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Now For Then 17 of 25


NOW FOR THEN Chapter 17

“Det. Benson! How can I help you?”

“I’m on my way to your office. You better not go anywhere!” She closed her cell phone without waiting for an answer. Breaking every land speed limit, she finally pulled into the Hawthorne Street garage with a screech.

Not soon enough, Olivia burned passed the receptionist.

"Det. Benson, you can't do that." Sharon objected, and ran after the intruder straight into Vaughn's office.

"Looks like I just did.” She turned back towards the agitated blonde and smirked. “Agent Vaughn's going to be busy for a while, make sure you hold his calls." With that, she slammed his door closed.

“How was your chat with Robert Miller, Detective?” Vaughn fired the question at her before she could begin.

“You didn’t tell me he was such a charmer.” She kept her hands on her waist, and paced.

“Like I said, he’s a nice guy. You didn’t believe me.” He smiled smugly.

“Nice guy? He’s a patronizing chauvinist. I’m surprised he didn’t keep Destiny under lock and keys.”

“Really?” The DSS Agent sat forward, and pressed his elbows on the desk. “That’s not like… That’s not something Agent Akins ever mentioned.” Lifting his eyebrows, he smiled and continued, “Anyway, considering how abusive his father was to his mother, he’s probably just trying to make it up to all womankind or something.”

“I think you’re making a mistake. He’s your guy.”

“And I think you’re WRONG.” He declared. “Even if he had Destiny, and I don’t think he does, what’s he doing with General Thomas?”

“Maybe…” The detective started to offer her theory.

“Whatever,” he brushed her off. “Are we done trading notes? Is there a reason why you demanded this meeting?”

Reminded of the true purpose of her call, Olivia seethed, “As a matter of fact…”

Once again, he cut her off, “My, my, Detective. Can I get you a glass of ice or something?”

She got up in his face, and challenged, “Tell me you haven’t been stalking Mrs. Cabot’s other daughter.”

“Criminals stalk. Us loyal federal employees investigate.” He answered coolly, reminding Olivia of her place, and daring her to cross the line.

“Investigate?” She fumed. “Investigate! What kind of shit head operation are you running here?”

"We've been through this once already, Detective. I have a job to do and it’s my job to investigate all persons of interest.” He explained as if he were speaking to a particularly slow-witted child. “Why are you so out of sorts?”

“Alex, a person of interest?” Olivia couldn’t believe her ears. “You lame ass moron…!” She found herself at a loss for words, since her mind was consumed by the different possible ways of nailing Vaughn’s ass to the wall. “If you’ve done anything to compromise her safety, I swear, I’ll rip you to pieces with my bare hands!”

“Do I sense hostility from you, Det. Benson?” His mouth turned up sickly at one corner. “Ms. Cabot, or shall I say Ms. O’Brien, is just a former colleague, right?” Before Olivia could answer, he slapped his forehead dramatically, “Oh, my! Alex and Alex, Mrs. Cabot’s daughter and your girlfriend. They’re one and the same! I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid!”

“Get it through your damn thick head, Vaughn.” Olivia loomed over him, her rage barely in control. “Alex is not a threat to national security. She never was, and she never will be. All you've managed is scaring her half to death. She made the effing incompetent dogs you sent!”

“Well, I guess I’ll have to have a chat with my agents.” He continued to smile at her, taunting. "You know, I didn't realize it was Mrs. Cabot's daughter you’re boffing. No wonder you have the Cabot family in your back pocket. Must be nice. And I’m impressed -- YOU, Detective, must be something else. I hear she's quite a Jezebel.”

Olivia nearly snapped, her fists landing on Vaughn’s desk, causing a loud boom. Through the red haze, she saw the triumphant sneer on the bastard's face. He was baiting her, wishing she would jump him so he could put her in jail. So, she got hold of herself, and sat down in a chair.

"You really hate me don't you, Vaughn.” She leaned back, dropping her heels onto the desk surface and crossing her legs. “Somebody really shoved me way down your throat and you can't stand it.” Taking advantage of his stunned silence, she continued, “I imagine that's why you've been giving me the royal run-around. Let me tell you, Vaughn, I don't give a damn about you. You're just another government ass-hole that I don't want to deal with. So just stay out of my way. And I will only say this once: leave my family alone.”

"Don't threaten me, Detective, I'll have you picked up as a person of interest. By the time my people get through with you, no one will find you." He threw at her.

"Yeah, right. Your people can't even tail someone without them knowing.” Olivia snickered. “That you can actually believe the Cabots had anything to do with the General and Destiny’s disappearance,” she shook her head for effect, “My god, you're more deluded than you look. How you ever got to any position of authority escapes me. I've seen rookie cops with more smarts than you."

"I couldn’t care less what your personal opinion is of me, Det. Benson.” The agent stood up and walked to the window, looking out briefly, then met her gaze. “You’ve been nothing but a pain in the ass since you got here. I personally don't have the time or the manpower to baby-sit you or keep you out of trouble."

"What do you mean? And why are you keeping tabs on the Cabots and on me then?" She demanded.

"I cannot answer either of your questions. I can only tell you they have been my orders from the start.”

"Let me guess, I’m a person of interest, too?

"No, we cleared you." He sounded disappointed.

“Gee, I should be so grateful.”

“I wish I'd never laid eyes on you, Detective. Why don't you save us both some trouble and go talk to your girlfriend's guardian angel."

"And just who might that be?" Olivia asked, suspecting the DSS agent was full of it.

"You don't know?" He seemed surprised.

"Enlighten me." She responded caustically.

"Your buddy. Agent Leadon. He didn't tell you?" Vaughn laughed.

"Agent Leadon? You mean Hank? He's an Assistant US attorney with the Justice Department." She stated seriously.

"Oh, that’s right! I forgot!” Vaughn smacked himself on the forehead again. “How silly of me. Special Counsel Hank isn’t one of the good guys like you. I guess he’s just another government ass-hole who’s been keeping a special eye on your little girlfriend. Something I knew that you didn't, hmmm…"

“You’d better not be jacking with me,” Olivia warned.

“Say, now that you know, don’t you wonder why? What do you bet he’s hoping for some special showing of gratitude…” He leered, trying again to provoke her.

“It’s not going to work, Vaughn.”

“Look, if it’ll get you out of my office sooner, I can tell you this much.” He gave up the jeering, and offered, “So far, nothing has been compromised. We haven't had any reports of agents in the field experiencing any sort of trouble."

“That’s wonderful and all. But what are you doing to help the General and her daughter?”

"As I told you before, we always try to minimize collateral damage. Our chief concern is first and foremost the security of the nation. Whether you comprehend that or not, that’s my job." He defended himself.

"Yes, I guess all Americans should appreciate that, and sleep better at night."

"I'm glad we finally understand each other, Det. Benson" He smiled and nodded, her sarcasm completely escaping him.

"Oh, you have no idea." She got up and left his office.


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