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Now For Then 14 of 25


NOW FOR THEN Chapter 14

When Olivia made it to the restaurant, it was almost lunch time. Had she been driving aimlessly for that long? She didn’t think so.

Lunch, if one could call it that, consisted of four cups of black coffee. The waiter wasn’t too happy with her choices, but she wanted to think, to process the confrontation with Vaughn, and read the report on Miller. For that, she needed a quiet place, one quieter than her head. She had explained to him just that. It must be the mad gleam in her eyes or the twisted expression on her face, she thought, as he slunk away and left her alone…

Twice now, she almost had to pull over. She didn’t know if it was the acid in her otherwise empty stomach, or the invasion of her lover’s privacy that was making her nauseous. **Maybe he just bugged the room, and not actually the phone…** She considered, suspecting it was wishful thinking.

“Damn it!” The brunette cursed, hitting the steering wheel with her fist, then hissed in surprise. It hurt, as if it was bruised. **Things you do without realizing…

**You should have listened to her, Benson!** She was furious with herself. **How are you going to make it up? And what are you going to do now? Keep your life on hold?** In Olivia’s mind, they had already wasted so much time. She wanted to follow the momentum, to find out where it would lead them. **But she should have a say in this, too!**

Knowing it was not a situation she could resolve that instant, she compartmentalized. With her mind tenuously though nevertheless focused on the case, she drove out of Golden Gate Park, and towards Destiny’s school…

Whitney Dubois was waiting for her when she got there. She had called ahead to make sure he and Robert Miller both would be available.

“Ms. Benson, I presume?” The stocky, much older man took her hand in a firm, warm shake.

“Principal Dubois, thank you for meeting with me.”

“Anything to help you with your case. Before we start though, may I see some identification? I'm sure you're who you say you are, but one obviously can never be too careful." He explained with a smile.

“Of course.” Olivia pulled out the special consultant ID that Vaughn had provided.

He looked at it closely, and then handed it back to her. “That doesn’t look very official, does it?” In response to her shrug, he chuckled, “It’s okay, another agent, one with a shield, stopped by this morning and told me to expect you. He said you’ll be taking over the investigation for his unit. You fit the description, but I wanted to make sure.”

“You said another agent?” The detective began, perplexed.

“Yes, from the DSS. That is who you’re working for, right?” He eyed her suspiciously.

“Yes,” she quickly assured. “I just didn’t expect… Anyway, did he tell you what’s going on?”

“No, and since he looked like he was in a hurry, I figured I’d just wait and ask you.” The principal smiled at her expectantly. When there was no forthcoming answer, he supplied, “So, has there been any new development?”

“No, not yet. We’re still trying to locate Ms. Thomas.”

"I see…” He seemed truly apologetic. “Then Ms. Benson, how can I help you?"

"Who else have you talked to about Ms. Thomas’s disappearance?”

"Just Agent Akins, that’s it. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, they told me another department might be working on this as well, and I’m just wondering if they started already.”

“I see…” He said, though not entirely convinced.

"Has Ms. Thomas reported any trouble with anyone? A member of your staff or perhaps a disgruntled parent?" She asked.

“I’ve already answered that for Agent Akins.”

“I’m sorry.” Trying once again to put on her charm, and hoping it succeeded this time, Olivia explained, “I just found out I’m taking over the case this morning, and I haven’t had a chance to review her notes. So, please forgive me if I asked the same questions.” Perhaps it was the smile, or her knowing that Akins was a she, whatever it was, it worked.

“No, please let me apologize, Ms. Benson. This cloak and dagger stuff must be getting to me. When somebody’s missing, it should be all over the news and the police should be out looking for them. At least that’s what I’m used to.”

“Yes, I know what you mean.” She nodded in agreement. “However, we can’t with this case. Not right now anyway.”

“I understand. Considering who Destiny’s mother is, I do understand. But she’s one of my best teachers and I don’t look forward to explaining to the children… If I am even allowed to explain to them…”

“Principal Dubois, right now we won’t have to worry about that. We still have time.” The detective hoped. “Now, back to my earlier question…”

"Yes.” He leaned forward against his desk, and clasped his hands, massaging his arthritic knuckles. “She hadn’t mentioned anything. Parents don't usually bother to complain to the teachers, they tend to come straight to me. We have two parent teacher conferences every year, and more if either requests it. In all of Destiny’s time here, I’ve heard nothing but praises about her. They’re always telling me how much improvements their children are making, thanks to her. So, no, I’m not aware of any disgruntled parents.”

“What about the staff?” She reminded.

“We’re a non-public non-for-profit school, and our goal is to support children with learning difficulties. Our class sizes are very, very small…” In a different tone, it could have been a sales pitch, but it seemed he was just being a patient educator. “All this boils down to our very strict teacher and staff selection process. Everyone here gets along with everyone else. We can’t tell our children to play well with others and not do the same, right?”

“Right.” She smiled. “So Ms. Thomas played well with her co-workers?”

"Oh, Destiny gets along fabulously with everyone. She's always willing to pitch in where she can. Everyone here is very fond of her. She's just such a wonderful person… I can't imagine why anyone would want to harm her…" He trailed off, shaking his head in genuine regret.

"I understand she’s very close with Robert Lee Miller, Jr. one of your other teachers?" Olivia asked.

"Yes, a fine and pleasant young man. I believe they've been seeing each other pretty steadily since he started working here at the beginning of last year. "

"What can you tell me about Mr. Miller?" Olivia asked non-committally.

"Is he now a suspect?" The principal queried, concerned. “Agent Akins didn’t seem to think so…”

"Considering Mr. Miller's relationship with Ms. Thomas, I have to ask about him. It’s just routine, to rule him out from any involvement," Olivia assured.

"Of course. That’s a relief.” Dubois smiled cautiously. "Robert came to us with excellent credentials. His references were very good. He’s a little quiet but he’s well liked by everyone. The children love his classes, and he’s very dedicated to his job. He got in at 8:00 this morning, day before Christmas Eve.”

“Is this normal? Do you encourage your teachers to work over term breaks?”

“I myself work three hundred sixty days a year. My wife jokes that I keep museum hours.” He grinned sheepishly. “I don’t expect everyone to do like me, it’s would be unfair to them. But if they want to come in, I don’t chase them away either.”

“And Mr. Miller?”

“Oh, he puts in many hours outside class. He and Destiny both. I think that’s how they grew so close so quickly. They’re both devoted to their job and their students. It’s not easy to find someone who understand your passion and support you along the way.”

A certain blue-eyed leggy blonde popped to the forefront of Olivia’s mind. She smiled and nodded in total agreement. “Do you know if he was working the evening Ms. Thomas disappeared?”

“Yes, we both worked until six that day. I asked if he wanted a lift home since he didn’t bring his car, but he said he was going to do some last minute Christmas shopping.”

"Well, I guess that’s all the questions I have, then.” Putting away her notebook, she stood and smiled.

The principal followed, and walked her to the corridor. “I'm sorry, Ms. Benson, I can’t be more helpful." He apologized and shook her hand.

"On the contrary, Mr. Jackson, you've been a great help. Would it be possible for me to speak with Mr. Miller now?”

"Of course, he’s just down the hall. Let me take you to him,” he suggested, and led the way…

“Robert?” He knocked on the open door.

Robert Miller looked up from his work. “Yes, Whitney?”

“This is Ms. Benson, taking over from Agent Akins on Destiny’s disappearance. She’d like to ask you a few questions.” Dubois introduced them.

“Sure.” Getting up immediately, he pulled out a chair for Olivia and gestured for her to sit.

“Thank you, Mr. Miller,” she smiled charmingly, while the principal took his leave.

“My pleasure,” he returned the smile, “Can I get you some water or a soda or something? The staff lounge is just a few doors away.”

“No, I’m fine. Thank you though.”

He shrugged lightly and sat back down. “How can I help you, Ms. Benson?" He asked, his attention completely focused on her. He seemed unassuming, polite, definitely a bit nerdy. Still, he was very pleasant.

"When was the last time you saw Destiny?" She started off with an easy one, before cutting to the chase, and wondered if she would have to explain her questions to him like she had to with Dubois.

"The day she disappeared. She stopped by my classroom at about five that afternoon to say goodnight. I believe she was going home, then heading to her mother's for dinner.”

"Where were you that night?"

"I was here until six working on my lesson plans." He answered evenly. “Afterwards I went to Macy’s downtown. I wanted to do some last minute shopping for the women in my life…”


“My mom, and Destiny, of course.”

“Ah, of course. So what did you get?”

“Nothing.” He sighed loudly. “What do you get people who have everything… Sometimes it’s just hard. You’re a woman, what do you suggest?”

“Flowers always work on me.” She rolled her eyes mentally.

“For Christmas?” He half yelped. “Flowers are for everyday!”

Veering away from that road, she pressed, “So, Mr. Miller, what did you do afterwards?”

“I stopped by McDonald's for dinner and then went home."

"Can anyone vouch for you?"

"I left here with Whitney. Unless someone at Macy’s or the young woman at the McDonald's drive-thru remembered me… I don’t think so. Am I a suspect, Ms. Benson?" He queried, but didn't seem excessively concerned.

"No. I’m just asking routine questions. You know, to eliminate you as a potential suspect?” She looked to him for comprehension.

"Ah, of course. I’m sorry for interrupting you. Please continue." He seemed so incredibly sincere in his willingness to help.

"Has Destiny mentioned anyone unusual hanging around her house? Or trouble she might be having with anyone?"

"No, she lives in a pretty safe neighborhood. Everyone knows everyone on that block, and they all love her. Have you talked to any of her neighbors? They all kind of watch out for one another. Maybe they saw something?" He offered.

"How have you and Destiny been getting along?” Ignoring his questions, she asked instead. “I understand you’ve been seeing each other for quite awhile."

"We get along great, I think. She's a wonderful girl and I really care about her. We've gotten very close in the last few months. You know, talking about a future together, beyond just dating anyway." He had on the look of a love-struck puppy.

“Do you ever argue?”

“Heavens, no! Arguments would only hurt feelings and damage the relationship.”

“But you must disagree about something sometime.” She and Alex certainly did. “What movie to see, where to eat, or…”

“Oh, no, Ms. Benson, we never disagree about anything,” Miller cut in hurriedly.

“Never?” She was shocked.


Scout’s honor, Olivia had expected him to say. "Has Destiny seemed depressed or especially worried lately?" She asked.

"Destiny's usually pretty up about everything. It's one of the things I really love about her. She's always so positive and upbeat. She's just generally a really great person to be around." Miller smiled, and said all the right things.

"How do you and General Thomas get along?" Olivia asked next, watching him closely for any sort of reaction.

"We get along fine. I mean we don't see each other much, but we get along fine. She's been really nice to me."

"Have you ever had any arguments or disagreements with the General? Or with Destiny about her mother?" So far, he had been picture perfect, perhaps a little too perfect. Or maybe she just had issues with his patronizing tone, she wasn’t sure.

"Of course not! I told you we get along fine, Ms. Benson." He became a little defensive.

“Oh, that’s right, I’m sorry. Haven’t had my coffee this morning.” She smiled apologetically.

“That’s okay, I understand. Are you sure I can’t get you a can of Coke or something? There’s caffeine in it.”

There it was again. He was treating her like a child. Perhaps occupational habit, Olivia wondered. “How does Destiny get along with your family? Any problems or difficulties?" Continuing along the same line, she tried to provoke him. Judging by his previous reaction, it might be a sore spot.

“My mom and my brother both adore her. They think she hung the moon.” He practically glowed. Still beaming, he added, “My mom tells me I should move faster, says I’m not getting any younger, which is true. I’m going to hit the big four O next year.”

**Do I look like this when I talk about her? Jesus.** She shifted in her chair, and continued, “What about your stepfather?”

“He likes her just fine, I guess. I don’t talk to him much.”

“What about your father?”

“My father passed away two months ago,” Miller answered in a small voice.

“I’m sorry, Robert,” the detective offered. “Did he and Destiny get along?”

"They got along okay. They only met a few times. He lived in Davis, so I didn't see him very often," he explained. "When he was well, I was too busy with work. Then he got sick…” Lowering his head, he finished guiltily, “You know how it is? There's always stuff you'd like to do, but you just don't have the time to do it. Then suddenly it’s too late…"

"I understand your father was retired military, and you grew up in DC. How did he and the General…"

"They've never met." He cut her off abruptly before she finished the question. “My dad was already sick when General Thomas moved back here.”

"Okay. When was the last time you saw the General?"

"Maybe a couple of weeks ago when she and Destiny and I went out to dinner. We do this at least twice a month, all three of us.”

“Where did you go?”

“A vegan restaurant in the Sunset District. It’s new, and Destiny wanted to try it.”

“Are you Buddhist, Robert?”

“Oh, god. No.” He shook his head and smiled.

“So how do you feel about her beliefs and stuff?” Olivia ventured.

“What does it have to do with the rain in Spain, Ms. Benson?” Miller asked. He seemed genuinely confused by her question.

“You don’t argue about what to do for your free time? Doesn’t it take forever to make a sand mandala?”

“Oh, that,” rather indulgently, he smiled. “I love watching her work. She’s so graceful, and the process is so calming. Besides, we always do what she wants to do.”

“Doesn’t that bother you?”

“No, that’s just what you do.” Miller answered earnestly. “You put the need of your woman ahead of your own. Doesn’t your boyfriend or husband do that for you?”

**Whoa! Which gothic romance did you crawl out of? I’m sure Alex would love to know.** Mentally sticking her finger down her throat, she responded, “I guess I’m not as lucky as Destiny.” She knew it wasn’t true.

“I’m really sorry to hear that, Ms. Benson.” He looked as though he meant it. “Every woman deserves to be pampered and adored, my mom always tells me.”

“I’d say, Robert, every man should have a mother like yours.” Olivia offered. He nodded, definitely pleased with her comment. “"That's all the questions I have Mr. Miller, you've been very helpful. Thank you for your time." She said, putting away her notebook and pen, and starting to stand up.

Immediately, Miller was behind her, pulling out her chair. "I'm glad I could be of help, Detective." He smiled and shook her hand. "I should really get back to my lesson plans, anyway. The building is closed tomorrow and I do want to finish them so I can take the rest of the holiday off.” He explained as they moved towards the door, and held it open for her. “Let me walk you to your car.”

“No, that’s okay, Robert, I can find my way. Thank you.”

“I insist, Ms. Benson. It’s the least I can do.”


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