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These Boots Are Made For, Um, Walking?



By Miranda Rafferty

“Oh, come on. Buy them.”

“No! I don’t need them.”

“But don’t you want them?”

“I want a lot of things, but that doesn’t mean I go and buy them. I’m a grown up now.”

“Are you saying I’m not?”

“Sometimes. I don’t need them, Liv”

“Tell me you don’t want them and I’ll shut up.”


“Of course, would I lie?”

“If it suited you, yes.”

“That’s beside the point. You can’t say it, can you?”

“All right. I don’t want them. Now are you satisfied?”

“I don’t believe you.”

“They cost six hundred dollars.”

“That’s less than two hours of work for you.”

“Billable hours, Liv, billable hours.”

“It’s still not much for something you’d look so good in.”

“I’m not that vain.”

“I never said you were, just stunningly beautiful.”

“No.” The blonde said emphatically.

“Just think how that wonderfully soft leather would feel against your skin.”

“Shut Up, Olivia.” Alex was beginning to weaken ever so slightly.

“How it would hug your legs like a second skin?” The brunette purred.

“That’s so much money to spend though. Think of the kids and their education.”

“I don’t think six hundred dollars is going to be missed.”

“But, Liv, it’s so wasteful.”

“I promise it won’t be wasted.”

“How can you say that?’

“Look, the people inside are staring at us we’ve been at the window so long.”

“So, let’s get out of here.”

“Come on, just try them on and see how you look.”

“Will you shut up if I do?”

“Yes, if you really try them on I’ll be quiet.”

“Okay, let’s get this over with.”

An hour and forty-five minutes later Alex walked out of the boutique wearing the soft black leather boots. Olivia had been right they molded to her legs perfectly, and they were incredibly comfortable.

The brunette lagged behind enjoying the view from a distance. She held two large bags and a third smaller one. Alex had liked more than just the boots and the blonde would be working an entire day to make up for these few purchases.

“What are you doing back there?” Alex stopped and turned on one elegant heel.

“Appreciating the scenery.” She smirked.

“Just shut up.’

“Can I help it you have a great strut when you wear boots?”

“I do not strut.”

“Oh but you do, a really glorious one. You really work your hips.” The detective teased her lover.

“Pervert! Get up here.” She demanded. “Now!” She barked.

Olivia obeyed immediately, not sure whether the blonde was really annoyed or not.

They walked along for quite some time without saying anything. “Do you like your boots?”

“Yes.” Alex said coolly. “And I do not strut.”

“Of course not, Sweetheart.”

“You know I’m hardly ever going to wear these.”

“As long as you wear them for me that’s all I care about.”

“This was all about you, admit it. You are such a weirdo. What a waste.”

“Everything I said was true and it was worth every penny of it. I’m sure I’ll enjoy this purchase for hours on end.”

Alex never could resist that lopsided grin and the way Olivia winked at her.

“When do you plan to start making this purchase worthwhile?”

“As soon as I can get us home?” The brunette picked up the pace and headed to their car.


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