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“So, what do you think?”

Alex did a double take at the costume her lover was holding. “You’ve got to be kidding.”


“A priest? You’re going as a priest?”

“Yeah?” Olivia put the outfit back in the closet, and joined Alex on their bed. “You thought the poster was hot.”

“No, I said it was a good ad campaign for the church.”

“But… I thought you were dropping hints about what I should wear…”

“Who am I supposed to be, if you’re going as a priest?”

“An altar boy?”

“Olivia!” Alex grabbed the nearest pillow and whacked the brunette.

“Okay, okay.” She surrendered.

“We should take it back.”

“You haven’t seen me in it,” Olivia bartered. “You should see me in it first.”

Alex refused the temptation. “No.”

“You could be a nun. They had a nun costume.” She thought she could hear her lover growl. “I didn’t mean it like that! We could be like Father Dowling and his sidekick.

You can be Tracy Nelson, she’s…”

Alex didn’t let her finish and raised her weapon. “One nun is quite enough for you.”

“Novitiate. She wasn’t a nun!” Olivia argued, blocking the attack with her hands. Only when the pillow landed on her head, twice, and harder each successive time did she realize the error of her argument. “Mary?”


“I didn’t mean the whore, I meant the real one, the apostle.”

”If you want to burn in hell, fine. Don’t drag me with you.”

“Are you saying you won’t keep me company?”

“Hm…” Alex rolled her eyes up and pretended to think.

“How’bout Mary the Mother.”

“No cheating.”

Playing innocent, Olivia asked, “What?”

“No matter what answer I give you, you’re going to twist it.”

“Does that mean you are?”

“See? What did I just say?”

“Alex!” The brunette whined. “Why won’t you tell me?”

“Because,” Alex replied, even though she had already forgotten why or how it had turned into a game. It was fun to watch Olivia concoct ways to wheedle and charm.

“Don’t you think I have a right to know? It’s my baby, too.”

“It’s my body.”

“But you’re…” Olivia caught the guilty words before they flew out of her mouth.


“It’s a beautiful body,” she switched gears, and edged closer to her lover. “A very beautiful body.”

“Go on.”

“I’m glad, honored, that you’re willing to share your beautiful body with me,” she breathed against the blonde’s ear.

Her eyelids fluttering closed, Alex arched to present the sensitive spot on her throat. “How honored?” She moaned.

“Let me show you…”



Alex looked as her lover. It was as she imagined, but she refused to go any further than that.

“Don’t I look nice?”

“Yes, Liv,” she replied curtly, and returned to her own preparation for the charity ball.

“I think I look hot.”

Out of the corner of her eye, Alex saw a flash of white. “You should leave that alone.”

“Why? It’s just a costume. It’s not like I’m really pretending to be a priest.”

“Fine. Just remember how lonely hell could be.”

“So who are you going to be?”

“You’ll see.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Doing what?”

“Keeping secrets from me?”

“Because you’re so much fun to play with?” Alex confessed.

“I can’t believe! That’s so mean!” Olivia sulked.

“Come on,” Alex crooked her finger to reel Olivia in.

The lure of her lover’s smile proved impossible to resist. The brunette followed the invisible line. “Hm!” She made an unconvincing effort to save face.

Nimble fingers slid under the white collar. “Well, since you’re playing a priest, I have a confession to make.”


“It’s Neo I thought was hot.”

“I knew it!”

“But not as hot as you. But here.” Alex pulled open the vanity drawer, and retrieved a small case.

Olivia didn’t try to resist. She ripped into the packaging. “You got me sunglasses?”

“Yep. I thought you’d look hot as Neo.”

“But how’d you know I’d rent this?”

“I didn’t.” Alex smiled. “I thought we’d work with what you already have. Black pants, black tee, black leather coat. How difficult would it be?”

“Suppose you’re right. All right. Lemme go change.” Olivia started to pull away.

“Wait.” Alex reeled her lover back in. “Don’t take that off yet.”

Olivia stopped tugging at the collar and lifted her brows in surprise. “Why?”

“I have another confession to make,” Alex said, playing with the buttons on the black jacket.


She looked up, and smiled. “Yes.”



“Yes?” Olivia repeated, holding her breath. “You mean, ‘yes’, yes?”

“Yes…” Alex replied, her eyes shining.

“Yes! YES! Ohmygodohmygod, Alex… YES!”


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