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Now For Then 19 of 25


NOW FOR THEN Chapter 19

"Hey, Sweetheart."


“How’s my girl?” Leaning back against the headboard, Olivia smiled. The phrase of endearment had rolled off her tongue just now, and she was beginning to really like the feeling it evoked.

“Almost back to normal, whatever that means,” Alex replied, her tone definitely more relaxed. “And it's good to hear your voice.”

"Same here. Did you call Brown like you promised?" Even though Hank had already told her, she asked. Her lover would expect her to.

"Yes. He talked to the marshals, and they said it was just routine maintenance. Like checking to see if I’m okay.” As an afterthought, she added, “I guess that’s why the car was circling.”

“What car?”

“It was just a plain brown, well, blue, in this case, wrapper. Anyway, just to make sure, there’ll be a watch outside tonight." Alex sounded relieved.

"Wish I could be there…" She expressed softly, hiding her frustration about the distance and the case. “To hold you, if you need me to…”

"Me, too… Any idea when you might be able to get away?"

"It’s just a hunch, but I think I’ve got the perp…” Olivia replied hesitantly. Maybe she shouldn’t have counted the chickens before they hatched, but she really thought she was right. As circumstantial as the connections might have been, they seemed to support her instinctual conclusion. “I'm trying to get through as soon as I can. Right now, I’ve got someone on his house.”

“So you can call me?” Alex protested, “You didn’t have to do that.”

“It’s okay. I trust this guy’s competency.” The detective assured. She had the distinct feeling that Hank was going to do the surveillance himself. At least this was one time she didn’t need to be such a control freak. “’Sides, I did have to… I was really worried.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pull you away from your work.”

“It’s really okay. I miss you a lot, and the case was driving me nuts,” Olivia acknowledged. “So this is therapy.” It was true. As much as she needed to know her lover was safe, she also wanted her daily ‘fix’. Whoever said love was like drug was two hundred percent right.

“It is, huh?” Laughing softly, Alex teased, “Are you lying down?”

"As a matter of fact,” slowly and suggestively, the brunette answered, “I am. Do you wanna know what I'm wearing?"

“What? Nothing?" Alex guessed, a shade of huskiness coloring her voice.

"No, I'm wearing something." Olivia corrected her.

"Yeah?" She asked softly.

"A smile and your favorite perfume." The brunette started to create a picture in her lover's mind.

"You're insane." Alex laughed again, a little throatier still.

"Only about you." She smiled to herself. Obviously, she was saying all the right things.

"Whoever’s listening in will think you're the Energizer bunny."

"You mean that plural, don't you?" Olivia teased back.

“Uh-uh,” Alex reminded her, "You started this. I didn't."

"Are you telling me you didn't enjoy last time?" She let the warm honey of her voice flow, knowing exactly what it would do to her lover.

There was nothing but the hitched sound of Alex's breathing on the other end of the phone.

"Well?" Drawing out the word, Olivia coaxed.

"Do I really have to answer that?" Alex sounded reluctant, and suddenly shy.

"No.” She chuckled, relenting. “Say, Sweetheart?”


**There goes nothing,** the brunette thought. She couldn’t in good faith proceed without knowing how her lover felt about the subject. “What if someone is listening?”

After a short pause, Alex replied, “I guess they’ll be getting an earful.”

That was not the answer she expected. “You don’t mind?”

“Um, there’s nothing I can do about it. I don’t want to stop talking to you on the phone. Besides, Liv, others have heard worse.”

“When?” Olivia had half suspected people did. She just wasn’t prepared for the calm pragmatism in her lover’s tone.

“All the times we barely made it through the door.” Alex recounted. “And the look Mrs. Probesco gave me every time I run into her leaving your apartment… I think she thought I could turn her and her Chihuahua gay and lusty just by sharing their air space.”

**Wait, is that a tone of amusement?** Olivia wondered. “Why didn’t you tell me? We could have been more careful. Or maybe we should?”

With a gentle laugh, Alex asked, “Are you having second thoughts about me being chatty and screaming for you?”

“No… But if I didn’t know better, I’d say you like getting caught.”

“Since I can’t and don’t want to fight you, I decided to join you. You and your little exhibitionist.”

“I do not have an exhibitionist!”

“Right.” Alex sounded thoroughly unconvinced. “So where were we?”

Saving the discussion for a later day, Olivia let the sultriness return to her voice, “You were getting ready to tell me what you want to do with me."

"Nothing but a smile, huh?"

"And perfume, don't forget."

"Hmm... How would you like me to start...?" Alex hesitated, perhaps not knowing what to say.

"Tell me what you think of me." Olivia suggested.

"I think you're a walking contradiction."

"Gee, Alex, that doesn't sound very appealing." She objected lightly, unsure of that description. Granted, she had asked an open ended question, but this was not the response she anticipated. Nevertheless, she waited for her lover to continue.

"It is, you are, to me, very much so." Alex defended her answer.


"You make me feel desirable." She stated simply.

"I'm sure I'm not the only one." She had witnessed so many people falling under her lover’s spell, she had finally lost count. **But I’ll spend my life doing that, if you’ll let me.**

"I know people find me physically attractive, that I'm pretty and all that.” Alex explained, sharing her emotions and observations with Olivia. “But people either want a delicate helpless proper thing they can have on their arm, or a ice queen lawyer they can break and dominate."

“Hmm…” She remembered all the times she sat and watched the ADA in court all steel and ice, and recalled the family and formal occasions when she was all soft and lovely. Yes, she could see where her lover was coming from. “Meanwhile, I just want to have bunny sex with you because you're intelligent, independent and have a saucy mouth. You make me question life. And you're a wonderful human being who happened to be beautiful and make my knees weak."

"Now you're making me blush…"

"I'm only telling the truth," the brunette said with sincerity. "So what about the contradictions?" She brought them back to the original point. Alex had never exactly put those thoughts into words before, and Olivia didn’t want her to become self-conscious and stop talking. She wanted to know how her lover saw her, and she encouraged, “Come on, Sweetheart, I’m listening.”

"You're so strong, so tough, so logical on the outside... a side which everyone sees.” She paused for reflection, then continued, “This side of you makes me feel protected, that you wouldn't let anything bad happen to the scared little girl in me. Like you do for all the people who you run into on the job, who need you."

**Suppose I try. So many times, I had felt so helpless, holding you, not knowing what to say, or if I should even say anything, hoping my presence would be enough…** Olivia reminisced. “I’m glad. Nothing bad will happen to my baby girl, if I could help it.”

"Inside, I see such a caring, sensitive, loving soul. Someone who cries during Disney movies and National Geographic specials. And I want to do everything I can to nurture this purity, to make sure it doesn't go away."

“I hope you know what kind of potential blackmail material you have.” She joked to hide her unease. Only with Alex had she been comfortable enough to do funny voices, be a clown, and weep over animated characters suffering hardships and baby animals losing their mothers.

“Don’t worry, Liv, your secret’s safe with me.”

“You sure?”

“Don’t I always take care of your public persona?”

“I guess…”

“Do you want to hear more about what I think of you, goofy person?”

“Yes, Alex, please. Do continue.”

"Sometimes you remind me of a wild jungle cat. The way you look at me, and the way you hover over me... So feral, so dangerous... A tiny part of me want to runaway. But mostly, I find that grace, that wildness, very seductive and I can't wait for you to eat me alive...” She added belatedly, seemingly distracted, “So to speak."

“You know? I never thought of myself that way. Hmm…” The description gave Olivia an odd sort of rush, she had to admit. "Does that have anything to do with your thing for me in leather?"

"I do not have a thing for you in leather." Alex denied, a little more than necessary. They both knew the attraction, though never discussed, was true.

"Then how do you explain the way you act every time you see me in it." She continued the good-natured teasing, trying to get her lover to open up more.

"Not every time, and I've never heard you complain before."

"And I'm not complaining now," Olivia assured her, then asked, "Black or brown?"

"Definitely black." Alex confirmed exactly what Olivia had thought all along. “Although I really like that deep brown. Reminds me of dark chocolate, yum.”

"You and your chocolate…”

Ignoring the comment, Alex continued, "Sometimes you remind me of a big fluffy pussy cat."

"Am not!" She denied hotly.

"Maybe not to you or other people. Sometimes I just want to hold you and squeeze you and snuggle up next to you and hear you purr." Her voice soft and light.

"Actually, you purr, and trill, and growl. I don't." Olivia commented, adding a suggestive chuckle, and hoping to distract her lover.

Alex pressed on, "Still, you're my big, gentle pussy cat."

"Not fluffy." She objected, "I am not fluffy."

"All right, not fluffy, just very sweet. Wouldn't harm a hair on a little mouse," she compromised, in her best little girl voice.

"Okay." Olivia finally settled for that answer. “You’re gonna keep this between us, too, right?” Whatever Alex thought of her was completely fine by her, but if it ever got out, nobody would let her live it down.

"Don’t worry. Besides, you’re MY pussy cat, and I don’t really want other people knowing that side of you...”

The brunette smiled, amused by the confession, and feeling all warm and fuzzy from it. “Oh. So, you’d rather me scare them off?”

“Whatever you need to do,” Alex instructed casually.

“Is that true?”

Laughing now, she said, “If you know what’s good for you.”

“You are.”

“Bad line but good answer,” she smacked her lips, giving her lover a kiss.

Enjoying the conversation, and the discoveries, Olivia urged, “Tell me more.”

“Underneath your utilitarian clothes, you're so womanly. Your legs, your hips, the way you taste...” Moving passed sexual terms, Alex analogized, “You remind me of Edith's cookies."

It was the first time she had ever been compared to a food item. "Must be all the peanut butter I eat." The brunette offered as a reason.

"Maybe. It's very comforting, but incredibly sexy at the same time."

"Edith's cookies?" She asked doubtfully.

"Christmas cookies. And sweetened warm milk with nutmeg, and all the happy memories associated with spending the holiday with my grandparents." Alex explained joyously.

**Must be one of her favorite memories of childhood…** Olivia absorbed that bit of information, still wasn't sure if she understood the comparison. "Comforting I get. Sexy?"

"You're hot."

"That's your reason?" Olivia was surprised.

"That's not enough?" Alex laughed brightly. "I feel so free around you, that freedom is exhilarating. And I feel so loved, so accepted, and I love you so much. When I'm with you, I feel this joy. An excitement. Like Christmas morning where you really want to tear into all the presents, but you want to pace yourself so it'll last, since it only comes once a year. Except Christmas is everyday with you." She explained in a rush of love and sentiment.

Deeply touched, Olivia wasn't sure what to say. "And that's sexy?"

"Somehow it is. Incredibly so. Well, and your breasts... God, I never knew I had a boob fetish." Alex sounded a little embarrassed with her disclosure.

"You do?" Olivia was pleased with the admission, but she already had that one figured out some time ago.

"Yeah, like you couldn't tell."

"I haven't been thinking too much about it. Except that you're very oral..."

"Stop, before you bring Freud into this.” Alex decided to preempt Olivia. “I never thought I can be so orally fixated until you came along."

“Grrrrrr… How did you know I was going to?”

“I just do.”

“Anyway, I think you developed it solely to torture me," Olivia countered, secretly hoping that was the case. She had seen Alex with her Popsicles and felt jealous of them. Now she had not one but two potential faces to go with the frozen treats. **Argh! Don’t go there, Benson! Stopstopstop!**

Chucking softly, Alex replied, "And if you didn't react so well I wouldn't have worked so hard at perfecting it."

"So we're trapped in a cycle?"

"A pleasurable cycle, I hope?"

"What do you think, Sweetheart? Have you heard me complain about things you do with your mouth?"

"Things I wouldn't mind doing right now if we were together..." Alex trailed off, her voice full of longing.

Softly, Olivia asked, "Like what?"

"I thought we were talking about your contradictions." Alex reminded her.

"Okay, so where were we?" Olivia obliged, a little disappointed.

"Your Mother Earth attributes."

"I don’t think I'm the Mother Earth type." She laughed, rejecting the comparison.

Back in her little girl voice, Alex explained, "To me, you're very nurturing and loving. At times, I just want to crawl into your arms where it's warm... This is going to sound weird, but sometimes I wish I could crawl up inside you."

"Okay... I guess it’s in the eye of the beholder.” Olivia acquiesced. “I do love you and I want to take care of you.”

"And I feel so safe when you’re holding me. I feel protected by your power and strength."

"I couldn't keep you from every harm." That one horrible scene of Alex lying in her own blood flooded Olivia’s mind. She shut her eyes and willed it away.

So very effortlessly, Alex excused, "You're only human, Liv. If you and Elliot were in a fight, I'd put money on you."

"Yeah, because you know I'll fight dirty if I have to."

"Anyway, I feel secure knowing you're on my side." Alex admitted happily.

"I’m glad all the rock climbing and physical training aren’t going to waste." The brunette grinned. She had spent countless hours on the training ground for two reasons: to improve her chances of catching criminals and to impress her lover.

"Mmm..." A loud sigh came over the phone.

In response to that sound, a warm flush rolled over Olivia, and she swallowed hard. "What was that?"

"Just thinking about how you make me feel when we make love."

"Oh? Do tell!”

"I love feeling the energy, the vitality, the intensity, the dominance, if you will..." Alex cleared her throat. "Whew!"

"I thought you have issues with that." She asked, trying hard not to react to her lover's descriptions. It wasn't getting any easier. Alex had surprised her with the revelations. She saw things in her she never actually noticed or put into words. All Olivia did was place her energy and strength into trying to make her lover happy.

“Yes,” Alex clarified, "With people who thinks lawyers and judges want to be dominated. And the master and slave concepts." Her voice became soft and tender again, "With you, I know whatever you do with me, you'll let me do with you if I want."

"Gladly.” It had always been about love and sharing, something much deeper than just great sex. “Although you sure have a lot of trust in me."

Very quietly, Alex asked, "Do you love me?"

"Of course I do. More than I can ever express in words." Olivia assured. She knew Alex sometimes just needed to hear the phrase from her lips, probably because she didn't say it enough. **Could you ever say it too much?**

"Are you telling me this trust is not warranted."

"Definitely not!"

"Then why are you so surprised by my trust in you?"

"I don't know... I guess I really shouldn't be." Olivia was amazed at how much faith Alex had in her. It was indeed something really special. "The intensity and the dominance… Does that mean you get off on me being a little rough?"

"Is that not obvious?"

Olivia grinned, happy with the validation. "Hmm..." Was all she said.

"I also love it when you're gentle, especially when you’re thorough with your kisses. When you're in or out of leather, with or without clothes... Though I do prefer the latter... I think I get off on you. Period."

"I can say the same about you..." Olivia smiled, realizing how easy it had become for her to admit her attraction to Alex. **Attraction? Make it obsession, albeit a healthy one…** She shook her head, attempting to chase away the involuntary memories, simple images like the sway of her lover’s hips when she walked, the way she looked at her or bit her lower lip when she was deep in reflection… “So you like it when I make worship love to you?” She asked, when she finally collected her thoughts.


“Like the first time we were at your old apartment. The thorough with the kisses.” When Alex was affectionate, tentative, and almost shy.

“If you want to put it that way.”

When Olivia was slow, when she touched and traced and kissed and revealed Alex as if she was a cherished gift. “That’s what you wanted, right? To know how much I adored you?”


“Adored, adore, will always adore.” She corrected warmly.

“How did you know?”

“You made me work for every button, Alex.”

“Oh, it was work?”

“No. But it was definitely a lesson in patience.”

“Especially after I literally threw myself into your bed, I didn’t want you to think I was easy.”

Olivia laughed. “That thought never crossed my mind.”

“Are you implying I was difficult?”

Okay, maybe she had laughed a little too loudly. She knew she was digging a hole, but she just couldn’t help herself. “Was?”


“That’s for horses!”

Alex hissed, “Boo!”



“Boo-bah. Boob.”

“I have nothing more to say to you, Olivia Benson.”

“Oh, come on…” She coaxed, a smile in her voice.

“It’s just not fair.”

She could tell Alex was pouting. “Sweetheart, what’s not fair?”

“You get me flustered and I can’t talk. I’m the lawyer, I’m supposed to be good with my mouth…”

“Oh, Alex, you are…” she drawled, not missing a beat.

“Shut up. Just shut up.”

“You can’t honestly expect me to turn down an engraved invitation on a silver platter now, can you?”

“You can try.”

“But that’s no fun. You like it when I’m fun. I know you do.”

“Just hush. Okay?”

Olivia chuckled. “So you like my kisses, huh?”

“You know I do.”

“Anywhere in particular?”

“Everywhere.” Alex said honestly, without thinking, “I love having your lips all over me.”

“And I love having you all over my lips.”

And all Olivia heard was a little whimper followed by the release of a long drawn out breath. Then silence.

“You okay, sweetheart?”

“Yeah. Where was I? Oh.” This time, it was Alex who needed to regain her faculties of thought and speech. "Once in a while, I see this gorgeous, ultra-feminine, passionate woman. And she makes me want to do things to her..."

"What kind of things?" Olivia definitely wanted to hear this. **Am I really becoming the pervert she teases me about? Although all I really want was to know what she wants… Is that really so bad?**

"I'm not sure.” Alex hesitated, searching for the right words or phrases. “She makes me feel things. Feelings I wasn't aware I have, that I'm not sure if I like or not."

"Describe?" Olivia thought perhaps she was putting Alex in an awkward position, but it was good for both of them to be having this conversation. There were times she felt as if she knew next to nothing of the woman she loved.

"I don't know that I want to... I don't really like those words or labels."

Maybe she had pushed Alex too hard, she seemed to be faltering. "Huh. Now I'm really curious."


"I think I see a similar woman in you... Or maybe I should say aspects of the gorgeous feminine passionate woman, since I see her all the time..." Olivia offered, hoping her own confession would help Alex get passed her issue. "But something about her, you, is bringing out feelings I'm not sure I'm comfortable with either."

"Hmm... How about next time you feel these things, just go with it, and do whatever you want? If you want."

"Are you going to do the same with my alter ego?"

"Do you want me to?"

Hearing the uncertainty in Alex's voice, Olivia reassured, "Yes. Self discovery is always good. For both of us." She hoped her lover understood just how much she meant it.

"Oooh! How exciting!"

"Okay, Alex, it makes me nervous whenever I hear that much glee in your voice."

"Why, Liv? Afraid you might like it?"

"Something like that."

"But you're looking forward to it?"

"Absolutely!" Olivia was game for anything her lover wanted to try. “So... is there a flip-side to this ultra-feminine woman?”

"There is. Sort of. Well, not literally." Alex laughed.

"I should hope not."

"Most of the time, I see you as a feminine, nurturing woman, who is also very protective..."

"Yeah?" She said quietly and let Alex continue at her own pace.

"But sometimes... going back to the dominance and trust, kind of... It's just nice not to feel like I need to know what's going on all the time. It's a delicious feeling, very liberating really, to surrender control to you... and let you take care of me..."

"We take care of each other, Alex. But it's very nice to know you don't need to be in control around me." This was something Olivia had hoped for and worked at since day one. She had always thought Alex was her safe haven, and she was glad the feeling was mutual.

"I seem to be mostly out of control around you. Much more so than before..."

"I noticed."

"Do you mind?"

"You kidding me? I like the more playful, relaxed, fuzzy bunny you." Olivia acknowledged merrily.

"I think you have a thing for bunnies."

"Your little Thumper tattoo is very cute and ‘pet-able’... And bunnies are sweet, tender, and very, very tasty..." The brunette found herself saying, realizing the affect it might have on Alex. Remembering how shocked she had been when she first saw it, **How could I’ve ever thought you were a snobby stuffed shirt?** She shook her head.

"Wait, I thought the object of this conversation was to get you off."

"Whatever gets you off, gets me off every time." With a surprising ease, Olivia revealed.

"Every time?"

"Every single time," she confirmed, noticing how amazed Alex had sounded.



"Sorry, this hasn't been very phone sex like."

"Oh, trust me, Sweetheart, it's been a turn on."

"Seriously? Are you really turned on?"

"Yes." Olivia realized then that Alex was having a little trouble believing her. **Who could blame her,** she decided, herself quite surprised by the intense response.


"Yes." She sighed and took a drink of water and crossed her legs.

"Really, Liv?"

"Why are you so shocked?" Now she was becoming self-conscious.

"People don't pay $2.99 a minute for a heart to heart talk, or a cerebral assessment on why a person's hormones act all wacky around another person."

"Knowing how I make you feel, both emotionally and physically... Knowing how you feel about me, and how desirable you find me... That, turns me on. You, your presence, even just your voice... They’re the greatest aphrodisiacs. Why do you think I never get enough of you?" Olivia knew she was gushing but it didn't matter. Out of this world and breathless was how Alex made her feel.

"Because you're a pink bunny that keeps going and going?"

"Only with you." Olivia promised, knowing in her heart how true it was, and praying Alex did too.

"You weren't a bunny with other people?"

"No. That creature was operated by generic batteries at best." Thinking back, Olivia knew she had never felt about anyone like she had Alex, not even close. Loving Alex was as if she had been struck by lightning in all the best possible ways.

"Not dilithium crystals?"

"No, Alex, that’s only with you. Really.” She offered honestly. “I don't mind telling you more about that part of my past if you ever changed your mind and decided you want to know. Whatever you want to know."

"That's all right. I really don't think it's necessary."

"I don't want you to think you're like everyone else because you're not. No one else, in fact." Alex was the only person she had ever wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She hadn't had a single doubt.


"Yes." Olivia would never lie to Alex, never mislead her, never intentionally cause her pain or harm. **Withhold information, however…** She thought guiltily. She would just have to resolve that issue at a later time.

"That's good, right?"

"Most definitely!" She answered, then hesitated, "Um... Alex?"


"What about me?" The question came out in a small voice. She was embarrassed and somewhat afraid to ask. She thought she knew the answer, but self doubt made her unsure.

Chuckling lightly, Alex responded, "Oh, I definitely have never felt about anyone the way I feel about you."

"Never ever?" Somehow, she needed more affirmation, perhaps surprised that someone like Alex could ever love her so much.

"Absolutely never." After a short pause, Alex offered, her voice soft, "Do you want details?"

"No. That's okay." She was certain she didn't want to know about Alex's past lovers, fearing she might not measure up in some way, even a small way. She wasn't sure she could handle that. Not that she had a fragile ego. **Yeah, right, who are you kidding,** she thought. **But if you really want to tell me, I can handle it. I think I can. I hope I can.** Instead, she remained silent and let Alex lead the way.

"All right, if you ever changed your mind."

"I'll let you know." Was that relief she heard? Or was she simply projecting? It didn’t matter. Olivia wanted to get off the subject before her lover decided to be totally honest and tell her anyway. It was something she personally intended to avoid at all costs. Let the past stay buried was her motto at the moment.


"What are you thinking about now?" Olivia was almost afraid to ask. Soul searching was good, but maybe not everything every area all at once.

"What I'm going to do with you."

"We don't have to do that. It's fine." She had originally wanted to distract Alex, not to make her do something she didn't want.

"Did I hear ice rattling in your water?"

"Um... Yes?" Given Alex's imagination it could prove to be very entertaining.

"Excellent!" She exclaimed gleefully. "I've always wanted to try that. You'll have to tell me how it feels."

"And what are you going to do while I turn myself into a popsicle?" This definitely had some interesting possibilities.

"Dream about how I'm going to suck and lick and nibble on you, and slurp you up when you do get here."

"You're wicked." Olivia trembled at the thought, feeling all of the delightfully delicious sensations her lover could cause.

"You got that ice cube?"

"Yeah?" Merely waiting for her first set of instructions, she was definitely willing and able to do Alex's bidding,

"How does it look like?"

"Round, with a hole in the middle." It was an odd question, Olivia thought. Then she remembered the ice cube trays Alex bad ought her. "Regular. Not the heart shaped ones."

"Perfect! Do you think you can touch yourself like I touch you with the tip of my tongue?"

Olivia almost dropped the ice cube. "I think so." Her hand was shaking in anticipation. **How could I possibly forget…**

"Then, the tip of your middle finger, my tongue, through the hole of the ice cube."

With a slight edge of impatience, Olivia replied, "Done."

"Where am I?"

"You're going slowly down my throat, and around my breasts." Olivia said, her need apparent.


"Both, and you're circling, closing in on the right nipple." Her voice was barely above a whisper and sounded a little distracted.

"You know what? I didn’t realize I've been so predictable. You should have said something. I apologize."

"Don’t, there’s no need. Stability is a very good thing in my life." Gathering the last of her ability to put together multiple sentences with correct syntax, Olivia affirmed. She wanted only to focus on the sultry sound of Alex's voice, the feel of the gentle insistent tongue, the stark chill of the frozen water, and the fevered delirium they were conjuring.

"It may become boring one day, and we don't want that."

"I don't mind." She said, thinking if this was Alex's definition of boredom, bring it on, she'd endure this kind of boredom all day every day.

"But I do, Liv. So, how's the ice cube?"

"What ice cube?" Her already over stimulated body had quickly dissolved the frozen water.

"Get a new one. In fact, how many do you have?"

"I don't know. A dozen?” Olivia collected her control, and answered Alex's question fully, hoping they could go back to the game. “Some of them are melting less than others."

"Good enough... For now."

"Alex?" Her voice came across a half whimper, a half moan. This woman, the love of her life, was going to kill her with pleasure, she was sure, and she didn’t care.

"How do you think a sugary peanut butter flavored popsicle tastes?"

**Correction. Three faces. Two possibles, and one definite. And you are the one.** The brunette heard a little voice within herself. **Oh god.** She thought, responding to the realization, the memories, the sensations, and to Alex’s voice caressing her body, sending shocks to all her fired up nerve endings. **Oh god oh god oh god…**


"Yeah… Umm... Don't know..." Olivia hesitated, another soft sigh followed her answer. She shifted in the bed, her body opening, melting, a primal sound of love and welcoming rising from her chest.

She heard Alex's wicked throaty little laugh, "Let's find out."


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