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The Pink Ananga Ranga



Author: Adrienne Lee

Email Address:

Rating: PG

LEGAL STUFF: Copyrighted 2004 by Adrienne Lee. Non-original characters, if applicable, are used without permission under "Fair Use" doctrine. The author reserves all rights attached to all original aspects of this work. This is a work of fiction; any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

SUMMARY FOR STORY: A little pillow talk…

SPOILER: Post "Loss". There also might be other bits and pieces from various episodes.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is set in our on-going Alternate Universe where Alex and Olivia are still together after Alex went into WPP. It contains references to future events / story-lines, but the spoilage shouldn’t be too significant. The Ananga Ranga means “Stage of the Bodiless One”, an ancient manual written to prevent the monotony which sometimes follows possession… Although for these two, well, for Alex, it’s more about satisfying her bottomless curiosity…

Original Publish Date: May 31, 2004

Last Updated: May 31, 2004

Complete or To Be Continued: Complete

Another day, another weekend, another misadventure in Alex and Olivia’s life…

“Boy, am I bushed!”

“Come on! You don’t mean that!” The blonde smirked, “What happened to the pink bunny that keeps going and going and going?” Truth be known, she was quite tired herself, but she had a reputation to uphold.

“Dead batteries?” The brunette grinned, and shrugged.

“Energizer bunny losing steam? That’s so unlike you.”

“Fine, you try it.” Olivia gave up, and handed the book to her lover.

“Good, I will.” Alex grabbed it, and immediately opened to the desired page.

“How are you going to pull it off?”

“I don’t know yet.” She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, and nibbled on her pencil.

“Jaime O’Brien the pillow book connoisseur?”

Kissing her lover fully on the lips, “That’s for me to worry about.”

“Look, I was just kidding about that.” Olivia twitched, hoping her lover believed her. “I will go as long as you want me to.”

“Maybe you’re right. I should look into one of them.” Alex mumbled, still buried in the text. “You need your rest.”

“No, no, no, I was wrong, completely absolutely positively wrong.”

“Oh? Do I hear defeat? Or are you just jealous? You’re so cute when you’re jealous.” She patted Olivia on the cheek. “Or are you just afraid of what I might do to you?”

“Please, Alex?” She begged, not sure if her lover was serious or not. “Tell me you’re just yanking my chain.”

“Quit being such a baby! It’s not like I’m going away with a super hunk.” She winked at her lover. “It’s just an inanimate object.”

“Right, and what would you do if I had told you that?” The brunette rolled her eyes.

“Skin you alive, probably.” Alex pretended to think about it, “Or sell tickets,” wrapping her tongue around the pink eraser head and sucked. “Or video tape for perpetuity. Take your pick.”

“That’s double standard.” Olivia hung onto the small movements.

Unperturbed, Alex continued to tick off the table of content. “Did you realize we’ve only tried a fraction of them. And we’ve been at it all weekend. Maybe we should get more than one. Considering we still have that many to experiment.” She waved her pencil at the small pile of books on their night stand.

“Very funny. Are you really going to go through with this?”

“What do you want?” She answered by handing her lover the catalogue that arrived in the mail the week before.

“X-rated stuff?” Olivia took the proffered booklet and grinned, the twinkle in her eyes told her lover she was teasing. She started thumbing through it, “Oh, how’bout one of these?” and pointed to a goofy bunny-looking contraption.

“You’re positively insane.” Alex gave it a double and a triple take.

“Zany crazy, and only about you.” That remark earned her another kiss on the lips. “But it’s pink. What do you say, hmm…?”


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