILER: Post "Loss". There also might be other bits and pieces from various episodes.

SUMMARY FOR STORY: It’s amazing how little people know about Alex…


RE. FEEDBACK: Please Madam, may I have some more?

"Hey, Sweet Pea!"

Olivia looked up from her tumbler at the woman with the purple bob, and winced internally. "Hi Aunt Marty."

"Why aren’t out there with everyone?" The older woman sat down in the other empty chair. "Alexandra was looking for you earlier."

"Maybe I should go back." The brunette said, but made no effort to move.

"How was Hawaii?"


"Did Oliver catch any fish?"

"Just tuna out of a can. And a crab almost caught him."

Martha started cracking up, then stopped when she noticed she was laughing alone. "What’s the matter, little Sweet Pea?"

Olivia shook her head, shrugged, and finished off her drink.

"Still having issues with our big family?" The older woman offered gently. "You know you’re going to have to learn to be sociable sooner or later. Especially since this is your Nirvana Day celebration."

"I’m still trying to get used to the whole idea…" Of being a part of such a close knit, happy group of people. "It was always just my mom and me." You already knew how that was.

"Oh, Sweet Pea…"

"I’m sorry for dumping on you the other time, Aunt Marty."

"It’s okay."

"It’s just that…" She hesitated, not knowing if she should or want to continue.


"You reminded me of my Aunt Carla. My mom’s older sister. She used to call me Sweet Pea, in her funny Italian accent."


"My grandparents disowned my mom when she decided to keep me…" Something about Alex’s godmother just made Olivia want to confide in her, and tell her everything that bothered her. "I’m sorry, I’m doing it again," she apologized, hunched over in her chair.

"That’s quite all right." Martha reached over and patted the brunette on the hand. "Tell me about your aunt? Is she your mother’s only sibling?"

"I don’t know. My mom stopped talking to her sibling or siblings, too…" Taking a deep breath, and sitting back, Olivia continued, "Anyway, I don’t remember her very well. Only that one year, she just suddenly showed up in our lives. She didn’t stick around long though… I walked in on them arguing quite a few times. My mom probably pushed her away, like she did other people." Putting on a wistful smile, she met the gray green eyes. "I just wish I got to know her better. Or any member of my family, for that matter."

"Have you tried looking for them?"

"Why bother? They didn’t want me from the beginning, they’re not going to want me now." She stared into the empty glass, suddenly wondering what Alex would think had she been a part of this conversation. Although had she been in the room, Olivia probably would have put on a happy face, and tried to shield her lover from her feelings on this subject.

"You never know. Things change. People change."

"I’m not holding my breath."

"Then, why don’t I tell you about my family? You’re going to be officially a part of it very soon."

Your family? Olivia cocked her head, a slightly perplexed look on her face.

Reading her silent question, Martha asked, her voice resigned, "Did Alexandra not tell you her father and I were related?"

"No. I just thought you were Mrs. Cabot’s college friend."

"Yes, we were that, too. I also grew up with Alex. Our parents were not just neighbors, they were very good friends." The woman took a sip from her big wine glass of water, and set it down on the table between their chairs. "Anyway, I didn’t realize we were relatives until I was doing some research some years ago. Although, I think we shared maybe a drop of blood between us. If that."

"I thought Alex’s father was of Italian descent?" Not that the blonde had ever said so. Olivia just speculated based on the Cabot name, and the mention of an uncle Alfonso.

"Yes, he was. Her grandfather was second generation. Her grandmother was originally from Rome." Judging by the rapt look of attention on her audience’s face, Martha guessed, "I take it this is all news to you?"

Olivia nodded. "I never asked."

"Well, maybe you should."

"She doesn’t ask about my family."

"Maybe you should tell her yourself, and not wait for her to ask."

"Actually, I’m glad she doesn’t. I don’t really have anything to tell her." The brunette swallowed a sigh, and smiled at the older woman. "Anyway, I’m sorry, please continue."

"Now where was I? Oh, yes, as it turned out, my ancestors and La Signora’s were related."

"La Signora?" How pretentious. Alex definitely had never mentioned her.

"Alexandra’s grandmother. Antonia. Everyone called her the Signora. Even Archibald."


"Her husband. The Signore." Martha furrowed her brows at Olivia, and frowned. "You know? I think I knew everything about Randy’s family before I even considered going steady with him."

"Alex just never seemed very comfortable talking about her family." She seemed almost embarrassed by it. Or maybe she thought I would feel bad about mine…

"That silly girl…" She shook her head, wisps of purple flying about her face. "Anyway, La Signora was from a really old family. She was so proud of her heritage. The woman used to go on and on about it, to anyone who would listen. There were times I really felt sorry for her."

Jessica Tandy from Fried Green Tomatoes! Equally quirky. Except much, much younger looking. Finally. It had been running her nuts trying to figure out who Marty really reminded her of. "Why?"

"How would you feel if the only reason why your husband married you was because of your lineage?"

Fortunately, that’s not one of my worries. "But…" I thought that was the only reason why the Cabots accepted Celine. "According to Alex…"

"I know what Alexandra must have told you. I don’t think she understood her parents’ relationship very well." Martha offered, "At least there was love between Alex and Celine. The only things Archibald and Antonia had in common were their sense of duty, and their five children."


"Alexander, Alfonso, Antonio and Andreas, in that order. And you’ve met Aileen."

"What’s with all the A names?"

"Beats me. Alexandra and her cousins all have A names, too."

"The first letter of the alphabet?"

"And the need to be first in everything? Hmm… you might have something there." The older woman winked. "Don’t worry, we’ll keep this little speculation between us."

Whew. Gratefully, Olivia smiled.

"Antonia’s family home is still standing, you know. Unfortunately, it’s a hotel now. But maybe you and Alexandra could visit one day, and stay there. It’s a lovely place," Martha suggested enthusiastically. "Celine and I tried to get her to go back to Rome with us on more than one occasion, but she kept coming up with one excuse after another."

"Maybe I could convince her. I’ve always wanted to go, just never had the time." Taking care of an alcoholic mother, and working when not going to school sort of took care of that.

"It would be wonderful if you could. She hadn’t been back since her grandmother’s death. We don’t think she quite got over that." Martha sighed, and took another drink of her water. Then, she was all smiles again. "Besides, you two have already been to Mondestin. It’s only fair to Alex that you learn his roots next."

"I certainly look forward to it." Olivia assured sincerely.

"Back to the family history. Antonia could trace it all the way to the late 1600’s, to a Count Antonio Romano. And that’s where my ancestors came in. They were Catholics who left Sweden…"

She nodded, and jumped in without meaning to, "To Rome, in exile."

"I see you know your history."

"I read a lot when I was a kid." Got nothing better to do.

"I’m really glad she caught you." Marty grinned, and winked. "Most people couldn’t keep up with her, and I’m not being a prideful godmother. Actually, I think she really needs to loosen up, and not bury her head in books."

"I like her intellectual curiosity." Keeps me on my toes.

"You can call it whatever you want. Celine and I both think she’s a stuff shirt and a square." She made a shape in the air with her fingers. "An absolutely perfect square."

Olivia had to smile. Yeah and I like her stuff, in or out of that shirt. Shaking off the images, the brunette prodded, "You were telling me about your ancestors?"

"Well, it’s more like our ancestors, since one of my ancestors, Vita, married Antonio Romano." Martha retold, than added mischievously, "And I think her brother shacked up with his illegitimate sister."

"Shacked up?"

"According to the records, he was an opera singer. A soprano." Not getting the desired response from the brunette, she continued, "Forbidden to marry by the church? Long live the knife?"


"Yeah, can you imagine?" Both women shifted in their seats. "Anyway, there are still portraits of the two couples hanging in the villa in Tuscany, where they retired, after life in Rome. Maybe you and Alexandra could visit together. I just finally secured the property last year. Along with the vineyard."

"Sounds wonderful. Thanks for the invitation."

"Another thing you should learn, Sweet Pea: stop being so formal. Do you thank Alexandra if she took you out to dinner?"

"She thanks me. We thank each other for the company."

"Sweet Pea, Sweet Pea, what am I going to do with you two?"

Olivia shrugged, not knowing how to reply. Moving the conversation along, she offered, "My grandparents were originally from Siena, I think."

"Maybe you and I too share a drop of blood! We’d really be one big happy family. Wouldn’t that be nice?"

That wasn’t the reaction Olivia expected. Oh yeah, super. She smiled uncomfortably.

"Come on, Sweet Pea." Martha leaned over, and squeezed the younger woman on the knee. "Has anyone told you, you should be less serious? You have such a pretty smile."

The brunette smiled dutifully in response.

Suddenly, the music from the party changed, and the older woman hopped to her feet. "Let’s dance. I just love the music from the 60’s."

"I’m not sure I know how." Olivia hesitated, glued to her chair.

Martha reached down, and pulled the brunette from her sanctuary. "It’s really easy, just follow me."

It’s almost like having a vertical epileptic fit. Olivia thought to herself, amused, as she mimicked the older woman’s moves.

"That’s it. No wonder she has her heart set on you."

Blushing, the brunette returned, "You’re a very good dancer yourself."

"Don’t tell anyone, but as a dare, I was a go-go dancer for a night."

The image of Marty in go-go boots and bikini’s popped into her head. Ugh. Don’t go there, Benson. "Does Uncle Randy know?" Anything to keep her mind occupied.

"Of course. And you can even tell Alexandra if you want. Maybe it’ll help her loosen up a little. I really don’t know how she grew up to be such a prude."

"Aunt Marty, next time you talk behind my back, would you make sure the door is closed, please?"

They both turned to the very amused Alex standing by the doorway.

"I was making a generally known statement, Princess. That’s not talking behind your back."

The blonde just smiled and shook her head in defeat.

"It’s been fun, Sweet Pea." Martha spun to face Olivia again, and patted her on the arm. "We should do this more often. If I don’t see you later, have a happy Nirvana weekend." She winked at the brunette, and shook her head at her goddaughter. On her way out, she dimmed the lights, flipped the lock, and closed the door.

The two remaining women exchanged a sheepish glance, and moved towards each other.

"So that’s what you’ve been doing all night? Dancing with Marty?"

"No. Thank god. And thank you for rescuing me," she kissed her lover softly. "I think I’m getting old."

"I hope I’m half as energetic when I get to that age." Alex maneuvered them to the empty wall in the room, and ran her hands along Olivia’s sides, slowly untugging her shirt. "So what else did you do?"

"We talked." The brunette tried to do the same but Alex stilled her hands. She let it go for now, and enjoyed the gentle caresses.


"I think she likes me."

"Was she nice to you?"

"Yeah, she invited us to her place in Tuscany," Olivia related the gist of their discussion, intensely aware of the fingers drifting up her shirt. "And she told me how she and your father were related."

"That’s nice. I hope she didn’t bore you."

"No. And she told me I have a pretty smile."

"She’s right." Alex kissed Olivia playfully. "And you survived."

"Survived what?"

"A second talk with Aunt Marty." She explained. "It’s amazing, really. This used to be her killing field."

"What do you mean?"

"Nobody I brought home ever survived the talk in the library."

"Including Kenneth?"

"Especially Kenneth. She made him cry." Alex pressed her lips together and forced a smile. "I felt so bad about that."


"Yeah." The smile widened and shifted. "So you think I’m a prude, huh?" Her voice deep and sultry, she asked, while unzipping her lover’s pants.

"Hey, it’s my birthday." I get to do. That should go without saying.

"But you know what watching you dance does to me." Command coloring the need in her whispered tone, as she stepped behind Olivia, pressing her front against the wall.

"Shouldn’t we go back?" Half-heartedly, the brunette tried to persuade her lover.

"Didn’t you hear the door lock click?" Alex breathed against Olivia’s ear, her breath warm against her neck. "I’m sure they don’t expect us back. Besides, you have me so hot and ready, I’d have to change first." She said, and cupped her lover’s breasts with her hands.

She knew it was not true. The blonde was wearing black, and she had on thong underwear. But she decided to run with it. "Really?"

"I know what you’re thinking." She slid her palm down the brunette’s pants, and squeezed. Reveled in the sound of sharp inhale. "You’re thinking I must be exaggerating. I’m not. I can’t wait for you to do this… or this… or this… to me." Her fingers demonstrating, drawing out soft moans and whimpers from her lover. "It drives me insane just thinking about it."

Slipping further, deeper down, Alex continued her verbal seduction. "I’m so hot, so ready for you right now. All I can think of are your fingers being inside me, like this… and fucking me, like this… You like that, too, huh?"

"Alex, please?" Don’t tease. Don’t stop.

"I know what you want," she resumed her slow torture. "You want to spread my legs, and touch me like this… and see just how wet I am for you… Let me assure you, I am. I want you so much, I want your fingers inside me, so much, my cunt aches…. For you…. Only you…"

"Alex? Please?"

"Please what, Sugar?"

"I want…" To come.

"Do you really want it now? Or do you want it when I get it? When you’re fucking me like this… Everywhere… Touching me in places no one else has? When all I can do is wrap my arms and legs around you, and scream your name…

"Or," she ran her tongue along the edge of Olivia’s ear, and nipped her earlobe, eliciting another shuddering sigh. "Do you want to wait until you’re kissing me here… and here… all over… I love it when you take me into your mouth, and eat me like a fruit… It makes me so hot to watch you… With my juices all over your face…

"And it feels so good to have your tongue in my ass, your fingers in my cunt, fucking me, making me yours, making me whole." She bit down on her lover’s shoulder to steady herself. "Do you want more?"


"Fingers?" Alex took in another stabilizing breath. "Or do you want to know what else I want you to do to me?"


"I want you to put on your girl cock and dog me," she slammed her body against her lover’s to play out the motion. "Want you to fuck me like you mean it. Want you to watch and pretend it’s really you disappearing into my hungry cunt, so red and dripping wet for you. I love hearing the wet sucking noises you make me make. Love the slap of your thighs against mine. And I want you to take me, take me right to the edge, like this. And stop."

"Alex!" Oh, god. "Please…"

"Oh, Liv…" Pulling at the tender flesh on her lover’s neck, she sucked and nibbled. Then heaved loudly. "Liv, I want to feel your mouth your hands all over me… Your hands holding me open for you. So gentle, so strong at the same time. Your tongue inside me, fucking me. Like I’m fucking you right now. I want it to be just you, nobody and nothing else but you. Taking me. Fucking me senseless."

"Alex…" There, almost…

She felt it too. "And all I want to do is come for you. Make me come in your mouth, all over your hands." Working her lover’s pleasure, picking up the rhythm. "Make me scream your name and love you when I come for you." When I can think of nothing else but you. When I can do nothing else but love you. She shouted out in her head as they collapsed against the wall. "I love you."


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