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Lipstick Marks the Spot



by Adrienne & Miranda

Walking into their room, Olivia saw a pile of clothes on the bed and the closet door opened. She asked, “What cha’ doing?”

“Cleaning out the closet for the Charity Drive,” a muffled voice replied.

“Need any help?” The brunette offered. After all, it was for the police fraternity.

“I think I can handle picking out your old clothes and the things you don’t need to wear anymore.” Her partner observed.

“You’re going through my clothes?”

“I already went through mine.”

The detective ran her fingers along the small stack of clothing to make sure Alex wasn’t getting rid of something she found particularly appealing on her, which was anything, everything and nothing at all. She smiled to herself, satisfied with her lover’s choices. “Just don’t throw out any of my favorite shirts. You did that last time you cleaned out the closet.”

“You mean the T-shirts with the holes, that a homeless person wouldn’t wear? Those shirts?”

“There’s no point in being rude. Just save me one or two tee’s, besides the ones you took for yourself.”

“What I took was mine to start with, or do we need to go through that again?”

“No, Sweetheart, I was just teasing.” She rolled her eyes. All the silly little concessions she made at Mary C’s that she thought were jokes. Oh but they were worth it, to have her family in tact, and closer than ever. For that she would sell her soul, except Alex already laid claim to it, a long time ago, before therapy. The detective thought sappily and finished her recital, “Whatever you have is yours, and whatever I have is yours too. See? I don’t need any additional instruction.”

“I wonder sometimes.” Alex threw a garbage bag full of clothes onto the floor. She walked out carrying two of Olivia’s favorite shirts: one of her many black tee’s and a white long-sleeve polo. “What’s this?” The blonde asked her partner.

“What’s what?” Olivia asked, not paying too much attention except on her lover’s legs, admiring the length and shape. Then she looked up and saw the smear of deep red lipstick on the collar of her shirt. “How the hell did that get there?” She exclaimed, her brain frozen from shock. “What the fuck?”

“Yes exactly, ‘what the fuck’,” Alex echoed with a delicately arched eyebrow.

“What is it?” The brunette tried to sound innocent, but apparently from the look on the blonde’s face, she wasn’t buying it. Crap, crap, crap, crap. Jesus. Crap. Her mind looped.

The blonde looked at her lover. “I’m waiting, Olivia,” she said, her voice sounded terse.

The detective noticed the use of her full name; it was never good. She searched through her memory, trying desperately to think when it could have happened. Did one of the waitresses at O’Malley’s give everyone a congratulatory kiss for solving a tough case? They did that sometimes. No. She wasn’t that drunk, in fact, all she had was a plain Diet Coke the last time they were there. She would have remembered a kiss.

“I don’t know what that is.” She finally stammered. “I mean, um, I can see that it’s, um. It’s not what it looks like, Sweetheart.”

If it was at all possible, the blonde’s eyebrow arched higher. Was that total disbelief in those beautiful blue eyes that Olivia saw?

“And what does that look like to you?”

“I don’t know?”

“It’s your shirt, Liv. No one else wears your work shirts but you. I don’t think it got there by magic. Do you?” The blonde’s voice never wavered, never accused. She simply asked.

“No, I’m sure it’s not magic.” Oh hell, Olivia thought to herself. Damn. Hell. Fuck. Why me? Oh, hell. How did this happen? “I’m just, I don’t know what the fuck it is. Do you?”

“It looks like a lipstick smear to me. Don’t you think?” Alex asked casually, carefully showing the brunette the telltale mark.

‘Your Honor, the people offer exhibit one into evidence’, the brunette could hear in her head. “I admit it might look that way. I guess I could have spilled something. Or maybe I got it chasing down a perp. Maybe it’s blood, my blood!”

If Olivia was trying for sympathy, she wasn’t getting it. Alex sniffed the smear and touched it lightly. “No, not blood. It’s definitely lipstick. It’s a new color, too,” she mused almost to herself.

“It is? I mean, it is. I know it’s not your color. And I’d never wear anything that red.”

“Right. But I guess it’s not a bad color on you.”

“Wait.” The detective’s mind worked feverishly. “You don’t think it’s my lipstick and I wore it for someone else, did you?”

“Of course not, Olivia.”

That leaves only one other alternative. Throwing all rational thought to the wind, Olivia came off the bed and knelt at Alex’s feet. She wrapped her arms around her lover’s hips and pleaded her case. It was a long shot. Maybe admitting to a crime she didn’t commit was better than looking like she was lying, but that wouldn’t get her anywhere either. “Baby, I swear to you I haven’t been with anyone else. If it’s some other woman’s lipstick, I don’t know where it came from. I haven’t even looked at another woman since you and I got together. Please believe me, I’d never, ever cheat on you. You’ve got to believe me.”

“Hm… I seem to remember differently.”


“Chicago? Veronica? She kissed you.” Alex reminded the still kneeling brunette.

“You already forgave me for that. And besides, you can’t count that against me, I was drunk. I wasn’t capable of consent.”

“Liv, I can blame you for anything if I wanted. The real question is: am I being fair or logical? Or is the accusation warranted?” Alex waxed rationally. “Would a reasonable person…”

“Please Baby, I swear,” Olivia cut in. She rambled on, nearly in tears, oblivious to anything but trying to convince the blonde before her that she was completely innocent. Somehow she could bluff or charm or otherwise manipulate the hardest criminal into confessing, but when it came to her lover… It might have been better for her if she’d just learn to keep her mouth shut. “I know you don’t believe me, but please don’t judge me on what happened in the past. You’re the only person I’ve ever loved. I’d never do anything to spoil our life. Certainly not cheat. I’d never cheat. I might have done some stupid things before, but I promise, I swear. I swear on my mother’s grave…”


“Okay, on a stack of bibles then. On Mary C’s ukulele!”

“Now you’re being ridiculous.”

“You’ve got to believe me, Alex!”

The blonde stood staring down at her near hysterical lover with no particular expression on her face, no feeling expressed in those eyes the detective so loved. Alex must hate her, or worse she didn’t feel anything at all.

“I swear I’m innocent, Alex. I don’t know how that lipstick got there. If I could, I would prove it. I swear.” Olivia begged. “Let me prove it to you somehow.”

“And how do you propose to do that, Liv?”

“I don’t know. How do you prove a negative? Let me show you my devotion.”


“I’ll do anything. Absolutely anything and everything. Just give me a chance!”


“Yes, anything, absolutely, positively anything. You’ve got to believe me, Alex. You’re the only person I’ve ever wanted to be with. You’re my world.”

“I don’t know, Olivia…” Alex said as she fingered the evidence right in front of her lover’s face. “How would I want you to prove it? Hmm.” The blonde pondered.

“I’ll be more devoted than I’ve been up until now. I know I work too many hours sometimes. I should be home with you and Alexis. I’ve been a lousy parent and an even worse lover. I’ll talk to the Captain about working less hours. I’ll tell him it’s vital I spend more time with my family. I’ll bring you roses every evening and we’ll make love just like we did in Paris, anywhere and anytime you want. I promise I’ll prove just how much I love you, you’ll see.”

“That’s fine.”

“But you want to know what I’m willing to do right now,” Olivia provided without being prompted.

“Well, you know what they say about words.”

“Yes, it’s cheap, I know. Then tell me what I can do to show you.”

“I’m not sure, Liv…”

“Just name it and I’ll do it.” Olivia avowed enthusiastically. At this point, if Alex demanded, she would have walked on hot coals. “Let me know when you decide, and I’ll…”

“Actually, I just thought of something.”

“Anything. I’ll do it. Right now.”

“It doesn’t have to be done right this moment.”

“Just tell me what it is,” Olivia pleaded. Forgiveness was so close, she could almost taste it.

Alex looked back uncertainly. “Anything, you promised. Right?”

“Yes anything. I promise. All you have to do is tell me and I’ll be more than happy to do it, whatever it is,” she insisted. If she sounded pathetic, Olivia didn’t care. She simply couldn’t bear the thought that Alex might really think she cheated.

The blonde’s eyes narrowed for a moment as she looked down at Olivia, and then she smiled sweetly. “Go with me to the Destin Thanksgiving party.”

“Sweetheart, that’s a given. I do that every year.” The brunette sounded relieved, that wasn’t a chore. Truth be known she actually enjoyed getting dressed up and having the most stunningly beautiful woman there with her, and both of them turning heads. It was a privilege and an honor, and maybe she should tell Alex that. It might help her present predicament.

“I don’t mean the gala, I mean the one at the hospital, with the children,” Alex explained.

Olivia blanched. “Baby…”

“You said ‘anything’. Or are you backing out on your word already?”

“No, it’s just…”

“Just what?”

“The kids tied me up last time. And each and every time before that.”

“They were just being playful, and you let them. Actually, Liv, you set the precedent.”

“I know.” The detective only had herself to blame, she knew that and she was grateful that Alex didn’t point it out. “I didn’t mind when it was just us and your mother…”

“Okay… It is just us and my mom this year. And the kids. The rest of the Board won’t be there.”

“No photographers?”

“Oh, right. Photographers. They’ll be there.” Alex furrowed her brows slightly. “They’re there every year.”

“Yes, and they take pictures.”

“You know how effective they are for marketing. Everybody loves photos of happy children.”

“But they took pictures of me.”

“And it made your department look good, at least indirectly.”

“But then they put them in the paper,” Olivia nearly whined.

“Yes? That’s the whole point. What’s your problem?”

The blonde was getting impatient, Olivia could tell. At this point, she should just suck it up and explain herself. It was then or never, something told her. “Kathy saw the photos last year, and she showed them to El. And the squad didn’t let me live that down for months!” The detective pleaded her case.


“Have you ever heard Munch cackle? It’s not pleasant. Really grates on your nerves. Worse than finger nails on a chalk board.”

Alex winced. She didn’t need to imagine that. “Okay…” She prodded, gentler this time.

“And all the stupid jokes about ‘she can’t come to the phone, she’s all tied up’ and ‘make sure you tie up loose ends, Detective’.”

“I see.” Suddenly, the blonde was cold again. “Those children loved you, and you can’t stand a little teasing for a good cause.

“Alex! That’s not fair!”

“Fine. Whatever. I thought you were bigger than that,” Alex said and turned her back.

“Sweetheart, I’ll be happy to go. I’m sorry.” The detective relented. She couldn’t stand disappointing her lover. “Of course I’ll let the kids tie me up and we’ll play cops and robbers until their bedtime if that’s what they want.”

“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to…”

“You’re not. I want to do this. For you, and the kids. Especially for the kids.”

Finally, Alex was smiling. “Should I call Don to make sure you have the day off?” She even offered helpfully.

“No, I, uh,” Olivia choked. “I don’t really have to work that day.”

“But I thought…”

“I was gonna go in,” the detective provided quickly. “You know, to catch up on the paper work. There’s always so much paperwork, we never have time to do ‘em. And you know the DA’s office is always on our back…”

Fed up with the excuses, Alex said, “So. You were going to work, even though you don’t have to, just so you could get out of going to the party.”

“Yes,” Olivia whispered. “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. I didn’t think about how much my being there would mean to the kids, and to you; and I should have. Can you ever forgive me?”

“I’ll have to think about it…”

“Alex, Baby… Please?”

“Oh, all right.”

Olivia knew she wouldn’t get off the hook so easily. “What would you like me to do?”

“You can start by showing me how much you worship me.” The blonde smiled. She wrapped her arms around her lover’s neck and pulled her toward the bed.

“So, I’m forgiven?” Olivia asked, adjusting her weight, molding curves to curves.

“You should get busy, before I change my mind,” Alex warned with an indulgent curl of her lips.

Her dark eyes sparkling with delight, the detective set out to prove her devotion…


With a quiet smile, Olivia tightened the circle of her arms around her lover’s body. She sighed with secret relief. They had weathered another potential storm in their relationship. Still, it bothered the brunette that she couldn’t figure out how that lipstick smear had gotten on her shirt.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Alex stretched lazily along her living mattress.

“Just thinking how much I adore you.” Olivia replied quickly. It wasn’t a lie, she did adore the woman in her arms, much more than she could ever put into words.

“Good answer.” Alex chuckled and pressed a kiss to her lover’s shoulder. “Keep that up and I might forgive all your transgressions.”

“I’m trying hard not to make any. I guess I don’t always succeed.”

“Oh, Liv, you’re always going to have things to make up for.” Alex laughed, unwilling to let the mood turn serious. “If you don’t, I’ll have to think of some just to keep you busy.”

Olivia laughed along. “You do, huh?”

“I wouldn’t want you to get complacent.”

“Heaven forbid I ever get off your hook, Sweetheart.”

“Do you really want to?”

“Nope. I like it just fine right where I am. You in my arms is all I’ll ever need,” Olivia whispered softly.

“You’re just full of all the right answers, aren’t you?”

“With someone like you, the truth comes easily. You’re special, and you always will be.”

“Mushball,” Alex accused with a tender smile.

“Guilty as charged.”

“You know you can carry a good thing too far,” the blonde warned even though she relished her lover’s sentiment.

“Not with you. I love you, Alex.”

“And I love you.” Reaching up, Alex kissed her lover on the nose. “I even have a present for you.”

Had the blonde forgotten about the stain on the shirt? Not quite believing her good fortune, Olivia gasped, “You do? Really? What is it?”

“Close your eyes and I’ll get it.”

The brunette did as she was told and shut her eyes. She resisted the urge to peep when Alex rolled off of her and opened the night stand drawer. There was a light rustling of paper before the drawer slid closed again. Then the comfortable weight of her lover returned.

“Can I open my eyes now?” Olivia asked.

“Yes, you may.” Alex agreed, and placed a small box in the detective’s outstretched hand.

Opening the box, Olivia found a silver lipstick case inside. Further investigation revealed her favorite brand. “You got me lipstick?”

Alex nodded. “When we went shopping for my boots.”

“So what else did you buy?” Olivia had to ask.

“You’ll just have to wait and find out.”

“You’re no fun.”

The blonde laughed. “Why don’t you see if you like the color.”

“Okay…” Carefully, Olivia pulled the top off the tube to reveal a deep red stick. It wasn’t a color she would pick for herself. It was a little too flamboyant, or something. “Wow. It’s red.”

“I thought it’d go with your new dress for the gala,” Alex offered.


“You’ll look gorgeous and people will notice.”

“But that’s your job.” Olivia hesitated, though part of her was thrilled that her lover wanted to show her off. She definitely would want to look her best for Alex, if not for the occasion itself. She was about to try the color on the back of her hand when she noticed the faint mark on top. “Wait a minute.”

“What?” Alex asked. “Don’t you like it?”

“Yes, but if I didn’t know better I’d say it’s the same color of lipstick on my collar.”

“Hmm,” was the blonde’s only comment.

“I’ve been framed!” Olivia complained.

“What are you talking about?” Alex countered innocently.

“Don’t give me that, counselor. God I can’t believe… Shakespeare was right about lawyers.”

Blue eyes narrowed. “Watch it.”

“You set me up and played me!”

“No, I did no such thing. I simply asked you what the stain was and you took it from there.”

“But you led me on.”

“No, I didn’t. You went down that path in leaps and bounds with no help from me.”

“You let me. You never…”

“I never what?”

“You let me dig myself into a pit with no way out.”

“It’s not my fault you decided to use an earth mover. You really are very good at that though.”

“It’s not funny, Alex. You tricked me,” the detective pouted.

“You can’t blame this one on me, Olivia.” Alex declared righteously, with a smile. “You got yourself into that hole and how you extricated yourself was your own doing.”

“You, you, you… Trickster!”

“Suppose I should call you a liar then?”

“I didn’t lie.”

“Oh? You told me you had to go to work.”

“I did. I was going to. It’s not like I was gonna play hooky…” Olivia’s voice trailed off as she assessed her own guilt.

“Technicalities.” Alex reminded. “Here I thought we were supposed to stop.”

“We are,” the brunette agreed.

“Honestly, would you have agreed to go if I’d asked you straight out?”

Olivia squirmed under Alex’s intense gaze. “No, probably not. I don’t know how you found out about my schedule, but that was still a dirty trick to play.”

If the detective thought her lover would give up the identity of her informant, she thought wrong. Instead, Alex rolled off onto her side of the bed. “Fine. Don’t go then.”

“Oh, come on. I already said I’ll go.” Olivia tried to pull Alex back. “I know it means a lot to you, at least now I do.”

Alex shrugged, as if to say ‘so?’.

“I’m sure I’ll have a good time,” Olivia offered. “At least until the pictures showed up in the paper,” she added, making a face and hoping to make her lover smile.

Unable to resist, Alex laughed. “I promise: no embarrassing pictures of my big bad detective tied up by a bunch of little kids.”

“No. They’re just gonna dump finger paints on me.”

“I’ll make sure you don’t look like a purple Grimace.”

“That’s not funny!”

“Oh, all right,” Alex let up on the teasing. “I’ll make sure they just take the ‘before’ and not the ‘after’ pictures.”

“Thank you.” Olivia sniffed with exaggerated indignation.

“Come here,” Alex coaxed, pulling herself into her lover’s embrace. “You’re acting like a big baby.”

“You’re making fun of me.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Yeah, right. What do you call calling me a ‘big baby’?”

“I just worry.” Blue eyes sparkled with mischief.

“About what?”

“The kind of example you’re setting for our children.”

“Yeah, well, you let me worry about that…” Olivia said. Then she noticed the little tug on her lover’s lips, the one that spoke of superiority, as if posing a challenge. “Wait. Did you just say ‘children’?”

“Why, yes, detective, I believe I did.”

“Are you? Are we? Or was it just…” Suddenly, Olivia was tongue-tied.

Alex speculated for her, “Anticipatory? A casual expression? Or perhaps a hint? That I’m trying to tell you something?”

“Yes! Which? Tell me!”



“Olivia.” The blonde refused to budge. “No.”

“What do you mean ‘no’?” She was seriously whining now.

“You still haven’t completely proved how much you love me.”

“Wha…? Oh…” Apprehension cleared dark eyes; they shone as the blonde pressed their bodies together. “Ohh…” She moaned appreciatively.

“Yeah.” Alex smiled. “Now, is your pride too injured to do something about it? And really convince me how much you love me?”

“Not at all.”

“I didn’t think so.” With a quiet laugh, Alex arched her neck to receive her lover’s kisses…


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