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Fuzzy Budha



3. FUZZY BUDDHA (02/21/05)

Olivia was just finishing up putting everything away in the bathroom when she heard a disgusted yelp from the bedroom.

"Yuck!" Alex exclaimed again.

The brunette thought for sure her lover had found another hairball. Oliver had left one on the bedspread just the other day.


"Is everything okay, Sweetheart?" She asked, making a mental note to look into a better type of food for their cat.

"Stay where you are!" Alex warned.

**Okay… not a hairball then…** Olivia concluded, as she moved to the doorway.

"I told you to stay in the bathroom, Olivia."

**No nickname? Now what?** She didn’t know what she had done this time. **It could just be another case of the hormones…** Their pregnancy with Alexis was so much easier. With genuine concern, she asked, "What is it, Sweetheart?"

"I'm all hairy," the blonde whined melodramatically.


"I’m all hairy. Here." Alex repeated, contemplating her navel. When immediate response wasn’t forthcoming, she sighed in exasperation.

Finally, the brunette consoled, "It’s not like it’s anything cataclysmic." Still puzzled by her lover’s reaction, she added, "Besides, I can’t even see it from here,"

Alex looked up and glared harshly. "You're not helping."

"Everyone has hair." Olivia shrugged as she joined her lover on the bed. She started to brush her finger along the offending line of blond fuzz running up the half-swollen belly.

"Stop it!" Alex swatted the brunette’s hand away.

"Why? I think it’s cute." She smiled, extending her finger to try again. "It tickles my nose when I talk to the baby."

Blue eye narrowed dangerously. "You knew about it, and you never said a word?"

Olivia kissed Alex’s stomach, utterly oblivious to the look on her face. "You know with your shirt pulled up, if you'd smile just a little, you'd look like a fuzzy Buddha," she teased gently, never saw the next move coming.

"You are so going to die, Olivia Benson." Alex declared and proceeded to flatten her lover with a pillow…


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