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In Case of Emergency



By Miranda Rafferty

Olivia and Elliot were finishing up a collar when her cell phone rang. Without checking to see who it was, she flipped it open. “Benson,” the detective answered and waited for a reply.

“Can you come home?” Alex whispered, sounding tense and strained.

“Are you okay? Is there something wrong?” The brunette questioned her voice full of concern.

“I need you to come home; you can be the judge if it’s an emergency.” There was an abrupt click, and then nothing.

Olivia looked back at her partner. “Elliot, can you handle the rest of this? I’ve got to go; Alex needs me.”

“Sure, go ahead. I’ll finish up. We’re almost done,” he said, placing the last perp into a black and white. “Is she…?”

“Maybe? I don’t know. Do you want me to call you later?” She asked

“If it’s anything but that.” He grimaced

“Jeez, you’d think after four kids…”

“Exactly, after four kids. Now get out of here.”

The detective broke several speed limits and made more than a few traffic violations on her way. She didn’t care, Alex needed her. And maybe, just maybe… She confirmed with a quick mental calculation. Yeah, people should just stay out of the way.

The car screeched to a halt in the driveway. Climbing out, she shut the engine off and slammed the door. Olivia slid her key into the lock and walked into the house. It was the middle of the day and the curtains were pulled, the house silent and still.

Maybe something was wrong… Suddenly, her mind took a different turn.

Her heart was pounding and she tried to quiet her breathing. Moving quietly through the house she headed across the small foyer. Where the hell is she? Please God, let her be okay! The detective worried.

Olivia was at the edge of the stairs when she heard a muffled cough. Throwing caution to the wind she took the steps two at a time in a dead run, bursting through their bedroom door. She stopped and let her arms drop to her sides. Adrenaline was already coursing through her veins from the mad dash up the stairs, now she felt as if someone had knocked the wind out of her.

And she stared, not quite believing the sight before her as her heart skipped beats.

She should have driven faster, ran red lights, whatever would have gotten her there sooner. Alex had needed her and she didn’t understand why she couldn’t have gotten here sooner. Olivia could only chastise herself.

Meanwhile, from the foot of the bed, her lover smiled lazily, her blue eyes filled with smoky desire.

The detective felt like the helpless deer in the headlights as her gaze followed the pink stretch lace number that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. ‘But oh what a pair of headlights,’ she thought, as her eyes lingered around the darker blush of delicately erect points.

At least her speculation had now been confirmed, and she discovered another item from the mystery bags she helped carried home last weekend.

Not bothering to test her voice, Olivia croaked, “So what’s the emergency?”

“There’s a fire to put out,” Alex purred, and patted the space beside her.

“Then don’t you need the fire department?” The brunette teased as she crossed the room.

“You’ll do.” The blonde smiled and pulled her lover to her.


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