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Baby Talk



2. BABY TALK (Oct 17, 2004)

by Miranda Rafferty

Alex awakened to the strange sounds from the baby monitor. Someone was in the nursery with Alexis, but whom? Olivia was not due home for at least another hour and Edith was in exile in her own apartment downstairs with a head cold.

She eased out of bed and slipped quietly down the hall to Alexis’ room, she didn’t know how anyone could get passed the new security system, hoping it was nothing more than Edith checking in on Alexis. To her relief and amazement she saw Olivia in full field gear including her kevlar vest holding their daughter and singing softly to her.

"Hush little baby don’t say a word.

Mama’s gonna buy you a mockingbird,

If that mockingbird don’t sing

Mama’s gonna buy you a diamond ring."

Amazed at the sight of her lover and their newborn daughter, she smiled to herself and thought ‘Finally’ with some relief. Since coming home from the hospital, Olivia had seemed almost afraid to touch Alexis. Often standing just outside the nursery as she or Edith tended to the baby’s needs. Alex had never wanted the brunette to feel excluded from time with their child. Until now, this was the first time she had seen Olivia make any move to hold her.

"Don't you think she's a little young for a diamond ring?" Alex asked amused.

Olivia jumped slightly at the sound of Alex’s voice, she smiled a little sheepishly at being caught in such a sentimental moment. "I guess she can share mine until she’s old enough then." Giving Alex a radiant smile, she then turned her attention back to Alexis. "Sorry, little one, Mommy say’s no diamond ring." She raised the child up slightly and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

"You know it took me quite awhile to get her settled and to sleep." Alex scolded mildly.

Olivia looked thoughtful for a moment and said "She was fussing when I came in and I picked her up so she wouldn’t wake you. Guess I didn’t do a very good job." Shrugging her shoulders and looking apologetic.

Alex shook her head to let Olivia know that poor excuse was not going to wash. "I was just in here a few minutes ago and she was sleeping like a rock." Arching one eyebrow she looked at Olivia expectantly.

The detective blushed slightly and gave her a sheepish grin, "Caught in the act and guilty as charged, Counselor. I’m a truly sad mushball when it comes to our little girl."

Alex sighed with relief, "It’s okay, I was beginning to think you did not want her after all." The stunned expression she saw in her lover’s dark eyes made the blonde realize what a terrible mistake she had made.

Olivia shook her head vigorously, "How could you have thought that, Sweetheart. I’ve loved her from the moment we found out we were pregnant.?" She asked horrified.

"This is the first time I’ve seen you hold her since we brought her home from the hospital. I was just concerned, I thought maybe it was too much all at once. I suppose I should have asked. I’m so sorry."

Olivia smiled reassuringly at Alex, "It’s okay, I’ve been doing this every night since I went on graveyards. I spend a little quality time with our girl when I come in, before I come in to see you. I’ve tried to be quiet so we wouldn’t wake you up." She explained softly to her lover, looking down and realizing Alexis was sound asleep in her arms. "It’s the only time I really get to have with her by myself. I guess I didn’t see the problem you might have. Next to you, she’s the most beautiful and precious gift in my life. I’d never let anyone or anything ever hurt either one of you. I’m sorry I never said that before."

Alex went to her and kissed her softly at first, then slowly painted the shape of full lips with the tip of her tongue. Biting down easily, nibbling along the brunette’s full bottom lip, hearing the small whimper before she pulled away. "That’s all right, I’m glad I was worried for nothing, but you really should put her down before you drop her." She smiled and headed back toward the doorway, "Are you coming to bed soon?" She asked smiling at Olivia and their child.

In just a another minute, you go on, I promise I’ll be right there as soon as I tuck her in." Her attention no longer on Alex but on the tiny bundle in her arms. Alex turned and walked out of the room.

Just outside the doorway as she turned to go, the blonde heard Olivia say, "You know Alexis, I love you so and you are beautiful, just like your Mommy." Alex smiled and continued down the hall and waited for the person she loved most in the world to join her


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