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Title: TINKA

Author: Adrienne Lee

Email Address:

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Copyrighted 2004 by Adrienne Lee. Non-original characters, if applicable, are used without permission under "Fair Use" doctrine. The author reserves all rights attached to all original aspects of this work. This is a work of fiction; any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Begin Date: January, 2004

Last Updated: July 19, 2004

Complete or To Be Continued: Complete

Summary: The fairy tale adventure of Tinka the great Beast charmer…

Feedback will make a girl happy!

Turning onto her stomach, Olivia pushed up on her hands and did a modified cobra, stretching out her joints and muscles. Nothing like an afternoon with her favorite playmate to get her juices going, so to speak. Sinking back into the bed, she rolled over, extended her fingers towards the headboard, and reversed the arch.

Abruptly, Alex closed her eyes, and pulled the blankets over her head.

Leaning over, she peeled back the covers, and kissed her lover on the chin. “What’s wrong?” She asked, feeling a wave of crankiness wash over the blonde. “Sweetheart?”

“I had yoga and meditation this morning.”

If that answer was supposed to enlighten the brunette, it didn’t. Holding out her imaginary paper umbrella against the in-coming tsunami, she braved, “Yeah?”

“I was calm and I was worn out.”

“I always find it invigorating afterwards.”

“Maybe normally, but I decided to add a session of ashtanga after the meditation, and I was exhausted.”

Her mouth definitely much faster than her brain, Olivia wagged her eyebrows and chuckled. “You could have fooled me.”


“Precisely what?”

“That’s precisely the problem.” Alex threw the sheets over her lover, and bore into her eyes, trying to imagine the two little dark brown orbs being her only body parts. Oh, but they were so deep… so tender… so dreamy… Ugh. She flipped the pillow over her own head.

“Huh?” Olivia answered, totally at a loss. Her fingers slowly inching towards the naked body, so tempting, so available... Bad hand. Suicidal hand. “What’s the matter, Baby?”

“I was cool. I was in control. And I wore my body out just to make sure. I even watched cartoons.” Alex groused. “Nice, wholesome, PBS cartoons, and stayed away from the windows. The next thing I knew, I was slamming you against the door, practically ripping your clothes off. And we ended up here.”

“And?” What’s your point? Hmm… Pay attention, Benson! She dragged her attention back to the point at hand… Stop it! Groan.

“It’s dark outside.”

I’m obviously traveling into another dimension… Next stop, the Twilight Zone. Maybe if I look hard enough, I’ll even find the sign post. A girl can hope. “So?”

“We never used to be like this.” Alex threw the pillow off, sat up, and ran her fingers through her hair in exasperation.

“Like what?”

“Bunnies. If we’re not going out with Liz and Tom, that’s all we do.”

“That’s not true. We went to your office party, a concert, a comedy show, and we went shopping three times.” Olivia offered hopefully, she saw absolutely nothing wrong with their arrangement. It certainly worked fine for her. Yep, absolutely positively definitely.

“You know what I mean.” Alex sighed. Maybe there’s something wrong with both of us. Or maybe it’s in the water.

“We used to see each other every day.” Realizing how troubled her lover was, Olivia leaned over, and wrapped her arms around her. She reassured. “Not once a month like now.”

“When we fought…” She started, then trailed off, taking on an Oliver-finding-tuna-in-his-bowl look.

“We never fought for that long. And don’t you remember the make up sex that lasted for days?” The brunette managed, before memories of those occasions flooded her mind.

Narrowing her eyes, Alex reminded, “That’s because we kept getting interrupted, and had to stop and go to work.”

“That’s true.” For part of the time anyway, but she kept that bit to herself.

“So what’s my problem?” She bemoaned. “Have you seen those Toys R Us Easter commercials? They remind me of us.”

“Why does it have to be a problem? I’m certainly not complaining.” Olivia assured. We’d blow your favorite Fibonacci theorem out of the water I’m sure. Keeping that thought to herself too, she said instead, “Besides, if we switched places, I would have done the same… If you let me get away with it.” We’d never leave the bed, much less the condo.

“You would?”

“Yeah! Why are you so surprised?” Am I not completely transparent? “Like I said, I’m not complaining, and I love you, my super sexy Sexy Beast.”

“So you really, really don’t mind?”

“No. Well, not mostly.”

“Oh. I knew it.” It was too good to be true.

“I’d like to get a few words in now and then… And here and there...” Grinning, Olivia tickled the corner of her lover’s mouth as one would a pet bunny.

Alex quickly kissed her, “Not right now, I need food,” and moved out of the brunette’s reach, grabbing her robe as she went, allowing nothing to stop her.

“Yeah, I’m hungry too.” Olivia got out of bed and brushed past Alex. She went into the closet, and began digging around in her luggage. “But it’s my turn after dinner, right?”

Curious, the blonde followed, and stood at the entrance. “You’ll have to convince the beast,” she said, her eyes glued to her lover’s nude form, bent over, with her back to her. Oh God. Just a few steps… It would be so easy… Mmm… Alex shook her head hard and packed the beast away in a crate, mentally nailing it shut and fastening heavy duty padlocks. Her stomach was empty, the beast would just have to be patient. At least that was what she kept telling herself.

Still with her back turned, Olivia twisted her head and asked, “Maybe she could be bribed?”

“With?” Her inquisitive nature momentarily taking precedence over her libido.

“This.” She took a step back, and tossed the plush toy to her lover.

“You brought Tinka!” Squealing excitedly, Alex grabbed the bear in mid-flight and hugged it to her. Then she rushed forward to embrace Olivia, crushing the plush bear between them and kissing her soundly. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This is great! You’re great!”

“Whatever makes my baby girl happy.” The brunette smiled, and handed her lover a small shopping bag, “I also brought us sleepwear for France,” and waited.

Alex, meanwhile, seemed oblivious to everything else but the stuffed animal in her arms. If one could asphyxiate a toy bear, it would have turned from brown to blue already.

Finally, Olivia had to take the teddy bear away and replaced it with the package. As she did so, she felt a brief tinge of resentfulness. What’s wrong with you, Benson? Jealous over a damn toy? Little did she know she had just taken her first step down the slippery slope of jealousy over inanimate objects.

Setting the bear on a shelf, she closed the closet door, and warned the overly snoopy Oliver silently, Boy, you might want to stay away from Tinka. Or your Mommy might decide her bear needs a fur rug.

At the exchange between her lover and her cat, Alex grinned, perhaps in agreement… and pulled the tee-shirts from the bag. “Just like Tinka’s!” She giggled at the yellow smiley faces, “That’s cute. Thank you,” and crooked her finger at her lover.

After receiving a gentle kiss, Olivia moved in behind the blonde, resting her chin on her shoulder, while slipping her hands in her pockets. “Turn the shirts around.” She whispered against her lover’s neck.

The beast roared loudly. Alex added another round of nails to the crate, sucked in a deep breath, and took a closer look at the iron-on Sanrio designs with their initials. “How come I’m a rabbit and you’re a bear?”

“You’re a rabbit because you are, and Tinka’s not exactly just a bear.” Olivia smiled, and began nibbling on Alex’s shoulder like a small bunny would.

Once again, the blonde pushed the insatiable beast down, closed her eyes, and buried her face in her hand. “You know.”

“That you called ‘Thumper’ ‘Tinka’ when you were two, and named your favorite teddy bear after a Disney bunny? Yeah, your Mom told me.” She brushed aside blonde tresses, and resumed her ceaseless nibbling.

Down beast. Down. “Is nothing sacred anymore?”

“I haven’t seen all your naked baby pictures yet.”

“Well, there aren’t any!”

“Come on everybody’s got at least one.” Realizing her lover had missed the ‘all’ in her comment, the brunette warned, “I think it’s part of a parent’s privilege to embarrass their kid.”

“I’m not everyone. You can ask my Mom if you don’t believe me,” Alex bluffed, hoping what she said was true, or that her mother wouldn’t show them if there were any.

“You know? I just might have to ask your Mom. I’ll bet she’d enjoy showing me all of them. She might even give me one or two or several.” Olivia took her hand out of Alex’s pocket and held it up. “Like this one.”

Alex stared in horror at the photograph of herself in her birthday suit on the polar bear skin rug. “Give it back!” She finally stopped being the deer in the headlight, and tried in vain to grab the picture out of Olivia’s hand.

Still managing to keep the photograph safely out of her lover’s reach, the brunette offered, “You can have this one back if you want. But I’d really miss it, and I think it’s really cute. The squad thought so, too.”

Choking and swallowing hard, Alex charged forward, “You didn’t! You wouldn’t dare!” Pushing Olivia onto the bed. She climbed on top, and shook the brunette by the neck. “Tell me you didn’t! How could you?”

“Of course I didn’t, Silly. It worked though,” she grinned and easily flipped the blonde over, trapping her against the mattress, and insinuating herself between the V of long legs. “Now I got you exactly where I want you.”

Alex groaned at the pressure against her. “You played me.”

“Oh, I’m just starting.” Olivia said, running a slow finger down her lover’s chest.

“Ugh. Your lines,” she complained, with a soft moan.

“You know you love them.” Loosening the knot in the belt, the brunette asked, “So... Am I still your Big Humper Thumper Rabbit?”

“Always.” Alex whimpered, quickly losing the ability for complex speech.

“And what sayeth the beast?” The tip of her finger resting lightly on a nipple, moving in small circles.

She surrendered quite willingly. “Okay.”

“Appetizer.” Olivia negotiated, moving in wider firmer circles.

Alex gasped softly. “Pushy.”

“No, just greedy.” Stopping the delicious torture, she replied, ”I want to be your Tinka.”

Whispering, her voice full of need, “So what does my Tinka Rabbit want?”

“A nibble on my yummy-nummy blonde carrot.”


And a nibble turned into many. Happily ever after.


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