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Big Foot



2. BIG FOOT (02/21/05)

Sitting on the side of the bed, Alex stared at her extended feet. Just then, Olivia returned with a breakfast tray.

"How's my beautiful little mommy doing this glorious morning?" The brunette asked as she sat her burden on the bedside table.

Completely ignoring Olivia's cheery greeting, Alex flexed her toes and groused, "My feet are huge."

"Sweetheart, they look normal to me," Olivia said, intending to make her lover feel better.

Alex finally looked up at her, and the detective almost wished she hadn't said what she did.

"Just what are you trying to say, Olivia?" The blonde demanded.

"Nothing, I just didn't notice any real difference between now and say two days ago? It's not like you've to run out and buy new shoes or anything..." She rambled on.

"What? Like I had to with clothes?" Alex suddenly had tears in her eyes. "I knew it! You despise my feet, you think they're ugly. You think I'm ugly." Snuffling and sobbing, the blonde buried her face in her hands.

"We could always call you Big Foot, or maybe in this case, Big Feet?" Olivia teased, hoping to get her lover to smile, even just a little.

Fresh tears rolled down Alex's face, yet her blue eyes were ablaze with anger. "I knew it, you do hate my feet!"

**Eeep! Wrong tactic!**

Immediately, Olivia dropped to the floor, and picked up one of Alex's feet.

"What are you doing?" The blonde tried to extricate herself. "Let go!"

Instead of obliging, she hugged the foot to her cheek. "I think you have beautiful feet, absolutely the most exquisite toes I've ever seen," she praised dramatically, and kissed each one in turn. "I never told you this, but the first time I saw you in sandals, I knew I must have you all to myself. I could barely contain my desire," she confessed to a startled Alex.

The blonde started laughing; she couldn't help herself. "You are such a horrible liar."

"Oh, but I do adore your feet! I'd build and altar and worship them if you'd let me," Olivia avowed.

"Great, now you're spouting blasphemy." She scolded in between fits of giggles. "Get away from me before lightening hits you."

Olivia smiled and held on. "Then let nature immolate my flesh. Let me burn on an altar of love, one dedicated to your feet," she chewed.

Tears flooded the blonde's face, from hysterical laughter this time.

Olivia kissed her lover's toes again, then her instep, then the inside of her knee, until she reached her lips.

"Thanks." Alex smiled, wiping last of the moisture from her eyes, her baby hormones finally in control.

"My pleasure, Beautiful." The brunette grinned to herself. **Mission accomplished.**


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