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4. PHERMONES (03/13/2005)

"Hey there!”

Olivia heard Fin’s voice and the scratch of his chair against the tiled floor. She and Elliot both turned to follow the flurry of movements.

“Holy shit,” Stabler gaped.

It was déjà vu all over again for the brunette, except this time her lover was in a vision of pink, and Tutuolawas giving up his chair before she could react.

“How ya doin', Little Mother?" The detective asked. "And how's the little one?" He bent over to talk to thedefinite bulge of Alex’s stomach.

"We're both fine, Fin, thanks for asking," Alex cooed at the normally reticent detective.

**Should I go over there now? But then I don’t want to look so much like a jealous lover…** Olivia wavered,finally settling on glaring at her friend from her seat behind her desk. To her dismay, Fin was ignoring hercompletely.

"Hi, Munchie, aren't you going to say hello?" The blonde teased the seated officer.

Without waiting for a second invitation, John scooted his chair to the other side of the desk, and put his ear to Alex’s stomach. A dreamy expression came over his face. "How’s the baby? Is she moving yet?"

“I’m fine, too,” she said, and smiled when he blushed. "Sometimes I can feel her moving around, just littleflutters. I'm sure I'll feel more as she grows. Oh, here,” she grabbed his hand, and pressed it to herstomach, “Can you feel that?”

“Oh, my god. Wow.”

“Wait, lemme feel.” Fin pushed his partner aside. “Bitchin’…”

“Come on, Liv,” Elliot patted his partner on the shoulder, before he moved to join his friends. Had he looked,he would have seen the smoke shooting out of Olivia’s ears.

**One more person touches her belly, I’m going to kill them,** she fumed.

As if on cue, Stabler put his hand on the blonde’s stomach. "You're absolutely glowing, Alex. I've never seen you look so happy, well, maybe except for when you had Alexis. Motherhood really agrees with you."

**Great, just great, now I'm going to have to kill my own partner,** Olivia thought furiously. **And what did he mean by that? He was at our commitment party. She was absolutely glowing and happy then, too, wasn’t she? I’m sure she was at least as happy, if not happier. Right? Right? Great, Benson, now you’re jealous of a fetus. Just great.**

Suddenly, a string of laughter interrupted her rant. **Now what?** She looked over to see her friends fawning all over her lover. **If I didn’t know better, I’d swear she’s flirting with… Whoa! Don’t go there Benson. She probably doesn’t even realize how they’re eating it up…**

Whoa! She jumped to the touch of a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Hi Capt.”

He smiled distantly, his eyes glued to the small huddle. “Motherhood does become her,” he muttered,presumably to Olivia.

The brunette sighed in anger and defeat. **Sure, go ahead. Why don’t you join in, too? Go and put yourbald head against her belly; I’m sure she’ll let you. Then I can just kill everybody in the squad. Maybe I’ll get Langan to represent me. Temporary insanity. I’m sure there’ll be at least one sympathetic juror…**

"Why don't you take Alex to lunch?” The captain’s voice pierced through the red haze.


“I’m giving you the rest of the day off.”

"But what about my shift?" The detective asked.

"I can do without one of you for an afternoon. If you don't get Alex out of here, I'm not going to have anydetectives fit to work.”


“Please get her out of here before either one of you disable the entire precinct," he mumbled then clapped his hands. “People, breaktime’s over.”

"Whatever you say, Capt." Olivia gave him a big grin, and pulled on her coat. "Come on, Sweetheart, let's go to lunch."

“Aren’t we a little early?” Alex waved at Don.

He returned the gesture, and cleared his throat a couple of times. “Yeah, Olivia looks like she could use abreak.”

“Yeah, sweetheart. Thanks to the capt, I’m all yours for the rest of the day.” She said, partly to remind herfriends. **She’s mine, mine, all mine.**

“Thanks Don. Goodbye, boys.” Alex gave them all a little wave, then let her lover lead her out by her hand.

"’Bye..." All four whispered dreamily to themselves.


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