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Metropolitan Seven




"What will it be, Sweet Pea?" The bartender asked from behind the counter.

"Should I be drinking on the job?"

"I’m sure nobody’s going to try anything. It is, after all, just a charity event."

"I still don’t know why you want me here."

"I’m not as young and desirable as I used to be. I need my setup girls," Marty struck a pose in her red Jessica Rabbit dress, and reminded Olivia. "And you know how Jaime gets around alcohol."

"Oh, right," the brunette remembered all too well. She eyed her lover in her little black bow tie and crisp white halter shirt looking like a Playboy Bunny in tuxedo pants, and smirked. "Sometimes I wonder if I could get her drunk on fumes. Guess I’ll have a beer," she decided, and dropped the requisite donation in the till.

"Here," Martha handed her a mixed drink with a wink and a smile. "Don’t worry about the difference. It’s on the house."

"Thanks." Gratefully, Olivia accepted the glass. She took a small sip at first, then a larger one. Finally, she just sucked up the rest; the smooth sweet liquid slid easily down her throat. "Wow. What was in it?"

"Tia Maria, rum, creme de Cacao, and cream." The older woman grinned and proceeded to make another.

Ling chose that moment to walk up with a tray. "Aunt Marty!" She yelped. "How could you?"

Olivia just furrowed her brows at the other brunette, while downing the fresh drink. She licked the thick liquid off her lips, and wondered out loud, "What’s wrong with you, Ling?"

"What’s wrong with me?" Ling made a face, and swiveled on her heels. She headed towards the other end of the bar to join Alex, shaking her head and grousing along the way, "I don’t believe you people. What’s wrong with me…"

Olivia shrugged, and picked up the new drink Martha put in front of her. Before she could put the glass to her lips, her lover marched over and grabbed it from her hand.

"No drinking on the job!" Alex demanded hotly.

"Okay, Sweetheart," the brunette agreed. "But that was only my third," she felt obligated to explain. "You don’t have to crawl all over me."

"Just hush!" The blonde squeaked, deep crimson swept across her fair features.

"What am I missing?" Olivia turned to the bartender for help.

Martha gave her victim a slow smile. "The name of the drink."


"Would you stop that?" Alex crossed her arms and loomed over her lover.

"Stop what, Sweetheart?"

"Drinking this!" She took a cocktail napkin, and wiped the brunette’s lips roughly. "Like this!"

"Ow! Watch it!" Olivia protested. "You don’t want my mouth out of commission, do you?" She grinned and fixed her gaze at the stretch of white cotton before her.

"Just hush, and stop that! I mean it, Olivia!"

"Stop what?" She feigned innocence, the corner of her lips twitched as her lover’s nipples puckered and cast shadows on the shirt.

Alex wrapped her arms tighter around herself. "You know what!"

"No, I don’t, Sweetheart," Olivia sipped from her new cocktail with the more benign name. Then smacked her lips expressively, her eyes still glued to the plane of white. "Why don’t you enlighten me?"

"You’re so going to pay." She warned, sighing lightly in defeat.

"Promises, promises," the brunette taunted, and blew her lover a soft kiss.


"Here," Martha handed the blonde a high ball glass, "Why don’t you take a break while people are eating, and it’s a little slow."

Alex sniffed the mixed drink suspiciously. "What is it?"

"Pineapple juice, sour mix, and a little Amaretto to make it sweet."

"That’s it?" The blonde didn’t wait for the answer, and took a sip. "This is good, Aunt Marty." She picked up the glass, and walked around the counter to join her lover on the other side.

Meanwhile, the bartender and the detective exchanged a furtive glance.

Pulling up a stool, Alex perched her chin on her lover’s arm and smiled. "How are you?"

"Fine, Sweetheart." Olivia tried hard to look neutral. "How are you?"

"Fine." The blonde chewed on the straw briefly. "What are you drinking?"

"Vanilla Stoli. A safe choice all around," she offered in a conciliatory tone. "Don’t you think?"

"Hm…" Alex pulled from her lover’s tumbler, then her own. Then repeated the impromptu mixing, totally missing the wide-eyed look between her godmother and the brunette.

When the blonde made no move to give the drink back, Olivia shrugged. "Why don’t you just keep it."

"Thanks, Sugar. Don’t mind if I do."


"For you, Little Olive Oyl," Martha strained the light green liquid into a triple shot glass. "A kamikaze. Quite fitting." She added under her breath.

"Thanks," the brunette downed the drink, and put in a donation for two. "Can I have another?"

"I see you like Aunt Marty’s special mix," Ling commented, while watching her best friend with growing amusement. "Did you get a chance to eat, Jaime?"

"Oh. Hm." Alex reached around the counter for the jar of cherries, scooped out several and popped them into her mouth. "There. I just did." She looked at her fingers, drew her brows together. "Ah," she said, and smiled, while thrusting her hand towards her lover.

"Sweetheart?" Olivia stared at the dripping wetness. "What am I supposed to do?" As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she regretted them. Oh, good one, Benson.

"What you normally do," the blonde responded seriously. "It’s just juice from my cherries."

"Alex…" Olivia tried to dissuade her lover, but found her mouth suddenly occupied by invading fingers. Dutifully, she held the slender hand, and closed her eyes. Perhaps if she couldn’t see the bright red of her own face, other people couldn’t either. Slowly, she licked the sweet liquid off, and trying to fight the growing warmth she felt.

"Oh, my god!" Ling groaned, and turned around.

Marty, meanwhile, whistled loudly, and cheered, "Go girls!"

When the sticky wetness was gone, the brunette put her lover’s hand down, and covered it with her own. She picked up her Kamikaze and tossed it back.

"Waitaminute!" Alex exclaimed. "I wanted to try that."

It was too late. Olivia had downed it in a gulp, intent on drowning her libido. The next thing she heard was a familiar low growl, before she felt the blonde gripping her head, pulling her forward. Before an insistent tongue pushed her lips open and seized her mouth.

"Jesus Christ people! Get a room!" Ling scolded loudly, then clapped her hands to her face when her outburst drew forth a hushed silence.

Martha just laughed and patted the kissing couple on the head, "If you enjoyed the show, instead of applause, just leave cash. It’ll be so much more meaningful for the children we’re here to help.

Olivia kept her eyes closed and pretended not to hear or feel the camera flashes go off. Alex, however, was hamming it up for posterity.


"That was fun!" Alex beamed after she let go of her lover’s lips. "We should do it again soon." She decreed, and started to get up. "I guess I should go back to my post. Whoa!"

Reaching out immediately, the brunette grabbed and steadied the slim form.

"Wow," she laughed lightly, and hung onto her lover. "I guess I should have eaten more than just cherries." Her normally clear enunciation sounded even more clipped and proper.

"Angel," Martha spoke up, "Maybe you and Olivia should call it a night. Ling and I will handle the rest."

"Oh, but Aunt Marty, I promised I’d help." Alex found her equilibrium. "I’ll just go wash my face and eat something, then I’ll be as good as new. You’ll see."

"But Jaime," the older woman tried again, "Can you even make it to the bathroom like this?"

"Don’t worry, it’s just behind the bar," the blonde smiled brightly, and tipped towards her lover. "Besides, Olivia will help. Won’t you, Liv."

"Of course, Sweetheart." The brunette stood up, and wrapped a supporting arm around her lover’s waist. "Anything for my Baby."

Ling groaned again, "You people are going to make me sick."

"You’ll live," Alex blew her best friend a kiss, and trotted off with Olivia in tow. "So," she pressed up against the brunette as soon as the restroom door was closed. "Now that we’re alone, finally, you want to have your way with me?"

"Sweetheart, maybe we should go upstairs," the prudent side of Olivia suggested. It also checked and made sure the door to the rest area was locked.

"Oh, but you want me, I know you do," Alex unclasped her halter and draped it over the divan. "I know what you were thinking when you were drinking your Melonballs."

A long drawn out sigh escaped. Olivia wasn’t sure if she could take any more of her lover’s bad lines and there had only been two. The sigh quickly turned into a whimper, then, "Mmmmmmm…"

"So," she twirled her fingers in the dark chestnut locks against her chest. "Does my girl in blue want a taste of New York’s finest?"

Olivia smiled, and accepted the invitation.


"What’s that?" Ling twisted her head towards the muffled thumping. "Oh, my god. They’re not."

"Maybe the door is stuck," Marty replied straight-faced, "You should go see if they need any help."

"Olivia is resourceful, I’m sure she has the situation well in hand," Ling said without thinking.

Martha snickered, "Oh, I’m sure she does."

"Why do I open my mouth?" Ling hung her head and sighed.

"I’m sure Douglas…" The older woman began, then stopped when the thumping got louder and faster. "Huh, maybe they really are stuck. You think we should check on them?"

"NOOO!" Ling grabbed a tray and filled it with various glasses. "I’m going to deliver these now," she declared, and scurried off.

"Go Harvey." Marty smiled to herself and returned the extra bottle of vodka to its rightful place. She then went back to tending the bar.


"Knock. Knock-knock. Knock-knock. Knock-knock."

Olivia raised up on her elbows. "What the hell?"

"Knock. Knock-knock. Knock-knock. Knock-knock."

"Didn’t we put in a do-not-disturb request?"

"Not with Ling." Alex explained, and proceeded to extricate herself from under her lover.

"Where are you going?"

"To see what she wants. She’s not going to go away."

Olivia shook her head at the futility of the situation, got out of bed and moved towards the door. "You’re going naked?"

"You can be my shield."

"It’s about time, people," Ling groused and stuck her hand in.

"What’s that?" Olivia asked, ignoring her lover’s fingers inching under her shirt.

"Special delivery from Aunt Marty. What do you think?"

"Okay…" The taller brunette inhaled sharply, and pulled the slender hands from her pants and shirt to rest around her stomach.

"What’s in it, Ling," Alex asked, her voice low, her tongue never leaving her lover’s ear.

"Sloe gin and orange juice." Ling replied, agitation evident in her tone."Just take the damn drink, Alex." Her eyes stayed glued to Olivia’s hands. She hoped the tactic would work, otherwise…

"Why don’t you take it, Liv?" The blonde suggested. "Then you can go back to what you were doing, and Ling can get back to work."

Obediently, Olivia reached out. She stopped mid-motion, leaned back and closed her eyes, as a liberated hand cupped her breast.

"People! People!" Ling scolded. "Can’t you two wait?"

Quickly, the other brunette grabbed the glass.

Immediately, Ling seized the door handle. "Good night," she said, and pulled the door shut.

"Weren’t you just a little mean to her?" Olivia set the drink down on the table. "She is your best friend, and your cousin."

"You know what they say about pay back," Alex grinned, and drained the glass.

"Hey!" The brunette protested just because she should. "How do you know that wasn’t for me?"

"I don’t." The blonde tipped towards the bed and fell backwards into the soft covers. "But I know you want me loose and easy."

Hurriedly, Olivia shucked off her clothes and joined her lover. "True. So, you want it slow?"

"Your pleasure, Sugar."


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